How Sanders (Mostly) Got His Groove Back … and SD Labor Doesn’t Like It

Ryan PurdyRyan Purdy 26 Comments

Remember back in 2010 when the local Municipal Employees Association went crying to its state level big brother, Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), about Mayor Jerry Sanders using the power and prestige of his office to inspire and endorse Prop D, the sales tax increase? No I don’t remember that either, because it did not happen. However, I do recall …

Welcome The New Poliwonk in Town

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 1 Comment

A fresh face among San Diego’s political wonks is always a welcome sight. So it’s a pleasure to post word that Peter Amaro has been named the new Policy Analyst at the San Diego County Taxpayers Association. Amaro’s brief bio: A native San Diegan (hooray!), Amaro received his Juris Doctor from the Georgetown University Law Center.  During his time at …

On Fiscal Issues, Where Art Thou Mayoral Candidate Bonnie Dumanis?

Ryan PurdyRyan Purdy 2 Comments

Maybe mayoral candidates should approach the 2012 election as if they were running for Homecoming King or Queen of San Diego. This seems to be Bonnie Dumanis’ tactic so far. She is willing to put herself out there… in the sense that she is willing to have folks voice their opinion about her at the ballot box. Of course, nominees …

Bonnie Dumanis is running… for Mayor Jerry Sanders’ third term

Ryan PurdyRyan Purdy 21 Comments

San Diego has a longstanding tradition of electing establishment Republicans, often with either military or law enforcement roots as its mayor. Before becoming U.S. Senator and California governor, former Marine Corps officer and Republican Pete Wilson was mayor of San Diego from 1971-1982. Wilson, a moderate to liberal on social issues, did limit the growth of the city’s budget, cut …

City Of San Diego Serves Up Turkey to Taxpayers A Bit Early

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 4 Comments

For anyone still wondering why voters are so skeptical of political promises, look no further than the latest failure to enact reform by the City of San Diego. The San Diego County Taxpayers Association pointed out in a news release issued today that one of the ten reforms taxpayers were led to believe had been enacted prior to the November …

Sanders lied about critical need for Prop D sales tax

Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax FightersRichard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters 4 Comments

Was Mayor Sanders Lying About Critical Need for Prop D Sales Tax? Short answer — HELL YES! PRESS RELEASE: 11/19/10 Authored by Richard Rider San Diego — It was just three weeks ago that San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders was running carefully orchestrated “town hall meetings” around the city — threatening citizens with death and destruction if we did not …

TONIGHT: Post-Election Analysis with Consultant Hoy, Pollster Nienstedt

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 1 Comment

I’m not exactly the most devoted GOP meeting attendee. But I’ll be there tonight to hear the recap of the wildly dead-on pollster John Nienstedt and Nov. 2 success-story consultant John Hoy. I had the honor of working with both men on Proposition A – which crossed the finish line easily with more than 70 percent of the vote. Conversely …

No On D Puts On A Really Big Show

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 12 Comments

Having big funding for a campaign is dandy. But when you’re being outspent by the opposition, creativity must step in and take over. In the case of the campaign against Proposition D, San Diegans Against Government Waste doesn’t have the funds to make the big television ad purchase like the labor union funded campaign in favor of the sales tax. …

Calling All Would-Be Campaign Consultants: No on D Needs YOU

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal Leave a Comment

Think most political campaign ads suck? Think you can do better? Now you have the chance, and you could win a really swell prize too. The No on D campaign has opened up a viral video ad contest asking for people to submit their own “No on D” ads. There aren’t any formal rules, although I’ll advise you right now …

CCDC Cap Increase Hits General Fund; City Leaders Still Push Prop D

Carl DeMaioCarl DeMaio Leave a Comment

Councilmember Carl DeMaio issued the following memo today where he asks for an explanation of why the city’s downtown redevelopment cap was raised without following the public process and analysis period approved in June by the City Council.  In light of the big push by the Mayor and City Council to pass Prop D’s massive General Fund tax hike, DeMaio …

Volunteer Saturday to Defeat Prop D

Carl DeMaioCarl DeMaio Leave a Comment

Please join Councilmember Carl DeMaio and our grassroots team this Saturday, Sept 25 for a few hours to help defeat Prop D — the blank check sales tax increase in the City of San Diego. Volunteers Needed To Deliver LawnSigns Saturday, September 25 (9:30am to 4:30pm) 5703 Oberlin Drive, Suite 107 San Diego, CA 92121 Prop D gives city politicians …

SD Chief Operating Officer’s Memo Claims That City Has Made “Significant Reductions”

Steve RiderSteve Rider 2 Comments

I’m truly puzzled how one can come to this conclusion. Below are financial figures for the city by several departments over the course of 2003 to 2009. A few occasional departments show a sporadic reductions, but one doesn’t have to be financial wizard to recognize that they general trend is clearly increased spending year over year. Such inaccurate language from someone so high up in the private sector would end their career.

Frye’s Folly

SunshineSunshine 15 Comments

The Prop D numbers: Definite No on Prop D: 52.6% Definite Yes on Prop D: 18.3% Undecided on Prop D: 29.1% 362 Likely Voters +/- 4.1% Looks like a 2012 Mayoral run for DF is even more of an uphill battle now…

North County Chamber Opposes Prop D

Carl DeMaioCarl DeMaio Leave a Comment

Adding to a laundry list of small business groups formally opposed to Prop D, today the North County Chamber of Commerce announced its opposition to Prop D. (See below for press release) Prop D is clarifying what groups stand for real reform and prosperity in our region.  Want to add your name or your organization to our growing coalition opposed …

No on Prop D Campaign Announces Website Launch and Kickoff Event

Carl DeMaioCarl DeMaio Leave a Comment

The No on Prop D campaign has officially launched its website – and has announced a campaign kickoff event for August 25. The website is at  In addition to providing information on why San Diegans should vote against Prop D, the website asks San Diegans to sign a “petition against higher taxes.”   On August 25th, the campaign will formally …

Despite Deceptive Editorial, SD CityBeat Supports Sales Tax Increase

Bradley J. FikesBradley J. Fikes 23 Comments

In a recent editorial, San Diego CityBeat’s staff claimed to oppose Proposition D, the sales tax increase on the November ballot. But the purported opposition is just a convenient fig-leaf for the tax-and-spend CityBeat “liberals”, as they prepare to endorse the sales tax hike. The “liberals” (I don’t like calling them liberals, as they’re not – they are leftists) rule …

The Greatest Story Ever Told, Almost

SunshineSunshine Leave a Comment

This is a bit lengthy, but worth it… Let’s start with the biggest, and perhaps least exciting, races for the county (state races to follow tomorrow). In the 50th Dem Primary Francine Busby was selected as the Democrat nominee to lose to Brian Bilbray once more. I don’t think Busby was celebrating her victory, I searched for police reports and …