Krvaric in SDUT: I’m a Republican. Here’s what I think about partisan politics in 2018.

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 4 Comments

This ran over the weekend in The San Diego Union-Tribune…  by Tony Krvaric, Chairman, Republican Party of San Diego County “I want to become an American.” Those words were uttered when I was just 14 years old, living in Sweden. My parents had fled communist Yugoslavia to arrive in Sweden in search of a better life. While growing up in …

San Diego and Orange County GOP chairmen both ask Mayes to resign as Assembly Republican Leader

Thor's AssistantGuest Column, Rostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 3 Comments

Tony Krvaric and Fred Whitaker, the respective chairmen of the San Diego County and Orange County Republican Parties, today asked Assemblyman Chad Mayes to step down from his position as Assembly Republican Leader, following Mayes’ support last week of extending the Cap and Trade program. Here is the letter from Krvaric… California Assembly Republican Leader Chad Mayes State Capitol, Suite …

SANDAG Tax and Spend Republicans #FeelTheHeat

Brian BradyBrian Brady 88 Comments

We warned the SANDAG tax and spend Republicans to vote against putting Proposition X on the ballot: Thus, the Republican Party is the “no new taxes” party.  Nationally, we ask our federal candidates to sign a pledge to oppose new taxes.  Statewide, we ask our statewide and legislative candidates to sign that pledge.  Locally, our standing policy is “no new …

It’s Going to be an Ugly Eight Weeks!

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 4 Comments

Republican Party Chairman Tony Krvaric has taken a keen interest in who is communicating for Nathan Fletcher. On Thursday, Krvaric tweeted to Rachel Laing: “Just to be transparent, you’re now advocating for Nathan Fletcher in a paid capacity, right?” Laing recently left Mayor Jerry Sanders to take a job as communications director at Public Policy Strategies. Tom Shepard, who is running Fletcher’s campaign, …

The 10 Most Tweeted San Diego Rostra Posts in 2011

Tony ManolatosTony Manolatos 3 Comments

  Politics & Media Mashup: your weekend news aggregator leads off with “The 10 Most Tweeted San Diego Rostra Posts in 2011” and includes stories and editorials from across the country about the death of redevelopment in California. Also included: pieces on local, state and national politics as well as social media. You can hear Tony Manolatos talk politics and media …

Presidential Hopeful Gov. Perry Making San Diego Stop

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 8 Comments

From the Republican Party of San Diego County GOVERNOR PERRY WILL BE DOING A “MEET & GREET” OPEN TO ALL SAN DIEGO REPUBLICANS ON WED, SEPT. 7th AT 9 PM Republican Party of San Diego County provides unique opportunity for San Diego Republicans to hear from Governor Perry in person. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th CONTACT: TONY KRVARIC (858) …

SD CityBeat: Do Journalistic Standards Include Personal Death Wishes?

James BehanJames Behan 18 Comments

Yesterday San Diego CityBeat’s John Lamb posted this on Twitter: “(johnrlamb) X’s fingers @TonyKrvaric continues his meatball/beer/mashed-potato/beer/boiled-egg/beer/boiled-potato/aquavit-chaser diet. #strokeofgenius” In essence, Lamb was noting he was keeping his fingers crossed for Tony Krvaric (pictured below) to have a stroke. While he will no doubt say that he was joking, and may at some point feign an apology, this provides an illuminating insight …

The Root of All Money

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 22 Comments

Ayn Rand once asked: “So you think money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?” Candidates now seek out that answer for the next 12 months in the hopes of being San Diego’s next mayor. Primary races boil down to two very basic survival needs: money and endorsements. In truth, …

Sham “Courage Campaign” is Simply the Far Left’s Smear Campaign Against Local Congressman Darrell Issa

Guest ColumnGuest Column 1 Comment

From San Diego GOP Chairman Tony Krvaric Courage Or Cowards? Exposing The Left’s Fear Of Congressman Issa Wednesday, March 2nd As you probably know, local congressman Darrell Issa is the new chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and is about to shake up the “business as usual” culture in Washington D.C. on behalf of hard working …

Local GOP Turpitude


As much as I loathe the California Democratic party, I have not been impressed of late with its Republican opposition. Temple of Mut has the goods on the latest move by the county GOP, and quite the move it was. Tony Krvaric appears to be the quintessential self-serving ethically challenged businessman type that often gives the Republican party a bad …

TONIGHT: Post-Election Analysis with Consultant Hoy, Pollster Nienstedt

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 1 Comment

I’m not exactly the most devoted GOP meeting attendee. But I’ll be there tonight to hear the recap of the wildly dead-on pollster John Nienstedt and Nov. 2 success-story consultant John Hoy. I had the honor of working with both men on Proposition A – which crossed the finish line easily with more than 70 percent of the vote. Conversely …

Conservative Swag

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 1 Comment

San Diego Rostra has a friendly working relationship and much mutual respect with our left-leaning pals at San Diego City Beat. I don’t think we share a lot of readers on our respective blogs though which is a shame. City Beat’s blog is lively, entertaining and informative even if only in the “keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer” …

Don’t Tax Me, Bro

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 1 Comment

Reaction to the suggestion floated by San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders about putting a half-cent sales tax increase on the November ballot has drawn a stunningly swift reaction from numerous fronts. The San Diego County Taxpayers Association, Republican Party of San Diego County, Lincoln Club of San Diego County, San Diego Tax Fighters, Stop Taxing US, and City Councilmembers Kevin …

The Greatest Story Ever Told, Almost

SunshineSunshine Leave a Comment

This is a bit lengthy, but worth it… Let’s start with the biggest, and perhaps least exciting, races for the county (state races to follow tomorrow). In the 50th Dem Primary Francine Busby was selected as the Democrat nominee to lose to Brian Bilbray once more. I don’t think Busby was celebrating her victory, I searched for police reports and …


Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) Leave a Comment

From the local Republican Party… SAN DIEGO — Just when you thought you had seen it all, Lorena Gonzalez’ Labor Council hits a new low with a disgusting, race baiting ad on Spanish language television designed to scare voters into voting No on Proposition G in Chula Vista. The ad claims that the Arizona law just passed will result in …

Board of Supes: Investigate ACORN

Vito AndoliniVito Andolini 2 Comments

Today’s Board of Supervisors was well attended, by citizens and media alike.   The main topic was the launching of an investigation of local ACORN voter registration activities last year.   Supervisors Bill Horn and Pam Slater-Price brought the item to the agenda, and during discussion it was discovered that on top of a nearly 1-in-6 error rate in registration cards turned …