Labor Unions used to be able to claim “Unions Built America”. Now however, many Labor Unions use their political buying power to pervert the system to further their own greed. Governor Brown has signed SB 7 into law. This allows the state of California to withhold funds to Charter Cites who, by right and by charter, refuse to pay prevailing …
McDonald’s, Subway then In-N-Out
The title of the article refers to my dining plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner in light of the “fast-food” strike set for tomorrow in San Diego and elsewhere. I will be showing solidarity with the workers of those establishments who choose to show up and provide the generally good service we have come to expect in all American businesses. …
Economy and My Son’s Union Job
After about a year of looking for work, my youngest son (M) got two job offers within a matter of a week. The first was with a fast food outlet and the second with a grocery chain. Signs that the local economy is picking up? I hope so. The alternate explanation is that hiring by local stores, ramping up for …
Top Twenty Worst Bills Worthy of the Governor’s Veto
This op-ed, co-authored with Senator Bob Dutton, originally appeared in the Flashreport As of today, the Governor has yet to act on any of these bills. When he is done, we will grade Governor Brown on his performance. The Governor’s “letter grade” will be computed using the following scale… If he vetoes 90% or more, the Governor got an “A”, 80% – …
Nice San Diego You Got There . . . Shame If Anything Happened To It
“And we all know that an aging population of firefighters, police officers and lifeguards who can’t afford to retire isn’t best for our safety. Be fair and be safe. Refuse to sign.” — San Diego firefighter Willie Alegre, ever-so-subtly advising city of San Diego voters it wouldn’t be in their interest to sign the pension reform measure now being circulated. …
Good Timing for a Grocery Strike? UPDATE
Yesterday’s U-T headline announced that San Diego County’s unemployment rate had increased to 10.5% during the “summer of recovery.” Unemployment in San Diego County ticked up in July to 10.5 percent, up from a revised 10.4 percent in June, reaching a high not seen for nearly a year, according to data released Friday by the state Employment Development Department. So imagine …
Verizon Union Members Stuck In 20th Century – OB Rag Recycles Press Release
“Everybody needs to be wired and we’re the people who do that.” — Vinnie Galvin, striking Verizon worker, quoted by the Associated Press. With all respect to Mr. Galvin, everybody doesn’t need to be wired. And by not realizing that fact, he’s ruining his future. I dropped my landline many years ago because with my wireless phone, I didn’t need …
A Sit Down With Roger Hedgecock Part II: Conservatism, Governor Brown, Holding Their Feet to the Fire
This is Part II of my interview with San Diego’s Roger Hedgecock, nationally syndicated talk show host. He is heard locally on KOGO 600 AM. You can read Part I of my interview with Hedgecock here. Hedgecock had been a part of “Youth for Goldwater” when he was in high school. I asked him how he formed his conservative political …
On Fiscal Issues, Where Art Thou Mayoral Candidate Bonnie Dumanis?
Maybe mayoral candidates should approach the 2012 election as if they were running for Homecoming King or Queen of San Diego. This seems to be Bonnie Dumanis’ tactic so far. She is willing to put herself out there… in the sense that she is willing to have folks voice their opinion about her at the ballot box. Of course, nominees …
They Shoot Deserters, Don’t They?
Not satisfied with holding the Legislature hostage, union leaders in Wisconsin now seem bent on calling for a general strike. I’d point out the history of striking against the public, which is illegal, and how it never bodes well for the union. But this article from The New American does the heavy lifting for me. Writing in Liberation, the official …
Mayor’s Race
As noted in the post below it looks like District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis is in. The emails swirling around town this morning also mentioned that she hired GOP consultant Kevin Spillane from Sacramento to run her race. In the past Dumanis used Democrat consultant Jennifer Tierney, who is also the consultant for the Firefighter’s Union. Does this mean that the …
Bill Horn: Ensuring Fair and Open Competition for County Contracts
From Supervisor Horn on today’s County Board action to ban Project Labor Agreements… BILL HORN Supervisor – Fifth District San Diego County Board of Supervisors For Immediate Release Ensuring Fair and Open Competition for County Contracts (San Diego) The San Diego County Board of Supervisors today unanimously approved a recommendation from Fifth District Supervisor Bill Horn to adopt an ordinance …
Fair and open competition is a core American value
Chula Vistans will vote on the Fair and Open Competition Ordinance as part of the June 8, 2010 statewide primary election. For more on the ordinance, visit The following was submitted to SD Rostra as a guest commentary… Guest Column by Hon. Larry Breitfelder Fair and open competition is not a slogan or a political tactic. It is a …
Term Limits Is A Republican Issue – We Should Support Them For County Supes
San Diego Rostra Guest Column by Jon Fleischman If some local public employee unions were to place on the ballot a decrease in the county sales tax, first and foremost I would be stunned. But then I would sign on board and work (apparently in a bipartisan fashion) to reduce the size of government, and increase liberty and freedom for …
WHO gave $250,000 for the SD Term Limits Petition? Now we know: TWO donors sent all $250,000 ! … Same Labor Union unit that gave $2.2 Million to ease California State Assembly term limits in 2008, now wants to Limit terms of the all-GOP S.D. Supervisors in 2010.
To paraphrase Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s famous words from World War II:…. “Never have so few, donated So Much, for So Little.” Public records kept by the San Diego Registrar of Voters disclose that “the Few” numbered just TWO total donors who gave “so much” ($250,000) to help finance a petition drive to limit terms of San Diego County Supervisors. …
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