McCann Plays Chicken with SD GOP

Eric AndersenEric Andersen, Undesignated 4 Comments

Chicken is a political/economical model of conflict for two players in game theory. It has its origin in a game in which two drivers head towards each other on a collision course. One must swerve or both may die, but if one driver swerves and the other does not, the one who swerved will be called “chicken,” meaning “coward.” Last …

Chula Vista Republicans Advocate for Tax Increase

Eric AndersenEric Andersen 6 Comments

Two Republican Chula Vista City Council Members, Mike Diaz and John McCann, have opposed the San Diego County Republican Party and are advocating a sales tax increase. Let me get this straight. Despite nearly seven out of ten American firefighters being volunteer, and despite California firefighters being paid 60 percent more than the other 49 states (CA median income is …

Chula Vista race now Tied —– Jill Galvez 6,554….Patricia Aguilar 6,554….St. Anthony may be responsible

Jim SillsJim Sills 3 Comments

Just 1,000 more votes countywide were tabulated at the Registrar of Voters today (Tuesday) but that’s  enough to shake up results for Chula Vista council seat #2. Aguilar added 56 votes to her total since yesterday, while the Galvez number rose 36 ballots. That puts them even at 6,554 votes. They are competing for a runoff spot against Larry Breitfelder, who is well ahead in 1st …

Breitfelder Resignation Announcement

Barry JantzBarry Jantz 1 Comment

Following up on my post of Thursday about Chula Vista City Council candidate Larry Breitfelder’s surprising resignation as an Otay Water District trustee, he sent me this press release… For Immediate Release:  Thursday, June 17, 2010 Breitfelder to Resign from Water Board Today Larry Breitfelder, winner of the Chula Vista City Council primary, will resign today from the Otay Water …

No on Crash Tax in Chula Vista

Guest ColumnGuest Column 1 Comment

Guest Commentary by Ed Herrera As municipal government and public agency budgets continue to feel the ripple effect of the nation-wide recession, we have begun to observe one of either or a combination of reforms, budget cuts, and increased scrutiny of wasteful spending, followed immediately by an action plan, or a simple refusal to make reforms and/or adopt aggressive economic …

Larry Breitfelder, leading vote-getter for open Chula Vista seat, resigning as Otay Water District trustee

Barry JantzBarry Jantz 9 Comments

When was the last time a candidate for office voluntarily gave up an existing elected title in the middle of a campaign? It’s happening in the Chula Vista City Council election.  What’s more, it’s happening in a contested race, in a key business-labor battleground city, as the leading vote-getter in the June 8 primary is now seemingly dismissing the very …


Right VuRight Vu 1 Comment

Well, Derrick Roach just pulled another one out of his hat. He was just at the Chula Vista City Council meeting where he skewered Mitch Thompson on a burning stick of proven corruption on Thompson’s part. Apparently Thompson purchased numerous properties while sitting on the CV Planning Commission – not illegal in a broad sense, however these properties were all …

Ed Herrera’s thoughts on Roger Hedgecock’s dismissal from CV Forum

Guest ColumnGuest Column 8 Comments

Regarding last night’s candidate forum ongoings in Chula Vista and the “booting” of emcee Roger Hedgecock, SD Rostra asked Ed Herrera, president and CEO of the Chula Vista Civic Association, if he might consider submitting his take on the evening.  We are pleased that Mr. Herrera was able to respond so quickly with the following, as a SD Rostra guest …

Fair and open competition is a core American value

Guest ColumnGuest Column Leave a Comment

Chula Vistans will vote on the Fair and Open Competition Ordinance as part of the June 8, 2010 statewide primary election. For more on the ordinance, visit  The following was submitted to SD Rostra as a guest commentary… Guest Column by Hon. Larry Breitfelder Fair and open competition is not a slogan or a political tactic. It is a …

Chula Vista Watch: A Special Endorsement

Guest ColumnGuest Column 1 Comment

by Hon. Larry Breitfelder Recently I shared with you two endorsements that are very special to me.  Supervisor Ron Roberts for (among other things) his extraordinary accomplishments in governmental reform at the County and Former Chula Vista Police Chief Bill Winters for his legacy of personal integrity and always putting the public interest ahead of the selfish special interest agendas that are so influential …