It was a good primary for Republicans, and for Jim Lacy, whose “Landslide Communications” ruled the Slate Card roost again. Slates are popular with most candidates and consultants because they are a relatively inexpensive way to reach numerous likely voters. It is not just a business to Jim Lacy, however, a committed philosophical conservative who served in the Reagan Adminsitration, was …
Where is GWEN?
Rostrafarians were entertained/vexed in recent weeks by longtime Gadfly “Gwen”. She predicted, with supreme confidence, that we’d all get our come-uppance June 5th as SD Liberal candidates rolled to victory after victory. She pitied our naive hopes. But since Election Day, she has gone Radio Silent. What happened, Gwen?
Three Biggest Upsets — Mary England (AD 79), Mark Powell (SD Schools), Gary Kreep (Judge) —- These Inspiring underdogs confirm Democracy still works in 2012
Here are my Nominees for Biggest Upsets in the June 2012 San Diego primary. Readers are invited to add more names or causes with your comments…. (1) Mark Powell SD City Schools, Seat A. A late entrant who proved that a solid, fact-based message is what voters hunger for. Powell (R) leads incumbent John Evans (D) 9,961 votes to 9,915. A citywide runoff …
Houston, We Do have a WAVE ! — Scott Sherman, Mary England, Ray Ellis, Carl DeMaio, Brian Bilbray all in 1st Place– Props A & B sweeping… Surf’s Up
Greetings, Politics Fans. The numbers you saw at 8:05 pm last night represented 45% of all the primary votes to be counted in SD County. These nfigures reveal the Contour of what is happening, and for Republicans it is GOOD almost wherever you look. George Plescia running even with Marty Block (SD 39) , Mark Powell leading the Dist. A City schools incumbent, Judge …
One-Day High margin, (+12%) on Monday — 47% Rep, 35% Dem — Where a late GOP tide could help most
There is often, though now always, a “swing” in the final 72 hours of a campaign. San Diego mail ballots of Sunday and Monday suggest it is happening now. When Rostra’s reports began May 21st, the GOP mail edge was 41% to 39%. Later daily returns moved to 43-38, then to 45-38, then 46-37 (on Sunday) and finally to 47%-35% on Monday. …
Strong Closer — GOP ballots now 8.5% ahead of Registration — and +12,879 vs. Democrats among Mail Voters
Sunday, June 3 countywide data reveals mail ballots now trend 43.7% GOP, outperforming the 35.2% of registration by 8.5%. Democrats are also ahead, but by only 3.0% (38.3 vs. 35.3%). Net result is the +12,879 overall GOP mail ballot lead shown in the chart. When Rostra began following this on May 21, the Rep. lead was just 2 points (41-39). Now …
New 50K Mail Ballots break 45% Rep, 38% Dem — GOP countywide lead now +11,383
Nearly 50,000 new voted ballots arrived on Friday and Saturday, making a new grand total of just over 225,000 countywide. Those recent 50K divided GOP 22,240 (45%), Dem 18,944 (38%), Independent 6,609 (13%) and Minor parties 1,539 (3%). The new overall countywide totals are Republican 97,834, Democratic 86,451, Indys 32,125 , and 8,513 minor party. These figures convey the party affiliation of …
Another Side to this Story — San Diego Military Ballots were NOT delayed — Multiple sources state today
Multiple reliable local sources tell me that (1) the approximately 3,000 overseas military ballots from San Diego County were mailed out in time for the June primary election, and (2) that when about 30 of those came back with expired addresses, the Registrar of Voters office found updated addresses and re-sent those by Fed-Ex (“They Deliver”). The litigation referred to an earlier post involved mainly …
‘Unbiased’ Judge Evaluation panel — ALL Democrats, and ALL Demo Party donors… Surprise! Conservative Attorney gets low Grade from them.
How did successful, well-qualified conservative attorney Gary George Kreep get a ‘not qualified’ rating from a panel of a local attorneys Association reviewing candidates for Judge? POSSIBLE ANSWER : public records show the three-person panel assigned to interview Kreep are All Democrats, and ALL past Democrat donors (to Senator John Edwards (!), the Democratic National Committee, California Democratic Party, etc)! Gary Kreep graduated USD’s famously tough law school with a Juris Doctor in 1975, …
New Mail Ballots — GOP Lead now 8,087 countywide — Latest 29K returned break…45.1% Rep, 37.8% Dem, 13.8% Indy
Here is your “controversial” SD County mail ballot report for today. The pace of returned ballots zoomed Wednesday as 29,003 Memorial Day weekend votes descended on the Registrar of Voters office. That brings the grand total received to 175,591. The most recent split is Rep 45.1% (13,105), Dem 37.8% (10,953), Indy 13.8% (3,985), and Minor 3.3% (960). Compared to registration, Republicans …
SD Labor Council votes “NO” on Rocky Chavez in 76th Assembly — Is that a Net Plus for Him in North County district?
