Poway’s Mayor race: Vaus or Higginson?

Poway RogerPoway Roger 10 Comments

Poway’s Mayor race — Councilman Steve Vaus or current Mayor Don Higginson? This year’s election started out bland several months ago with only incumbent Higginson announcing he would run. Things became a bit more interesting when rumors started to circulate that Councilmember Jim Cunningham, a Democrat, would challenge the Republican mayor. That would have been an interesting race, with two …

New Lincoln Club Mail on Fletcher

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant)

And who said mail was dead? After the first two rather notorious Lincoln Club mail pieces on Nathan Fletcher hit mailboxes this week, the third seems to hint at a pattern of behavior. The latest piece quotes Shawn Steel as one of Fletcher’s former employers saying he “cannot be trusted to do the job.”

National University System Institute Analyzes Key Dynamics in Mayors Race

Vince VasquezVince Vasquez 5 Comments

Report: Few Voters Will Cast Ballots in San Diego Mayoral Special Election Absentee Voters, Republican Voters Will Play Larger Role in Mayoral Race SAN DIEGO – Less than half of all registered voters are expected to cast ballots in the San Diego mayoral special election scheduled for November 19th. That is the conclusion of a new report authored by the …

Poll Released Today: Bob Filner’s Dysfunction

Aynd RandAynd Rand 2 Comments

Survey USA released a poll today on the local opinion of Bob Filner… They show he’s underwater on approval, and by 56-37% San Diegans call his behavior “inappropriate.” By 55-30% margin, people say Filner’s behavior could “impact city business a lot.” See full survey here. Also, in case you missed it, the UT Editorial Board released a piece discussing the …

Recall time for Filner? No. Not yet.

Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax FightersRichard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters 4 Comments

Recall time, anyone? Well, no. Not yet. Legally and politically, it’s premature to start the effort to remove the screwball we’ve elected mayor of San Diego. That being said, 2014 seems a reasonable year to look forward to. IF Filner continues to alienate folks with his bizarre behavior and awesome arrogance without bounds, HE will be the one making the …

Will Filner Finish His Term?

B-DaddyB-Daddy 8 Comments

Bob Filner appears a little unhinged, and frankly unprofessional in a video from local news station NBC 7.  He hijacks a news conference by City Attorney Jan Goldsmith to make accusations of unprofessional conduct.  His view of the role of the City Attorney appears entirely unbalanced.  The City Attorney can’t be fired by the mayor, because he is elected directly …

EDUCATION: What’s the mayor got to do with it?

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 9 Comments

Little doubt that education is one of today’s hottest political topics. Candidates for mayor of America’s Finest City even managed to weave the buzz-worthy issue into their platforms. Tomorrow, a forum promises to delve head-first into the matter and answer the one question which seems to come up time and again: What’s the mayor got to do with education? For …

San Diego’s Mayor Race Relationship Status: It’s Complicated

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 8 Comments

Originally posted on the Flash Report. The 2012 San Diego mayor’s race began like other love affairs – lots of hope and promise for the future. Then, the sparkle and shine of courtship faded quickly into the same old dull routine. No more flowers. No more moonlight and love songs. Seems I’m not the only one who noticed our romance …

Say What?!?

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 10 Comments

I once read William Carlos Williams’ The Red Wheelbarrow over and over in an English interpretation class for three hours deciphering the deeper meaning of an 8-line poem. That pales to my enchantment with this San Diego Union-Tribune editorial on the San Diego mayoral race. First, it begins with a self-aware candidate assessment: “The early conventional wisdom about the race …

San Diego Mayoral Candidates: Debate This

Erica HollowayErica Holloway Leave a Comment

As originally posted on The Flash Report. A debate’s raging in San Diego. A debate over debates. It’s a curious thing. The moment San Diego mayoral candidate Councilman Carl DeMaio turned down a Voice of San Diego hosted candidates debate, among others already accepted by Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher and Congressman Bob Filner, suddenly he was the target of much speculation …

Young Guns Take Aim

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 7 Comments

As cross-posted on FlashReport. Seems the young guns got it going on. In just 25 days of the first reporting period for the 2012 San Diego mayor’s race, two young Republican candidates blew doors on the established competition with more than $300,000 cash on hand. Early predictors felt sure the mayoral primary would be a $1 million race. At this …

Dumanis Steadies the Wheels

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 3 Comments

News just weeks into San Diego mayoral race from candidate District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis really got folks talking about her race. It wasn’t big donor dollar numbers (which we’ve yet to see), but that she had already fired her campaign manager, Republican consultant Tom Mitchell. The rumor mill ran amok with folks saying she looked vulnerable. Today, her camp released …

The inbred liberal bias of KPBS

Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax FightersRichard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters 17 Comments

Recently our local San Diego KPBS radio station held one of its “Roundtable” shows to discuss and analyze the nominally nonpartisan San Diego mayor’s race. Here’s the link and especially the players (then read MY analysis below the players): http://kpbs.org/news/2011/jul/01/roundtable-non-partisan-mayors-race-heats/ KPBS Midway Edition Radio Program. Roundtable: “Non-Partisan” Mayor’s Race Heats Up. By Pat Finn, Gloria Penner. July 1, 2011. Guests: …

Happy Campaign Reporting Day!

Erica HollowayErica Holloway 2 Comments

It’s Christmas Day! OK- maybe not Christmas, but it’s still deadline day for the much-anticipated first campaign fundraising reporting period and all eyes are on the 2012 San Diego mayoral race. With less than a month at the old grindstone, politicos wait with breath that is baited to see who made it rain. The “ask” ain’t easy. Most candidates say …

So What Will the Candidates for Mayor Raise?

CriticusCriticus 11 Comments

The first campaign disclosure cut off for raising money in the City of San Diego Mayor’s race is this Thursday. I could give my predictions here about what I think the candidates will raise, but then I’d have to read the whole chain of campaign partisans chanting about my bias. So, I’ll just leave it up to the readers to …

10News Self-Proclaimed Scientific Poll Results in Mayor’s Race

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 10 Comments

Channel 10 proclaims its poll as science, without noting the methodology, and turns to a “political scientist” as an expert. It’s all very scientific. Yet, the results are still interesting… Councilman Carl DeMaio 22% District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis 15% Rep. Bob Filner 14% State Senator Christine Kehoe 12% State Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher  7% Here ya go… http://www.10news.com/news/28176616/detail.html

San Diego Business Leaders Endorse Fletcher

Nathan FletcherNathan Fletcher 4 Comments

Why we support Nathan Fletcher: We are pleased to announce our endorsement of Nathan Fletcher’s candidacy for Mayor of San Diego.  As chief executives and leaders of companies, we know what it takes to run a large organization.  The attributes that make the best executives are vision, courage and leadership.  In business, these attributes separate the good from the great.  …

“Outsider’s View, Insider’s Understanding” … Bob Filner’s new fundraising Note … But Why send the donations to BURBANK ?

Jim SillsJim Sills

Knowing he will be labeled a “Career Politician”  (SD Mayor is his 15th campaign since 1979!),  Bob Filner’s committee  sent out an interesting fundraising e-mail pitch on Friday. “The job of Mayor demands an outsider’s view and approach combined with an insider’s understanding of the problems and the solutions,”  Filner writes in a signed  letter. Filner then asks for donations by the June 30 reporting  deadline.  …