I Figured Out Why They Don’t Like Guns

San Diego County Gun OwnersSan Diego County Gun Owners Leave a Comment

by Michael A. Schwartz, Executive Director, San Diego County Gun Owners Tuesday, July 30th the San Diego City Council voted to require all gun owners within the city limits to keep their guns locked or inoperable while in the home. The vote was 7 to 2 with Chris Cate and Scott Sherman in opposition.  The penalty for violating this new, overreaching law? …

District 5: The Ethic of Batten & Co.

Eric AndersenEric Andersen 4 Comments

Responding to the recent post by Patrick Batten’s campaign donor, Brian Brady, “Joe Leventhal, is you or is you ain’t a candidate?” — Brady puts to question the ethic of Joe Leventhal by defining the term “candidate” in a fashion not enumerated in the City of San Diego’s Municipal Code.  We don’t have the privilege of creating our own definition …

Regulate This!

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 2 Comments

San Diego City Councilmember Chris Cate appeared at February’s meeting of the Albondigas Political Society (San Diego edition) at Casa Machado Friday. Among all the usual ho-hum questions he was asked about the San Diego Chargers, a proposed infrastructure bond measure, and the like, Cate was asked something vitally important and a true reflection of his taste and character: his …

Chris Cate for San Diego City Council

Guest ColumnGuest Column Leave a Comment

Guest Commentary by Jason Jackson San Diego’s economic future remains precarious. Kevin Faulconer’s election as Mayor this February forestalled the immediate threat of the city government reverting to the unsustainable fiscal policies that led it to be dubbed “Enron by the Sea,” but he will need allies on the city council to drive economic growth and job creation in the …

Sarah Boot – Progressive?

B-DaddyB-Daddy 3 Comments

Oh yeah, and by progressive, that means a person of the left as opposed to a person of pallor. Sarah Boot is running against quasi-incumbent Lorie Zapf for San Diego City Council in District 2.  For full disclosure, recent redistricting moved my home from District 6 to District 2, like Zapf. I am very interested in this race. San Diego City Beat …

My Son May Lose His Job

B-DaddyB-Daddy 1 Comment

. . . If the city of San Diego passes a minimum wage hike.  The San Diego City Council has taken the first step to put a separate minimum wage hike on the ballot.  This is a terrible idea beyond the usual arguments against a minimum wage increase.  But first, the issue with a hike at all.  The argument gets …

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner showing signs of dementia?

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 8 Comments

Disclaimer: The author is not a medical professional and does not represent herself as a medical expert, merely an observer asking a question worth considering in light of recent events. Increasingly disturbing accounts from women reporting sexual harassment by San Diego Mayor Bob Filner have left observers scratching their heads for a possible explanation.  It seems inconceivable for an elected …

Citizen Ann Romney Makes Surprise SD City Council Appearance

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal 18 Comments

The unassuming blonde woman with her hair pulled back filled out the required form to address the San Diego City Council during the non-agenda public comment period on Tuesday. She stepped to the microphone for her four minutes of time to address members about an issue not on the docket. She was slotted in right after the gadfly going on …

You wanna win? Be present

Tony ManolatosTony Manolatos 6 Comments

[captionpix imgsrc=”http://sdrostra.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/IMG_1965.jpg” captiontext=”Dwayne Crenshaw and me”] Most people know nothing about local politicians and just about everyone else knows one or two things about them. So if the one thing a politician is known for is charm, he or she is probably winning on Election Day. I haven’t seen any research that tells me this but it’s a theory that makes …

An Analysis of the District 4 Special Election Precinct Results

Vince VasquezVince Vasquez Leave a Comment

Last Tuesday, the City of San Diego held a special election to fill the vacancy left in the 4th Council District by outgoing Councilmember Tony Young. Using GIS software and data from the San Diego County Registrar of Voters and the United States Census Bureau, the National University System Institute for Policy Research conducted an analysis of the precinct results, …

Port Commissioner Veto: Filner Win or Gloria’s Failure of Leadership?