Who says Rocky Chavez stood up to Big Labor as an Oceanside City Councilman (2002 through 2009) on issues like out-sourcing, size of government, and Prevailing Wage? Well, the San Diego Labor Council effectively says so (!) in its new “Voter Guide”. The mailing cites those issues and says “Vote NO on Rocky Chavez” and GOP congressman Brian Bilbray. “Rocky Chavez is the …
May 29 — 8,110 Mail Ballots split 46% GOP, 38% Dem, 14% Indy … Running Count: GOP now + 5,935 overall
We have a fairly steady pattern now as Mail Ballots arrive. Tuesday the 29th was typical: Republicans 46% (3,721) of 8,110 processed, Democrats 38% (3,084), Independents 15% (1,156). The initial early returns (of 2 weeks ago) were at 41% GOP – 39% Dem, but later ballots are averaging GOP 45%, Dem 38%. Both major parties are above their registration share, but Republicans out-perform registration …
8K Mail Ballots on Saturday — 45% GOP, 38% Dem — Republican Lead is now +5,298 countywide
The Beat Goes On …. Most recent 7,692 SD county mail ballots divide 45% GOP (3,483), 38% Demo (2,940), 14% Independent (1,012) and 4% Minor parties (257) . The running Rep. lead is + 5,298 overall countywide. And Yes, they do work holiday weekends at the Registrar of Voters. Now that is Dedication. Happy Memorial Day weekend. Our Democracy survives thanks to …
Accelerate — Friday’s 17K Mail Ballots break 46% GOP, 37% Demo — Republican lead now + 4,755 — “Enthusiasm Gap” alive and well
Another 16,829 mail ballots were processed Friday and registered Republicans made up 46% of them, while 37% were Democratic. Those numbers were 43-38 Republican on Thursday, and 41-39 GOP on Monday. The countywide Republican lead in the total running count is now + 4,755 mail ballots. This clear trend suggests the famous “enthusiam Gap” of 2010 is alive and well. Republicans are more tuned-in and …
Growing Mail Ballot Lead — GOP now +3,286 in SD vote-by-Mail totals — Latest 24K ballots break 43% Republican vs. 38% Democratic
The SD Registrar has processed another 24,561 mail ballots since SD Rostra’s last report, and registered Republicans (43.2%) outnumber Democrats (38.5%) within that cohort. The overall GOP lead is up from +2,154 on Monday to + 3,286 on Thursday. And the GOP share of all mail ballots (42%) is now 7 points higher than its registration share (35%). Votes-by-Mail are expected to be 60% …
CRP says District 7 candidate Kostrinsky “doesn’t want you to know who he really is” — A veteran past SEIU union official
With public opinion tilting against public employee unions, the California Republican Party says D7 council candidate Mat Kostrinsky (D) does not want voters to know of his career interlude with the influential local SEIU chapter. And a check of the Biography Page at Kostrinsky’s campaign website does not mention the SEIU. SEIU press releases or agendas from Local 221 identify Kostrinsky as an SEIU official here in 2010 and …
San Diego GOP takes 2,154-ballot Lead in County Vote-by-Mail returns as of May 21 — A significant Repeat of the 2010 Trend
Among the first 89,223 Mail Ballots returned to the SD Registrar of Voters, registered Republicans (36,986) have taken a 2,154 ballot lead over Democrats (34,832), replicating a trend SD Rostra first noted in 2010. The GOP zooms from 35.2 % of registration, to 41.3 % of ballots received as of May 21st. This may assauge the whining concerns some critics directed …
RIP, Tom Fuentes — here is Rostra’s 2010 interview of Orange County’s “Mr. Republican” — He shares leadership secrets and reveals his long-time Ties to San Diego
Last week, Tom Fuentes was holding court in a quiet corner of San Diego’s Republican state convention. For 20 years (1984-2004) he chaired the Orange County GOP, and was arguably the most-influential County GOP chair in California’s long history. Ronald Reagan, George Deukmejian, Pete Wilson and dozens of congressmen and state legislators relied on both his power and good counsel. But Tom Fuentes did not want …
Local Teacher Union mailing views Fletcher’s GOP Roots with Alarm
If you believe the SD Mayoral end-game is now whether Carl DeMaio will face (A) Bob Filner or (B) Nathan Fletcher in a November runoff, here is additional evidence. The politically adept COPE committee of AFT Local 1931 sent this mailer, presumably to persuade registered Democrats not to back Mr. Fletcher for Mayor… complete with a Groucho Marx mask! The mailing promotes Bob Filner …
When Democrats ATTACK! — (Each other) — the epic Scott Peters vs. Lori Saldana Congressional Match
The roughest fights are often primary races, and here are the two toughest mail pieces I’ve seen in 2012. Scott Peters’ campaign accuses Lori Saldana of being a big business lap dog, voting for “tax giveaways” after taking corporate-paid travel (as a state legislator) to Rio De Janeiro, Germany and Argentina, with luxury hotels and “personal butlers.” Saldana talks tough on limiting corporate power, …
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