I spent a few hours at the home of a friend for a private gathering of politicians and key staffers from both parties. Unbeknownst to me was a City Councilman from the Democrat Party sitting across the table from where I was having a conversation with someone else. After observing our conversation, he asked if he could move closer and …
Defining a “Civil Right”
ACLU and Transgender Rights The ACLU website states “The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.” Perhaps our problem is our definition of a “right”. I define a “right” as an inalienable gift from our …
The King, The Prince and Prop 26
In a just society law is used to defend the inalienable rights of free men. Among these rights is the freedom to trade, or if one wishes, the freedom to gamble their property. Consent of the Governed Since all men are created equal and an individual can’t stop his neighbor from gambling, it follows that an individual therefore lacks the …
Assemblyman Ward’s Dance with Karl Marx
House flippers could be taxed 25 percent of their profit under the California Speculation Act, AB 1771 introduced by Assembly member Chris Ward, D-San Diego. Peace and prosperity are functions of just law. Communities experience peace and prosperity to the extent they uphold the ideas set forth from Scripture and the Declaration of Independence. See: Self-evident truth, all men created …
Marijuana, Christianity and Jamul
I attended a fundraiser last week for an area elected official. During the event an individual I know to be a sincere Christ follower made the following public comment to the legislator: “Thank you for keeping pot shops out of Jamul.” Her comment saddened me. While I applaud the activism of my fellow brothers and sisters, I find it inconsistent. …
The “Ethics” of the Coronado Unified School Board
Coronado is known for being one of the most ideal communities in the nation, let alone San Diego. It’s my wife’s and my favorite place to get away and relax. Beautiful homes. Green lawns. Clean streets and a world renowned beach. One would be hard pressed to believe that the values of Coronado’s school board would be anything other than …
Supervisor Jim Desmond – An Uncommon Man
uncommon adjective un-com-mon | \ en-‘ka-men Definition of uncommon 1: not ordinarily encountered:unusual 2: remarkable, exceptional Supervisors shoot down Desmond’s Proposal to Stop Enforcing State Reopening Plan Those opposing Desmond? Mayor Steve Vaus’s allies, “Republican” Supervisors Dianne Jacob and Kristin Gaspar. In a courageous and uncommon 1-4 vote Supervisor Desmond upheld what is sorely lacking in government — the core philosophy …
Office of Equity and Racial Justice?
We definitely have a character problem. We’re unable to self govern across a specter of occupations, but San Diego’s Reverend Shane Harris and County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar believe our character issues/sin can be addressed by — wait for it — more government and an empowered Office of Equity and Racial Justice. I’d like to ask the Reverend how that worked …
We Need Political Prophets
In a time of increasing poverty and oppression McCracken does an excellent job of warning the believer against becoming conformed to the positions of our major political parties. His failure? To point believers to a just alternative.
The Two Ethics Doctrine of Romans 13
Some wonder how citizens of a nation with such a rich history of higher law – “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” – could find themselves in positions of neither being able to worship on Sunday nor labor on Monday. Such a position arises from a little known doctrine called “Two Ethics.” Christ, you see, proclaimed one ethic for us …
God Bless America?
CENSORED Do those thinking less of the Chinese Government and cults think less of YouTube as well? Was the Vatican wrong to imprison Galileo for his ideas about the earth and sun? The folks running YouTube share something in common with the Chinese and with cults. A desire to control information. The Mikovits and Kern County ER videos on Covid-19 …
Covid-19 Not Our Greatest Threat
I read the statement from Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly outlining his removal of Captain Brett Crozier from command of the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Americans are torn between the two sides. Which side is behaving according to the values that made our nation great? I think the conflict may arise from the ethical standard or moral categories each is …
McCann Plays Chicken with SD GOP
Chicken is a political/economical model of conflict for two players in game theory. It has its origin in a game in which two drivers head towards each other on a collision course. One must swerve or both may die, but if one driver swerves and the other does not, the one who swerved will be called “chicken,” meaning “coward.” Last …
District 5: The Ethic of Batten & Co.
Responding to the recent post by Patrick Batten’s campaign donor, Brian Brady, “Joe Leventhal, is you or is you ain’t a candidate?” — Brady puts to question the ethic of Joe Leventhal by defining the term “candidate” in a fashion not enumerated in the City of San Diego’s Municipal Code. We don’t have the privilege of creating our own definition …
A Condemnation of Hunter’s Murder of Women & Children
As a member of the San Diego County Republican Central Committee, and as a Christ follower, there is no greater indictment on our Party’s lack of principle and faux commitment to the sanctity of human life than the fact that Congressman Duncan Hunter acknowledges without remorse the murder of women and children while simultaneously defending a soldier who has done …
Joel Anderson Earns Key Support From Republican Members of AD71
Former Senator Joel Anderson earned key support this past week in his bid to become the next San Diego County Supervisor in East County’s 2nd District. Members of the Republican Party of San Diego’s most conservative Assembly District, the 71st, unanimously pledged their support for Anderson. Referring to the decision , District Leader Dustin Trotter shared, “Joel gets things done. …
County Supervisor D2 Race
Candidate “A” vs. Candidate “B” Republicans will be faced with a choice between two conservatives for San Diego County Supervisor D2 next Spring. Who should the GOP endorse “A” or “B”? I think the choice for conservatives is clear. Not only about who should receive the GOP endorsement but about whom is in the best position to win in the …
Folly and the San Diego County Republican Party
This is not a religious post but it seems apropos here. “As a dog returns to his vomit, so fools repeat their folly.” – Proverbs 26:11 Almost on cue Darrell Issa told CBS Wednesday, “If the President calls and says will you serve your country, the answer always is … you will.” While I’m not surprised at the opportunism of the …
To Congressman Hunter — “Conduct unbecoming an officer”
Congressman Hunter: I understand your concern about the timing of the indictment but that is secondary. The primary issue is 60 counts. Unbiased and evidential. First things first. A strategy to align yourself with the president and the military is to be commended for what it is, effective PR. But that is all it is. The two of you either …
Michael Allman and ‘Direct Democracy’
“When I am elected to Congress, I am going to vote on issues the way my constituents tell me to vote …” – Michael Allman, Candidate for the 52nd Congressional District. Allman hopes to bring his success from the tech world to the 52nd Congressional District by implementing a political “operating system” dependent upon the will of the majority. Absent …
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