Well here it goes. This is where I prove to a number of San Diego conservatives what some have questioned but lacked proof to substantiate – Eric Andersen is neither conservative nor Christian … or is he? At the San Diego County Republican Christmas event we heard invocations from two members of our community. A Rabbi and Skyline Pastor Jim Garlow. Two individuals …
Holocaust Survivor Irving Roth Comes to San Diego September 14th
This Wednesday, September 14, Holocaust survivor and campus speaker Irving Roth is coming to San Diego to speak about his life. Sponsors of the event include Christians United for Israel-California and CUFI on Campus. More information can be found on CUFI’s website and on the Facebook event: The event will take place on Wednesday, September 14 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. …
Leftist San Diego City Beat Reporter Fails to Uphold Objectivity, Villifies “Restoring Courage” Events
Some in the media are terrified to learn that different groups can come together and support Israel. That is the case with San Diego City Beat reporter Dave Maass, who slammed Glenn Beck, his “Restoring Courage” event in Jerusalem, our Restoring Courage U.S. movement, and our participating groups. Defending Israel transcends above ideological lines, religious beliefs, and borders. It is …
Restore Courage and Stand with Israel Wednesday, August 24th in Point Loma
Want to Stand with Israel this August 24th in San Diego and don’t know where to go? Head over to Point Loma! Yours truly, Christians United for Israel of California, and Eagle Forum of San Diego are hosting a “Restoring Courage” viewing party, potluck and Q&A session to stand with our greatest ally in the Middle East: Israel. This is …
Dirty ploy justifies need to undermine Israel
Hold onto your hummus! Divestment proves to be another attack on Israel’s legitimacy. My latest from The Washington Times Communities section–December 8th, 2010.
Princeton wages war on Israel through Sabra hummus boycott
Taken from The California Review on November 21st, 2010: What is with college students making everything political? One would think food—especially a delicious Mediterranean spread enjoyed by both Israelis and Palestinians—would be spared this injustice. Apparently, nothing goes unnoticed at the Ivy League. Not even hummus. Why is such a harmless food item being spotlighted, one might ask? The Princeton …
UCI’s MSU Will Stop At Nothing to Advance “Free Speech”
Taken from NewsReal Blog on October 1st, 2010 Following the suspension of the University of California—Irvine’s Muslim Student Union this past June, members of the MSU are bitter about the university’s decision. I reported on NewsReal Blog back in June about the suspension as it was a milestone in suppressing their antics. Obviously, their reaction to the decision has only …
For the Love of Israel
As a conservative and staunch supporter of the state of Israel (if you do not know or cannot tell, I’m Jewish), I feel it is imperative that Americans fight for Israel’s existence and being. Being a productive entity in this world, full of culture, and also a big supporter and ally of the U.S. (well, Obama is not exactly advocating …
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