I Figured Out Why They Don’t Like Guns

San Diego County Gun OwnersSan Diego County Gun Owners Leave a Comment

by Michael A. Schwartz, Executive Director, San Diego County Gun Owners Tuesday, July 30th the San Diego City Council voted to require all gun owners within the city limits to keep their guns locked or inoperable while in the home. The vote was 7 to 2 with Chris Cate and Scott Sherman in opposition.  The penalty for violating this new, overreaching law? …

SDCGO Response to Sheriff Gore’s Talk To Latino American Political Association (LAPA)

San Diego County Gun OwnersUndesignated 8 Comments

After viewing the above video of San Diego County Sheriff Gore talking about his concealed carry permit (CCW) polices at a Latino American Political Association (LAPA) meeting, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC (SDCGO) is compelled to clarify some statements by Sheriff Gore that could easily mislead voters. Clear, accurate facts and a candidate’s ability to deliver those facts are …

Sheriff Gore is willingly refusing to obey the law

Guest ColumnGuest Column 13 Comments

Guest Commentary by Hon. Rob McNelis An injustice is happening in San Diego County. And, the person causing the injustice is the county’s top law enforcement officer, Sheriff Bill Gore. Sheriff Gore is denying the Second Amendment rights of San Diego County residents who want to carry concealed firearms outside of the home. Gore has set-up secret, undisclosed internal policies …

San Diego County Gun Owners to Gore: Stop simply paying lip service to the civil rights of San Diegans

San Diego County Gun OwnersSan Diego County Gun Owners 3 Comments

San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO) sent the following letter to Sheriff Bill Gore on January 23. The group is awaiting a response. “SDCGO has made attempts to work with Sheriff Gore on his CCW issuing policy,” said Michael Schwartz, the group’s executive director. “It has become clear to us that he has no interest in working with anyone to …

The Sheriff Gore Ban

Guest ColumnGuest Column 26 Comments

Guest Commentary by Michael A. Schwartz I spent last weekend representing our Gun Owners of California booth at two different locations; the Del Mar Gun show and the San Diego County Republican Party’s open house. The one topic that kept coming up over and over again from both groups of people was the issue of concealed weapon permits. Background: A …