I live in the Bay Park area of San Diego as many of you know. During the Council District 2 race, I became aware of a controversy regarding a change to height limits to buildings along Morena Blvd, which runs north-south in parallel with I-5 on the west side of Mission Bay. Since both main candidates opposed the changes, I …
Minimum Wage Referendum – Expected and Desired (UPDATED)
San Diego’s 10News is reporting that a campaign to repeal an expected rise in the minimum wage is being organized by the San Diego Small Business Coalition. (I urge you to “like” their Facebook page.) San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer vetoed the measure, but the San Diego City Council is expected to override it. If that happens, Jason Roe, spokesman …
Sarah Boot – Progressive?
Oh yeah, and by progressive, that means a person of the left as opposed to a person of pallor. Sarah Boot is running against quasi-incumbent Lorie Zapf for San Diego City Council in District 2. For full disclosure, recent redistricting moved my home from District 6 to District 2, like Zapf. I am very interested in this race. San Diego City Beat …
Visiting Carl DeMaio’s Campaign
Mrs. Daddy and I visited Carl DeMaio’s campaign headquarters today, meeting up with family there. I got a minute to chat with DeMaio about the campaign. I told him that I appreciated his work on Proposition D and Proposition B. He related that the effort to reform county pensions in Ventura County had run into problems because of unions trying …
Can We Kill This Choo-Choo Project?
Under the heading of “What You Should Be Reading,” Cal Watchdog.com certainly comes to mind. They have great coverage of key California state issues from what appears to be a conservative perspective, but that might be the result of all the bad governance by the lefties that run this state. Chris Reed is a frequent contributor and covers California politics …
Government Gangsterism in San Diego
The news of indictments involving associates of Mexican businessman Susumo Azano makes for entertaining reading. There is a trail of illegal campaign donations to various mayoral candidates funneled through a straw-donor and a social media guru. The U-T is all over the story, with the best overall description of the case published in Sunday’s paper. I also want to give …
What You Should Be Reading
I took a real vacation and paid only a little attention to the political world and made no attempt to blog. It was worthwhile to re-unite with my oldest son and enjoy some of God’s creation and some good man-made stuff too. Mrs. Daddy and I loved the colder and wetter weather we encountered, not typical of Arizona, we hit …
Will Alvarez’ Rise Be Enough?
The conventional wisdom, based on extensive polling, is that the San Diego mayor’s race is for second place between David Alvarez and Nathan Fletcher. Kevin Faulconer is expected to easily take first place but not to get over the 50% threshold needed to avoid a run off. Craig Gustafson writes in the U-T that Fletcher still leads Alvarez, 24% – …
Insanity in our Backyard – Filner Must Go
There is plenty of coverage of the allegations regarding Filner’s sexual harassment. Leslie Eastman at College Insurrection has a nice summary and sdrostra.com is chock full of articles on the subject. But Filner has demonstrated plenty of other out-of-control behavior that together paints a portrait of a man teetering on the edge of sanity. Most disturbing to me, because it is …
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