Miracle of miracles! The politicians in Sacramento finally produced a bill that was so grotesque that even they could not pass it. We’re referring to SB906, the proposed legislation that would have required parents to disclose information concerning their gun ownership to their children’s school. The bill died in committee last week. I wrote about SB906 here. SB906 was proposed …
San Diego County Gun Owners Calls for Nathan Fletcher to Resign
San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), a political action committee promoting Second Amendment Rights, is joining in the chorus of elected officials, community leaders, and organizations who are calling for San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher to resign. Fletcher’s comments made to California Democratic Party supporters called the more than 1 million Californians who have signed the petition to recall …
Why Do You Need a Gun? What Are You Afraid Of?
Have you ever been asked why you need to carry a gun? Was it paired with what are you afraid of? Sometimes these questions are asked by those who truly don’t understand and want to learn. Other times they’re asked in a snarky way by anti-Second Amendment types. In either case your answer is important as its an opportunity to …
How Far Will It Go? – The Loss of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
We are now almost ten months into our two week “flatten the curve” restrictions. The effect the restrictions had or didn’t have on the spread of the virus is still being debated. The devastating economic impact the restrictions have had on millions of Americans is not up for debate. Nor is the impact of the restrictions on our fundamental rights …
SCOTUS, the Second Amendment, and the Election – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
“May you live in interesting times”. Whether intended as a curse or a blessing I believe we are here. The following addresses three subjects that make our times interesting. Amy Coney-Barrett was recently confirmed to the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) by a vote of 52-48. Justice Coney-Barrett is arguably one of the most qualified justices to join the court in decades. …
How to Legally Transport Firearms in the Peoples Republic of California
In the last few months we’ve seen a dramatic increase in gun sales across the country. At first this was fueled by the public’s reaction to government restrictions due to the COVID19 crisis. Later the public’s newfound fondness for the Second Amendment was propelled by the mostly peaceful (MSM description) rioting, looting, and arson that swept the country in response …
San Diego Gun Owners PAC releases statement on riots, looting, protests in San Diego County: `We support our rights to keep and bear arms.’
— San Diego Gun Owners PAC releases statement on riots, looting, protests in San Diego County: `We support our rights to keep and bear arms.’ San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), a political action committee (PAC) promoting Second Amendment rights, has released a statement in response to the riots, looting and protests in San Diego County in the aftermath …
CCW Lifestyle Series #4 – Safe At Home?
The following is part of a continuing series of articles intended to provide a starting point for those new to concealed carry. There is much to learn and great satisfaction to be had but figuring out where to begin can be daunting for newcomers. The intent of the series is to provide useful information for those beginning the transition to …
What Happens When the Sheep Are Frightened?
As we finish up week two of Coronavirus Theatre it’s worth considering what can be learned at this point in the experience. Americans are easily manipulated, even more so when they are frightened. The mainstream media (MSM) has done a wonderful job in creating fear. Our government has also done a great job of inadvertently growing that fear. The MSM …
Mass Hysteria in America – A Good Reason to be a Gun Owner
Since it seems the entire mainstream media (MSM) is obsessed with the coronavirus and using it to create mass hysteria, it’s probably time to address the subject here. Let’s begin with two statements. The coronavirus is real, people will get sick and there will be fatalities. The coronavirus crisis is not real, it is being manufactured by the MSM and …
Get the Lead Out – The Latest Gun Law Atrocity From Sacramento
The latest bill out of Sacramento intended to make us all safer and reduce crime is AB 3071. If you haven’t heard yet, this bill will make ammunition containing lead illegal to sell or use at any gun range in California, indoor or outdoor. Only certified lead free (read: only approved ammunition on the State’s very short list) ammunition may …
CCW Lifestyle Series #3 – Should You Carry With a Round in the Chamber?
The following is part of a continuing series of articles intended to provide a starting point for those new to concealed carry. There is much to learn and great satisfaction to be had but figuring out where to begin can be daunting for newcomers. The intent of the series is to provide useful information for those beginning the transition to …
San Diego Gun Owners PAC announces endorsed candidates for March primary election
San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), a political action committee promoting Second Amendment rights, has announced its endorsement of candidates for the March 3 primary election. Leading SDCGO’s list of endorsed candidates are two candidates for the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and one candidate for mayor of San Diego. The Supervisorial candidates include Joel Anderson, a former State …
Don’t Vote for Someone Who Is Not Endorsed
Every election season Second Amendment organizations reach out to candidates. We send questionnaires and meeting requests and it is all an attempt to evaluate their candidacy for possible endorsement. We want to know if they are pro Second Amendment, viable, and honorable because our next step is to communicate to our membership that support will be needed to get that …
Texas Church Shooting, Legally Armed Citizens, and Media Bias
Last week we saw another church shooting, this one at the West Freeway Church of Christ in the city of White Settlement, Texas. This incident was ended just six seconds after it began by an armed citizen volunteer of the church security team. Media coverage was predictable. Church shootings are an unfortunate reality in our society. There have been at …
Progress in the Fight to End Gun Free Zones
Clear thinking Americans understand that the vast majority of gun control laws in place are completely ineffective regarding their stated purpose. That stated purpose is always to increase public safety and reduce crime. Many of these laws actually endanger the public. Most are unconstitutional in that they clearly “infringe” on our rights. Among the most dangerous of these laws are …
Sweet Virginia Under Siege by Anti-Gun Forces – Citizens Fight Back
Funded by multimillionaire leftists, anti-gun forces have swept the elections and seized control of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Michael Bloomberg and others poured an inordinate amount of money into the Virginia elections and were able to elect an anti-gun Governor and create a legislature dominated by anti-gun politicians. To express appropriate gratitude to their out of state supporters, the first …
SASOs – American Normals Fight Back
When I first became a Second Amendment (2A) activist I remember thinking about the subject of Sanctuaries. At the time the idea of sanctuary cities, counties, and even states was gaining traction. These were focused on immigration issues and ignoring federal law aimed at stopping illegal immigration. I remember thinking how nice it would be if people began creating Second …
What’s The Biggest Danger To Our Second Amendment?
It’s election season and San Diego County Gun Owners has received our candidate questionnaire back from San Marcos City Council candidate Ed Musgrove. In a word, it was horrible. Normally, I don’t publish information from questionnaires. If their response includes a questionable statement or two, I look at it as an opportunity to educate the candidate. I contact the candidate …
2nd Amendment Rally: A Message of Unity in Support of a Common Cause
Guest Post by Sam Lichtman More than a thousand firearm owners and Second Amendment activists converged on the West Lawn of the United States Capitol on November 2nd in support of their constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms. The Capitol dome served as a dramatic backdrop for the roster of more than two dozen speakers who took the …
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