Sometimes it seems like there’s not much good news in our Second Amendment (2A) community. That seems even more so living in California where our 2A rights are routinely oppressed and abused. But that’s not an accurate view. In fact, the gun culture and community are alive and well and growing in America. Gun sales provide one example. In the …
The Witch is Dead! – Chipman Nomination Withdrawn
The witch is dead! President Biden has withdrawn David Chipman as his nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). After a protracted nomination process, the votes simply were not there to confirm Chipman. Defeating this nomination was a huge win for all Americans. ATF is a highly politicized agency and has been so for a …
Biden Administration Says Nyet to Cheap Russian Ammo
The US Department of State has banned the importation of ammunition from Russia beginning on 7 September 2021. The ban will be in effect for at least twelve months. The ban can be lifted at any time after the twelve-month period at the discretion of the Executive Branch. To lift the ban the Executive Branch must certify to Congress that …
Guns N’ Moses’s 13th Shooting Social
This is a guest post by Alex Dovgalevsky, Director of Guns N’ Moses, a Jewish Shooting Club. On Sunday, after our club’s 13th shooting social with SDCGO, I took the time to reflect on what happened over the past year. The full experience will be hard to describe in just a few paragraphs, but if I can share even a …
CDC Takes Aim at Gun Violence
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was once an agency that the American people trusted without question. I personally have always held that opinion and trusted the CDC as having the last word on public health issues. Events of the last 18 months have drastically changed my view and, I suspect, the same has happened with many people. …
The Best and Worst States for Gun Owners
Guns and Ammo magazine recently published their annual ranking of the best and worst states for gun owners. The magazine has been publishing the annual study since 2013. For those of us immersed in the firearms community the rankings are not surprising. Nevertheless, there is some interesting information in the article. For those without access to the magazine I offer …
The Case Against Bump Stocks Is About Much More Than Bump Stocks
In March of 2019, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) took it upon itself to make a certain firearm accessory illegal to sell or possess under penalty of fine and or imprisonment. That accessory is the bump stock. The ATF ruling considers a bump stock a machine gun (absurd?). The maximum penalty for possession of a bump stock …
Making a Citizen’s Arrest – A Good Idea?
The citizen’s arrest is a concept most of us are familiar with, probably from TV shows and movies. But is there really such a thing? It turns out that the citizen’s arrest is a real thing and is defined in statutes in most states including California. But is it a good idea for a legally armed citizen to execute one? …
Will Your Carry Gun Work When You Need It?
Will your carry gun work when you need it? Are you sure? Recently I read an article by Greg Ellifritz on the subject. Ellifritz is a retired law enforcement officer (LEO) and is currently an author and trainer. He trains LEOs and civilians through his Active Response Training School. In addition, he writes regularly, and his website is a great …
Concealed Carry and Training
Many jurisdictions require a minimum level of training and qualification in order to issue a concealed carry permit. Many do not. California requires eight hours of training which includes passing a fifteen round qualification shoot at the range. There are many good arguments for and against a mandatory training requirement. Where there is little argument is that those who wish …
Will California Gun Owners Ever Be Able to Stop Butchering Their Rifles?
This is a guest post by Richard Douglas. AR-15s in California look funny. It would seem at times that the whole state might be happy to outlaw guns completely. Yet there are several gun enthusiasts in the state. What about them? California’s War on Guns Aside from forcing its citizens to butcher their rifles by swapping out pistol grips for …
Who Is David Chipman and Why Should You Care?
David Chipman is the Biden administration’s pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). As this administration is probably the most anti-Second Amendment (2A) administration the country has ever seen, it’s not surprising they would nominate a gun-control advocate to head ATF. So why should we be concerned? For those unclear on the Democratic Party view …
Independence Day
It’s the 4th of July, Independence Day. Aside from being one of the few days of the year where I have an excuse to grill burgers and dogs over charcoal, Independence Day celebrates the birth of our nation. It celebrates our declaration of independence from the tyrannical rule of King George III of England. But 245 years later, how secure …
Governors Stand Up to the Gun-Grabber-In-Chief
The Biden administration is probably the most anti-gun administration that the country has ever seen. Joe Biden and the current Democratic party are mired in hatred. Hatred of America. Hatred of American history. Hatred of American traditions. Hatred of anyone with whom they disagree. Hatred of the Constitution in general and the Second Amendment (2A) in particular. If Americans love …
Do Those Around You Know What To Do During A Critical Defense Incident?
As armed self-defenders we have an obligation to train regularly and to develop our skills to the best of our ability. Many of us do so, others not so much. But what about those around us, family and friends. Do those you care about know how to react if they are with you when a critical incident develops? I got …
Out of the Mouths of Babes – The Best Explanation
I had another topic in mind for this week but decided on a last minute change. I posted a picture, that I found humorous, on the San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO) Facebook page. In about 24 hours the post had reached over 23,000 people, had 750 reactions, and inspired over 500 shares. Since there seemed to be so much …
From Boo to Boom – The Evil Ghost Gun
There’s lots of talk nowadays regarding ghost guns. Democrats threatened by anti-gun folks want to ban them. The media is driven to a spell of the vapors at the mere mention of them. One media source said ghost guns increase the risk of right wing violence, you know, the January 6th syndrome. Apparently, criminals can’t live without them. So, what’s …
The Horror of Gun Control
This article addresses a very disturbing video that illustrates the horror of gun control. The video is an example of how dangerous laws and ignorant attitudes impact real people. To be clear, gun control laws are not intended to increase public safety or to impede criminals. Gun control laws are about power and control. Gun control laws are about exercising …
Every Woman Has Her Own Story
This is a guest post by #NotMeSD Project Manager Desiree Bergman. Imagine a typical evening trip to the grocery store. As you are loading groceries into your car, someone comes up from behind you and begins to drag you away from your car. This scenario happens thousands of times a year across the nation. Knowing how to properly respond to …
Discovering the Winchester Model 1300
Until now I’d never owned a tactical shotgun. My shotgun experience was limited to my Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight with the rhubarb bead. My parents bought me the gun when I was in my early teens. I used it to hunt rabbits, birds and other small game with my friends and some of my cousins when I was growing up. …
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