Guest Commentary by Brian Pepin, Executive Director, The Lincoln Club of San Diego County Nearly five years ago, San Diego voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition B with 66% of the vote. The intent of Prop B was to reform the city employee’s retirement plan by replacing defined benefit pension plans with 401(k)-style defined contribution plans for most new employees. Organized labor eventually challenged …
Court Ruling Clears Way for Permanent Implementation of San Diego Pension Reform Initiative
“Amazing news just in from the courthouse!” says Carl DeMaio. PRESS RELEASE The 4th Appellate District Court just released a unanimous ruling dismissing the lawsuit brought against the City of San Diego by the union-dominated State Public Employees Relations Board (PERB). The decision upholds Proposition B – the landmark Pension Reform Initiative passed by 2/3rds of San Diego voters in …
Faulconer Speaks Out Against Proposal to Increase Pension Debt
San Diegans voted for Comprehensive Pension Reform to fix the pension problem now. In fact, much of the City of San Diego’s financial turnaround over the past few years is attributable to local leaders taking the bull by the horns and not putting off difficult choices to future generations. Today, Kevin Faulconer continued to speak out against a plan that …
Pension Reform Ballot Measure Won Every Council District
Will of the Voters Must Be Respected and Prop B Implemented Prop B, the Pension Reform ballot measure not only passed resoundingly with 66% of the total vote, it also carried each of the nine San Diego Council districts. The overwhelming victory comes as no surprise to the thousands of volunteers who worked tirelessly in every community collecting signatures to …
Faulconer: “People in San Diego were hungry for change”
San Diego’s vote on Proposition B is reverberating across California and the country, creating national headlines. Kevin Faulconer, co-author of the Comprehensive Pension Reform citizens initiative, took to the airwaves to talk about the overwhelming approval of the measure, and how San Diego is setting a blueprint for reform for local governments throughout the nation. Watch the clip here.
City Leaders Lay Out Prop B Pension Reform Implementation Plan
“San Diegans expect results. We must implement Prop B without delay.” That was the message City leaders delivered today following the landslide approval of Proposition B at the ballot box Tuesday. More than 66 percent of voters endorsed the measure, otherwise known as Comprehensive Pension Reform, to eliminate traditional pensions for new employees and replace them with a 401(k)-style plan, similar …
San Diego County Taxpayers Association issues June Ballot Recommendations
As it does every election, the San Diego County Taxpayers Association has analyzed local propositions and selected state ballot measures with an economic impact on taxpayers, and issued its recommendations based on its mission statement, which is “promoting accountable, cost-effective and efficient government and opposing unnecessary taxes and fees.” SDCTA’s voting recommendations are: LOCAL PROPOSITIONS Proposition A – City of …
San Diego Pension Reform Goes National
I Appeared on Fox News Channel to discuss the importance of pension reform and the national importance of passing Proposition B.
The Greatest Story Ever Told, Almost
This is a bit lengthy, but worth it… Let’s start with the biggest, and perhaps least exciting, races for the county (state races to follow tomorrow). In the 50th Dem Primary Francine Busby was selected as the Democrat nominee to lose to Brian Bilbray once more. I don’t think Busby was celebrating her victory, I searched for police reports and …
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