Following his recent press release criticizing the Republican Party of San Diego, 52nd District Congressional candidate James Veltmeyer recants…
April 16, 2018
A recent media release was sent out critical of the San Diego County Republican Party. Let me state unequivocally that I regret the actions of my campaign. Let me also be crystal clear that I take full responsibility.
As the dedicated volunteers and staff of our great party know quite well, sometimes emotions are involved in a campaign. But there is no doubt that our county party is the gold standard of Republican organizations nationwide. I am a dedicated loyal Republican and I look forward to working with the party to achieve our goals.
I differ with my opponents on many issues. That is what makes our party strong. I stand by my previous positions on the issues and look forward to running a vigorous campaign for the rest of the primary and into the general.
I realize the issue of an endorsement was a difficult one for committee members. Although I disagree with the final decision, I look forward to a unified party in the general election to ensure that we flip this district into the Republican column.
God Bless America and God Bless our Republican County Party.
Dr. James Veltmeyer
Comments 1
Dr. Veltmeyer,
As always you are a class act. I will always consider you a solid candidate, Republican, and American. Thank you for your service to our community and Party.
Very Respectfully,
Larry A. Wilske
Master Chief (SEAL) USN, Ret’d