There’s nothing that better exemplifies the Chargers’ fall from grace — and respect — in San Diego than two comments, made about six years apart by John Lynch, once a huge advocate for the team. In November 2011 to Voice of SD, just after it was announced Doug Manchester and Lynch were partnering to purchase and operate The San Diego Union-Tribune: …
Fabiani: Getting sports radio to make things up
From Tony Manolatos, who learned a couple of things while the spokesman for the Citizens Stadium Advisory Group… The Mighty 1090’s Dan Sileo read a critical letter on air about a week ago. Dan said the letter was written by the NFL and was going to be delivered to the Mayor that morning. I remember hearing him on air saying …
Richard Rider’s reaction to Chargers deal
I’d like to see the actual Chargers stadium proposal, but based on the task force’s official write-up which I presume is accurate, appears to be a $467 million taxpayer giveaway to keep the Chargers here — ignoring cost overruns and “surprises.” And apparently that’s not counting the 60 acres of land valued at $180 million (not sure how land ownership …
CSAG Releases Stadium Plan, Faulconer’s reaction, Goldsmith weighs in
PRESS RELEASE CSAG Lays out a Clear, Workable Path to New Multi-Use Stadium with No New Taxes ‘This financing plan is an important milestone and creates the framework needed to begin negotiations’ SAN DIEGO (May 18, 2015)—Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s Citizens’ Stadium Advisory Group (CSAG) released its “Site Selection and Financing Plan for New Multi-Use Stadium in San Diego” today. It …
Fabiani: This is ‘perhaps our last and best chance’ to keep Chargers in San Diego
I published a blog post Friday that questioned Mark Fabiani’s criticism of Mayor Jerry Sanders’ Convention Center expansion plan. Fabiani, who serves as special counsel to the San Diego Chargers and is the team’s point man on stadium talks, sent me a response on Saturday. Here it is: Tony, thank you for the opportunity to weigh in on your latest …
Penalty for Ben Roethlisberger and Misleading Political Advertising…are they one in the same?
It seems to me that Roethlisberger is being tried and convicted without being found guilty not unlike the accuasations made against politicians and then used by the media and negative campaign materials.
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