There’s nothing that better exemplifies the Chargers’ fall from grace — and respect — in San Diego than two comments, made about six years apart by John Lynch, once a huge advocate for the team.
In November 2011 to Voice of SD, just after it was announced Doug Manchester and Lynch were partnering to purchase and operate The San Diego Union-Tribune:
“We’d like to be a cheerleader for all that’s good about San Diego … We want to have an incredibly strong sports page that supports the Chargers … that advocates for a new stadium and calls out those who don’t as obstructionists.”
Yesterday on Facebook, in response to a story the Chargers let go their longtime equipment manager Bob Wick after he moved with the team to LA:
“Spanos will burn in hell for this continued lack of concern for anyone but Spanos! Shame on the entire Charger organization.”
It was fair in 2011 to ask about the appropriateness of a major metropolitan newspaper being used as a bully pulpit to push for a new NFL stadium. It’s also fair now to note that like a lot of other San Diegans, Lynch’s views of the team have transitioned over time (aside, perhaps, from relegating anyone to eternal damnation).