I am a bit surprised to see Congressman Darrel Issa climb aboard the Trump train. While he likes to send out press releases that make him look like the second coming of Ronald Reagan, his Congressional voting record is simply not as conservative as he wants people to believe. Indeed, his most recent Conservative Review rating for 2015 is only …
Inside baseball on GOP rules changes leading to a brokered convention
I checked with some friends who are deeply involved with convention politics … the Rules Committee meets in April and can change any rule they want, including the rule that candidates must win a majority of delegates in eight states in order to be nominated at the convention. If the candidate does not hit that threshold, then none of delegates representing …
The UT Shifts to the Left and Nathan Fletcher Sells Out Conservatives
The UT Shifts to the Left I’m really sick of the bias of the UT. There are critical stories breaking every week about the fiscal trouble our country is in, not to mention stories about the corruption of the Obama administration – such as the “Fast and Furious” scandal – but you wouldn’t know much about such stories from reading …
The Top Ten Reasons why the Revolution Bypassed California
Many pundits are trying to explain what happened in California. After all, Republicans lost every state-wide race, picked up one Congressional seat and actually lost a seat in the State Assembly. Moreover, California voters elected dozens of hard left wackos and removed the 2/3 vote in the Legislature that had protected us from out of control budgets. Unfortunately, California will …
The Tea Party Movement has a lot to learn
Well, so much for the Tea Party Movement. At least here in California the Tea Party proved to be almost meaningless. Carly “I’m a conservative now” Fiorina suckered many Tea Party leaders into supporting her campaign, thereby successfully breaking off what should have been unanimous Tea Party support for Chuck DeVore, one of the most articulate conservatives to run for …
Baldwin hosting the Rick Amato Show this Thursday, 9-11 PM, 1170 AM
I will have some experts on government waste calling into my show this Thursday, including David Williams from Citizens Against Government Waste. Obama, of course, lied to the voters about how he will eliminate the corrupt “earmark” process. I also will talk about the growing case for the impeachment of Obama, the Arizona illegal immigration bill, and the recent take-over …
Baldwin hosting Amato show, this Thursday, 9-11 PM, 1170AM
Once again, I am hosting the Rick Amato show this coming Thursday on 1170 AM KCBQ from 9-11 PM. My first guest will be Brian Kennedy, President of the Claremont Institute, perhaps California’s leading conservative think tank. Mr. Kennedy is an expert on the Progressive Movement, missile defense, and defense issues in general. At 10 PM, my guest will be Bob …
Baldwin Guest Hosting Amato Show Tonight, 7-9 PM, 1170 AM
I will be guest hosting the Rick Amato show tonight from 9-11 PM, KCBQ, 1170 AM. My 9 PM guest will be Marc Thiessen, former aide to Donald Rumsfeld, former Bush Speechwriter, and author of the new best-selling book, Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack. This book is the …
Baldwin hosting Amato show tonight, 9-11 PM, 1170 AM
I will be guest hosting tonight for Rick Amato once again, 9-11 PM, KCBQ, 1170 AM. My call- in guests are Mark Krekorian and Lance Izumi. Mark will come on shortly after 9 PM. He is the Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies, the nation’s foremost immigration reform group. We will discuss Obama’s dismantling of border security and his funding …
The Worst State of the Union Speech Ever?
What a joke the State of the Union speech was. I have never heard a president utter so many cliches, phony policy ideas, and insults in what used to be considered, historically, a speech composed of substantial policy proposals. Obama retierated his promise to use the federal government to create jobs, a phony proposition if there ever was one. As …
Baldwin hosting Amato show tonight, KCBQ, 1170 AM
I will be hosting the Rick Amato show once again tonight from 9-11, 1170 AM (or listen on the web at www.kcbq.com). My guests are Brian Camenker and Brad Dacus. Mr. Camenker will come on shortly after 9 PM. He is the President of MassResistance, the leading conservative group in Massachusetts. Camenker will talk about the Scott Brown revolution and …
Baldwin’s New Year Round-Up
The UT misses the story regarding Al-Awlaki In the January 10 UT, Matthew T. Hall had a misinformed story about a former local imam named Al-Awlaki whose taped pro-jihadist rants apparently influenced both the Christmas Nigerian bomber and the Ft. Hood shooter. The gist of the article is that Al-Awlaki used to be more moderate when he was based at …
Baldwin on Amato Show tonight, 9-11 PM, 1170 AM
I am hosting the Rick Amato show tonight from 9-11 PM on KCBQ, 1170 AM. My first guest will be Anita Moncrief, a former ACORN leader who defected a few months ago. She will detail how ACORN is a criminal enterprise; how it works exclusively with Democrats, and the role it played in pressuring banks to make loans to high …
Baldwin Hosting Amato Show tonight, 9-11 PM, 1170 AM
I’m hosting the Rick Amato show tonight on 1170 AM KCBQ from 9-11 PM. My guest is Chris Colton, Vice President of the Center for Security Policy, one of the nation’s leading anti-terrorist groups. We will be discussing the latest terror incident – the Christmas bomber – and what this means in terms of US Security needs. I will also …
Baldwin’s Christmas Round-Up
What Happened to the ACORN Investigation? All over America ACORN is being investigated for voter fraud and other illegal activities. But not in San Diego. Why is that? ACORN has an office in National City and over the last few years has registered at least 25,000 voters inside San Diego County. Based on investigations into ACORN’s voter fraud activities elsewhere, …
Baldwin Hosting Amato Show, Tonight, 9-11 PM
Friends: Starting tonight and every other Thursday I will be hosting the Rick Amato show from 9-11 PM, 1170 AM. Tonight’s show will feature Marlo Lewis, one of the nation’s top global warming experts. He will fill us in on the outrageous activities going at the Copenhagen globalony-warming summit. We will also talk about the numerous frauds being perpetrating upon …
Baldwin’s Weekly Round-Up
Since the UT seems intent to ignore national stories of serious import, I find myself having to mention stories that have been ignored or misreported. Enjoy — or cry. The lame-stream media is going gaga over simulated sexual acts by blatant homosexual and American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert. Lambert simulated fellatio on a male dancer during prime time television on …
Reason #452 Obama should be impeached
Ok, its official. The Obama Administration is either the most corrupt or most incompetent administration I have ever seen. Below is a link listing 440 congressional districts that do NOT exist and for which Obama has claimed jobs were created! These phantom districts are responsible for over 28,000 alleged jobs at a cost of $224,525.22 per job, so even if they were …
Baldwin on Amato Monday Nite – KCBQ AM-1170 www.kcbq.com
Friends: I will be hosting the Rick Amato show this coming Monday night from 9-11 PM. The call-in number is 888-344-1170. With Roger now national, Rick’s show is one of the few locally-based conservative talk shows left here in San Diego. I will be talking about a number of issues: * How dissenters to Obama’s health care initiative — if it …
Newspapers in Freefall, Earmarks, Real Unemployment Rate, & Who’s Running the Show?
I’m thrilled to be part of San Diego Rostra and am convinced this is the medium by which the vast majority of Americans will receive their news, if not already, then in the very near future. The old line media are dinosaurs, especially newspapers. And it’s not just because the news cycles of newspapers are 24 hours as opposed to …
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