by Michael A. Schwartz, Executive Director, San Diego County Gun Owners I just got off the phone with Chula Vista City Council Member John McCann where he spent the entire 20-minute call pretending to be the victim of his own vote at last night’s city council meeting. If you are a Republican who has wondered why California continues to see …
I Figured Out Why They Don’t Like Guns
by Michael A. Schwartz, Executive Director, San Diego County Gun Owners Tuesday, July 30th the San Diego City Council voted to require all gun owners within the city limits to keep their guns locked or inoperable while in the home. The vote was 7 to 2 with Chris Cate and Scott Sherman in opposition. The penalty for violating this new, overreaching law? …
Opinion: ‘Shameful’ to Use Las Vegas Tragedy to Advance Gun Control
The San Diego County Gun Owners political-action committee feels it is shameful that Rep. Scott Peters saw a horrible tragedy like the mass murder in Las Vegas as an opportunity to advance his gun-control agenda. Americans are mourning, healing and helping. Yet, Peters chose to leverage this tragedy to advance his agenda through a public statement that was published on this website. Our advocacy organization …
A Message on the Tragedy in Las Vegas
Friends, Like you, I am sickened and saddened by the horrific mass murder that happened Sunday night at a concert in Las Vegas. Reading about it, hearing about it, and viewing the video taken by witnesses put a lump in my throat all day yesterday. I don’t know how any of us kept from shedding a tear. May the families …
SDCGO Response to Sheriff Gore’s Talk To Latino American Political Association (LAPA)
After viewing the above video of San Diego County Sheriff Gore talking about his concealed carry permit (CCW) polices at a Latino American Political Association (LAPA) meeting, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC (SDCGO) is compelled to clarify some statements by Sheriff Gore that could easily mislead voters. Clear, accurate facts and a candidate’s ability to deliver those facts are …
The Sheriff Gore Ban
Guest Commentary by Michael A. Schwartz I spent last weekend representing our Gun Owners of California booth at two different locations; the Del Mar Gun show and the San Diego County Republican Party’s open house. The one topic that kept coming up over and over again from both groups of people was the issue of concealed weapon permits. Background: A …
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