Owen KelloggOwen Kellogg Leave a Comment

This morning’s UT had a scathing editorial which proclaimed: “That scream you heard just after 3 p.m. Monday was the San Diego City Council slitting its own throat.” The editorial noted the Council’s failure to override Filner’s veto was a “huge political victory in his (Filner’s) first tug-of-war with the council.” Read the entire editorial here: http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2013/feb/11/port-commission-filner-veto-gloria-council/ What the editorial …

Faulconer’s open letter to Mayor Filner

Matt AwbreyMatt Awbrey Leave a Comment

Today, Mayor Bob Filner and two new San Diego City Councilmembers — Mark Kersey and Scott Sherman — were sworn into office. In his op-ed in Sunday’s U-T San Diego, Council President Pro Tem Kevin Faulconer laid out areas the new mayor and City Council can focus on together to keep City Hall accountable and working for San Diegans. In …

‘This race between Ray Ellis and Sherri Lightner could be a real game changer’

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 5 Comments

There is a segment that ran yesterday on KOGO (95.7FM/600AM) we think is worth sharing because it touches on an important political storyline that has yet to gain a lot of traction. Tony Manolatos, a communications consultant and Rostra contributor, and KOGO’s LaDona Harvey discussed the race between Ray Ellis and Sherri Lightner for the San Diego City Council District …

At Least the Fleece Awards Were Cute: SDCTA Hands Out 2012 Goldens

The Libertarian Lass, Gayle FalkenthalThe Libertarian Lass, Gayle Falkenthal Leave a Comment

Smart governing decisions saving taxpayer dollars and collaborative initiatives took top honors, while cavalier attitudes and lost opportunities were called out and shamed at the San Diego County Taxpayers Association (SDCTA)’s 17th annual Goldens Awards Dinner, held at the Town and Country Resort & Convention Center in Mission Valley. Remote controls were nowhere in sight as the evening’s theme “Taxpayer …

Council candidate says DeMaio pressured him to drop out

David OgulDavid Ogul 53 Comments

San Diego mayoral candidate Carl DeMaio tried to pressure 7th District City Council candidate Rik Hauptfeld into ditching his campaign in an apparent effort at improving fellow Republican Scott Sherman’s chances of winning the seat, Hauptfeld said today in an exclusive interview with San Diego Rostra. DeMaio’s campaign manager, Ryan Clumpner, issued a statement denying the allegation. “He met with …

Bipartisan City Council Coalition Vows To Cut Red Tape So S.D. Businesses Can Create Jobs

Matt AwbreyMatt Awbrey Leave a Comment

“Time is money.” It’s an all-American saying that every small business in San Diego lives by. Today, City Council President Pro Tem Kevin Faulconer joined Council President Tony Young, Councilmember Lorie Zapf, the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and Building Industry Association of San Diego to committ to helping businesses spend less time navigating the City bureaucracy so they can focus …

Report: New SD City Council Districts Will Spur More Competitive Elections, Shape Future Policy Debates

Vince VasquezVince Vasquez 3 Comments

SAN DIEGO – New Council District lines drawn for the City of San Diego will likely create more competitive elections and shift the balance of power at City Hall. Those are the major findings of a new study published today by the National University System Institute for Policy Research (NUSIPR). On August 25, 2011, the seven members of the City …

Faulconer to Review Over 300 Recommendations to Improve City Operations and Boost Efficiencies

Matt AwbreyMatt Awbrey 1 Comment

Audit Committee to also consider proposal that could recover up to $500,000 from payment errors   Have an idea to fix City Hall and save taxpayer dollars? The independent City Auditor has over 300. This morning at 9:00 at City Hall, Council President Pro Tem Kevin Faulconer — chair of the City Audit Committee —  will be reviewing 313 recommendations …