Government Gangsterism in San Diego

B-DaddyB-Daddy Leave a Comment

The news of indictments involving associates of Mexican businessman Susumo Azano makes for entertaining reading.  There is a trail of illegal campaign donations to various mayoral candidates funneled through a straw-donor and a social media guru.  The U-T is all over the story, with the best overall description of the case published in Sunday’s paper.  I also want to give …

Beyond Lilygate: Since When Did Filner and the Left Start Caring About Vandalism?

Ryan PurdyRyan Purdy 11 Comments

Last fall, given the amount of public and private property that Occupy Wall Street burned, destroyed and even defecated on, I began to wonder anew if there were any forms of vandalism to which the left objected.  Alas, Lilygate provided a silver lining. Whatever the intent of the water fighting revelers, some of them destroyed a source of civic pride …

Leftist San Diego City Beat Reporter Fails to Uphold Objectivity, Villifies “Restoring Courage” Events

Gabriella HoffmanGabriella Hoffman 10 Comments

Some in the media are terrified to learn that different groups can come together and support Israel. That is the case with San Diego City Beat reporter Dave Maass, who slammed Glenn Beck, his “Restoring Courage” event in Jerusalem, our Restoring Courage U.S. movement, and our participating groups. Defending Israel transcends above ideological lines, religious beliefs, and borders. It is …

San Diego Watchdogging

B-DaddyB-Daddy 1 Comment

Dave Maass, at CityBeat, gets in on the local watchdog action with his report of how County Supervisor Ron Roberts and Carlsbad City Councilwoman Ann Kulchin treat the San Diego Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE) like their own personal slush fund. (My words, not Dave’s). The fund was established in the 1990s to build out and maintain the system …