To protect Californians from future attempts to tax text messages, Senator Brian Jones released the latest video in his popular “Are You Kidding Me?” series which highlights Assemblymember Kevin Kiley’s AB 162 that Jones has co-authored. This bill would prohibit the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) from collecting any revenue on communications classified as an information service by the Federal …
Don’t investigate mystery charge, investigate gas taxes instead (La Mesa Courier)
This op-ed was originally published in La Mesa Courier: By Sen. Brian Jones I’ll keep this simple: Why are California’s gas prices almost a dollar more than almost anywhere else in the country? Because of all the laws, regulations and taxes that the Democratic majority have added onto the price of fuel. Recently, 19 Democrat legislators sent a letter to …
Measure SS – Conservatives should endorse
A conservative Latino’s view on politics… I’m speaking to my fellow Valley Center conservatives on Measure SS. Those touting the mantra “no more taxes” and yes, it has legitimacy. We’re tired of politicians campaigning on fewer taxes and then voting to increase them. However, Measure SS is a local issue. Let this conservative tell you something about serving on the …
Costly “Free” Healthcare
If you think health care is expensive now just wait until it’s free… Government run healthcare, known as “single payer healthcare for all”, proposed for CA under SB 562 will cost $400 BILLION A YEAR! That’s more than twice the entire state budget! Costing around $22,000 for every employed person in California – that’s a massive new tax to pay …
What Powerball Can Teach Liberals About Profits
Last week I sat through the billion dollar blockbuster hit, Jurassic World. While not a complete waste of my time (“he’s just being over-dramatic!”), the film had all the annoying attributes found in a big budget Hollywood movie. Most irritating was the not so subtle message that corporate profits were the root of evil. Watching a film that demonizes profits, …
Big Win for Rostra at the 2013 San Diego Press Club Journalism Awards
Thor is very happy with all of us tonight at San Diego Rostra. Our humble political blog won first place in the Best News and Opinion Blog category at the San Diego Press Club Journalism Awards. The Libertarian Lass and Barry Jantz graciously accepted on behalf of everyone in the Rostra blogpen. Visual aid shown here. To put this into …
Understanding Employers and Why Republicans Matter
This op-ed originally appeared in Steve Frank’s California Political News & Views Common sense dictates that people as well as employers will act in their own best interest. This is the premise underlying market economies and why they provide more goods, services and improve the lives of all of us, much more so than a command or government manipulated market can. …
Affluent Californians Still Contemplating Relocating to Avoid Prop. 30 Tax Increases
One quarter of those surveyed considering moving out of state A quarter of the residents in California’s most affluent communities are considering relocating out of state in response to the increase in state income taxes, according to a report released today by the National University System Institute for Policy Research (NUSIPR). A scientific poll (n=401) conducted by Competitive Edge Research …
If Props 30 AND 38 pass, they might BOTH raise our taxes
Here’s today’s unsettling thought for California taxpayers — a factoid not being discussed. Props 30 and 38 can BOTH pass and, if the stars align right, raise our taxes TOGETHER. As we all know, these are two competing massive state tax increases on the November ballot. When we have two conflicting measures that pass, the one with the most votes …
Top Twenty Worst Bills Worthy of the Governor’s Veto
This op-ed, co-authored with Senator Bob Dutton, originally appeared in the Flashreport As of today, the Governor has yet to act on any of these bills. When he is done, we will grade Governor Brown on his performance. The Governor’s “letter grade” will be computed using the following scale… If he vetoes 90% or more, the Governor got an “A”, 80% – …
Financial Plan? San Diego Unified School District says we don’t need no stinkin’ financial plan!
Recent revelations about high-interest, long term financing of a school bond measure by the Poway Unified School District cannot have escaped the attention of a single school official in San Diego, the state of California, or nationwide for that matter. Citizens are outraged and sounding off. Watchdog groups are calling for reforms that would prevent this type of financing scheme …
Would you ever compromise on taxes? Ask Sherry Hodges
“There may be a time…” That’s the answer Sherry Hodges provided on KOCT last week during a roundtable discussion between the run-off candidates in the 76th Assembly District. Video Link: Journalist Roundtable 76th District Candidates The question and Hodges’s response begins at the 43:00 mark in the video link above. Hodges’s opponent, Rocky Chavez, plainly says “no new taxes” when asked …
At Least the Fleece Awards Were Cute: SDCTA Hands Out 2012 Goldens
Smart governing decisions saving taxpayer dollars and collaborative initiatives took top honors, while cavalier attitudes and lost opportunities were called out and shamed at the San Diego County Taxpayers Association (SDCTA)’s 17th annual Goldens Awards Dinner, held at the Town and Country Resort & Convention Center in Mission Valley. Remote controls were nowhere in sight as the evening’s theme “Taxpayer …
Belly Up To The Bar 2: The Official Goldens Drinking Game
Just in time could be my life’s mantra. I am reminded by Thor’s Assistant that no Official Drinking Game has been devised for tonight’s epic 17th annual San Diego County Taxpayers Golden Fleece and Watchdog Awards. Calling Ms. Tipit to the rescue. DISCLAIMER: In this litigious, risk-averse society, we must pause here to admonish anyone reading this column that it …
San Diego County Taxpayers Association issues June Ballot Recommendations
As it does every election, the San Diego County Taxpayers Association has analyzed local propositions and selected state ballot measures with an economic impact on taxpayers, and issued its recommendations based on its mission statement, which is “promoting accountable, cost-effective and efficient government and opposing unnecessary taxes and fees.” SDCTA’s voting recommendations are: LOCAL PROPOSITIONS Proposition A – City of …
Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave after SDCTA Breakfast Forum
Five people who have a lot to do with the news you read, hear and see on a daily basis in San Diego got up early to talk about the role of news media organizations as advocates. What they had to say may surprise you… especially if you’re still living in the era of Walter Cronkite. The San Diego County …
Rider on Fox Business News network
Today I did segment on the national Fox Business News network. We dealt with the new California budget, and the planned tax increases. I think it went well. Governor Brown likely would not concur with this assertion — he took a bit of a beating in the interview. Well deserved, of course. It airs TONIGHT after 6 PM Pacific time. …
Economic Lessons for California from North AND South Dakota
North Dakota has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation at 3.5%. Ten counties in ND have less than 2% unemployment. They have an oil and gas extraction boom going on, though their low unemployment rate predates that growth in oil and gas jobs. Critics like to claim that ND is having a temporary boom that will shortly be followed …
Top five CA 2012 state tax increase props — egad!!
Here’s a link to an excellent summary of the main CA 2012 state tax increase initiatives currently in play, backed by money, but far from ballot qualified. Tip of the hat to the “Fox and Hounds” website, run by x-HJTA Grand Poobah Joel Fox. The piece is written by Joe Mathews, a frequent opponent of mine on issues. But, like …
Governor Brown’s proposal to raise our taxes without any spending controls
Regarding Governor’s Brown proposal for a ballot measure to bring in more revenue by increasing taxes, Steve Greenhut’s take is worth reading. Arguments about whether this is truly needed aside, I don’t see any safeguards in the measure that would control spending. First, as we know, salaries are the biggest drain on the budget. How will this measure control the …
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