A conservative Latino’s view on politics… The California Republican Party (CAGOP) has been losing this state exponentially since 2006. After the utter destruction in the 2018 midterms, publicly disgraced and scandal-ridden former Republican state vice-chair Kristin Olsen conveniently puts the blame on President Donald Trump. Ms. Olsen, a leader in the CAGOP, needs to look in the mirror. At the …
CRA Mailer in East County
California Republican Assembly mail piece to high propensity voters in East County… CRA – Postcard Keep the cards and letter coming…to info@sdrostra.com
Bill Wells Endorsed by the East San Diego County Association of Realtors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 3, 2010 CONTACT: Eddie Sprecco 619-889-1348 (El Cajon) In another significant show of local support, the Bill Wells Campaign today announced the endorsement of the East San Diego County Association of Realtors. The East San Diego County Association of Realtors (ESDCAR) is a professional trade association that promotes the benefits of private property rights and assists …
San Diego Minutemen Endorse Bill Wells For State Assembly
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 2, 2010 CONTACT: Eddie Sprecco 619-889-1348 (El Cajon) The Bill Wells for Assembly campaign today announced yet another major endorsement by a local grassroots organization. The San Diego Minutemen have announced their backing of Conservative Republican Bill Wells in his run for the State Assembly. “Bill Wells is the only candidate in the 77th Assembly race …
East County TEA Party Leader Barry Willis Endorses Bill Wells for State Assembly
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 1, 2010 CONTACT: Eddie Sprecco 619-889-1348 (El Cajon) Bill Wells’ campaign for State Assembly continues to grow a list of local grassroots support and announces the endorsement of East County TEA Party leader Barry Willis. Willis is a founder of the East County TEA Party and has been heavily involved in the organizing and activism of …
Bill Wells Featured on FlashReport: MARKET SOLUTIONS FOR HEALTHCARE
The Honorable Bill Wells, Candidate for Assembly, AD 77 May 25, 2010 As a Conservative I am frustrated by the overwhelming push to have government be the solution to all problems. So I was happy to read a story of a novel approach taken by a Sacramento Hospital to limit their own exposure to waste and abuse of their resources. …
Bill Wells Gains the Support of California Dental Association
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 19, 2010 CONTACT: Eddie Sprecco 619-889-1348 (El Cajon) The influential California Dental Association (CDA) has weighed in on the 77th Assembly District Race in support of Bill Wells. The CDA has been a factor in many local primaries recently and have put their support behind Healthcare Professional Bill Wells in the form of a max-out contribution. …
The California Human Rights Amendment
The California Human Rights Amendment Endorsed by the California Republican Assembly www.CaliforniaHumanRightsAmendment.com Guest Column by Mary Kuper Did you ever think we’d have to define marriage in California?! Now through the California Human Rights Amendment (CHRA) we are defining when life and human rights begin. The CHRA will amend the California Constitution and define personhood based on human rights commencing …
Thank you CRA
Earning the CRA endorsement is a great honor and a tremendous boost for our campaign. I am excited about the opportunity to join forces with the CRA in fighting to restore real conservative values in Sacramento. For Ronald Reagan conservatives, the relevance of an endorsement from the CRA is undeniable.
Wells Endorsed by CRA in AD 77
From Sylvia Sullivan, president of the East San Diego County Unit of the California Republican Assembly… CRA, the conservative volunteer Republican group known as the “conscience of the party,” is pleased to announce its endorsement in the 77th Assembly District. Our endorsement goes to a solid, responsive conservative, Bill Wells, our next Assemblyman! We are thankful for a field of …
CRA Candidate Forum this Friday
From the California Republican Assembly… Dear CRA Members and Friends, You are invited to join us for an informative candidate’s forum featuring the 77th Assembly and San Diego County Sheriff races. Also invited to participate are the 36th State Senate District candidates. Planning to attend: 77th Assembly Dist – Richard Bailey, Brian Jones, Christine Rubin & Bill Wells 36th Senate …
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