I was challenged on Twitter two days ago by Benjamin Katz as to why immigration is my number one issue. So I thought that a little recap is in order. 1. It’s about fairness and the rule of law. The culture of this country is sliding towards conditions that foster dictatorship. Specifically, how one is treated before the law depends …
Short Term Rentals and the Zapf Proposal
Single family housing that are used for short-term vacation rentals through web services such as Airbnb or VRBO have gotten negative attention here in San Diego of late. Even though the complainants point to specific behaviors they dislike, the underlying tone of the discussion is that they don’t like the sort of people who come to America’s Finest City to …
The Chargers Must Leave San Diego
Qualcomm Stadium By Intersofia at en.wikipedia [CC BY-SA 2.0], from Wikimedia Commons As long as the voters of San Diego are willing to punish politicians for subsidizing a new Chargers stadium, or as long as the law is interpreted that such subsidies require a public vote, there is no way that the Chargers can remain in San Diego for much …
Planning Follies
From the U-T: The City Council voted 6-3 on Monday to reject plans to build three homes on the Jessop estate in Point Loma, adding to the single one built in 1926.. . .“When you have properties this big, you shouldn’t be putting the houses 12 feet apart,” said Council President Sherri Lightner, adding that the design would make firefighting …
Short Term Rental Issue
There is a petition on change.org asking the mayor and the City Council to ban short-term rentals in the city of San Diego. I’m not going to link to the petition because I don’t want you to sign it. A total ban would be ridiculous and an invitation for people to just flaunt the law. However, there are some issues …
The Surveillance State and the Erosion of Trust in San Diego
Revelations about the surveillance state are eroding trust in government and in law enforcement in particular. Police officer involved deaths of civilians are also responsible. Setting the Ferguson incident aside, which details are murky; Eric Garner’s death in New York and the death of Tamir Rices in Cleveland, both captured on video, cast doubt on the fairness and integrity of …
Raise the Balloon Walk – UPDATED
I walked in today’s Raise the Balloon event down Morena Blvd. It was a great day for a walk and by my estimate, about 350 people showed up; joining at various points along the walk. I didn’t learn much new about the problem, except the assertion that there is a lot of obfuscation at city hall as to who has …
Fighting Green Grifting in Bay Park
In an earlier post, I laid bare the hypocrisy and mendacity of the effort to rezone Morena. Saturday, September 27, at 10:00 a.m., you have the chance to protest the green grifters and their plans for a whoreticulture of high-rises in Bay Park. There will be a march along Morena by the “folks” whose neighborhood is under siege on the …
The “Living Wage” Sham
The campaign to raise the minimum wage here in San Diego has been fraught with distortions and misleading information. Thankfully, it looks like we will see the wage hike put to the voters in June 2015 2016. Why the wait? I’ll find out. The arguments for a minimum wage boost are fraught with emotionalism: always expected from the left. But …
Morena District Travesty
I live in the Bay Park area of San Diego as many of you know. During the Council District 2 race, I became aware of a controversy regarding a change to height limits to buildings along Morena Blvd, which runs north-south in parallel with I-5 on the west side of Mission Bay. Since both main candidates opposed the changes, I …
Minimum Wage Referendum – Expected and Desired (UPDATED)
San Diego’s 10News is reporting that a campaign to repeal an expected rise in the minimum wage is being organized by the San Diego Small Business Coalition. (I urge you to “like” their Facebook page.) San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer vetoed the measure, but the San Diego City Council is expected to override it. If that happens, Jason Roe, spokesman …
Medical Marijuana and the Rule of Law
The U-T reported this morning on San Diego city government’s failure to shut down illegal medical marijuana shops. To be clear, there are currently no legal medical marijuana shops in the city. The case is instructive on the results of the failure of the rule of law, including the failure to pass implementing laws that unwelcome, but legal activity …
Ebola Ethics and Mapp Biopharmaceutical
The Washington Post blog post about “white” Americans getting an Ebola serum reminds me of an old joke about the Post. The Almighty gave the editors of the Post a call to let them know that the world was ending the next day. True to form the WaPo headline read: “World to End – Women and Minorities Impacted Most.” Distribution …
Minimum Wage Hard Truths – Who Should I Fire?
My income is fixed but decent, so I choose to employ maids and gardeners. My choice results in extra coin in the pocket of people whom I know are not near as well off as myself. The hard truth about a minimum wage increase of the size being contemplated by the San Diego City Council is that I can’t really …
Unions Fund Libertarian
. . . Campaign Flyer. Who’d a thunk it? This flyer showed up at my house. Unions are getting involved in the San Diego City Council District 2 race and spending money to help the Libertarian candidate, Mark Schwartz. Let’s be clear, Schwartz has no chance of being elected. If you read the fine print at the bottom, you will …
Sarah Boot – Progressive?
Oh yeah, and by progressive, that means a person of the left as opposed to a person of pallor. Sarah Boot is running against quasi-incumbent Lorie Zapf for San Diego City Council in District 2. For full disclosure, recent redistricting moved my home from District 6 to District 2, like Zapf. I am very interested in this race. San Diego City Beat …
DA’s Race – Can Brewer Close the Deal?
Bonnie Dumanis ran unopposed in her last run for District Attorney; this year she faces opponents Bob Brewer and Terri Wyatt. I am unhappy with Dumanis, but not ready to endorse an opponent. First my airing of grievances against Dumanis. Prior to running for mayor, Dumanis had the opportunity to make her voice heard on Proposition D, the half-cent sales …
My Son May Lose His Job
. . . If the city of San Diego passes a minimum wage hike. The San Diego City Council has taken the first step to put a separate minimum wage hike on the ballot. This is a terrible idea beyond the usual arguments against a minimum wage increase. But first, the issue with a hike at all. The argument gets …
Mayor Faulconer Meets my Neighbors in South Clairemont…
…and some of them were a tad rude. Kevin Faulconer wearing his SDSU Aztec tie at South Clairemont Rec Center I attended the inaugural “Meet the Mayor” session yesterday and was impressed with the Mayor’s focus. Since I can’t find any press coverage, I am providing a summary and a little editorial comment of my own. (I’m a blogger not …
Visiting Carl DeMaio’s Campaign
Mrs. Daddy and I visited Carl DeMaio’s campaign headquarters today, meeting up with family there. I got a minute to chat with DeMaio about the campaign. I told him that I appreciated his work on Proposition D and Proposition B. He related that the effort to reform county pensions in Ventura County had run into problems because of unions trying …
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