SD Rostra has invited each of the GOP candidates hoping to run against Congresswoman Susan Davis to share their thoughts with us. Here is the first statement…
By Mason Weaver
Our government was ordained and established by free, self-governing people to secure order and provide general protection while we provide for our families. Our history is that of the people putting pressure on government to change, not the government putting pressure on the people to change. We, the people put pressure on England and it resulted in the Revolutionary War. We, the people put pressure on the South and it resulted in the Civil War. It was the population putting pressure on government in the Woman’s Suffrage Movement, Civil Rights struggles, and the Anti-War Movement that brought about change. It is the American Way; it is the way of self-governed people.
Where is the pressure on the government to perform an overhaul of the healthcare system? Where is the cry from the population of self-governed people demanding our government step in and fix our healthcare? The pressure is coming once again from the people to keep the government out of changing the healthcare system. The President did not campaign on healthcare reform, and there has been no national debate on the issue. This issue was brought to the American people by our government and the government is insisting we accept it regardless of our clear opposition! This is not only unconstitutional; it is a direct threat to freedom as we know it.
With provisions allowing jail time for noncompliance, higher taxes, lower service, and limited access to doctors, the American people are once again required to stand up to its government as only a self-governed people can.
We have said “NO!” We have said it over and over again. We have said it in Tea Parties, town hall meetings, and marches in our hometowns, state capitals, and even Washington D.C. We have said “NO!” over and over again, but our government has responded with a closed, arrogant ear. They have even said publicly that we are like teenage children, a mob, and everything except CITIZENS! It is time to see what kind of government we have and what kind of people are being governed.
If we are self-governed and free, we must say “NO!” one more time. On 11-2-10 we may have our last chance to say “NO!” On 11-2-10 we must declare our freedom once again. We must reestablish the old idea that we are Americans; free and self-governed. Who will stand up for America and tell them we mean NO? Who will tell them they work for us? Who will declare that if we do not want to read 1100 pages, that means NO. If we do not understand the bill, that means NO! If we are afraid or confused, that still means NO! Who will tell them that no matter what name they call us, no matter if we are a mob or not, or even “Astro Turf”, we have said “NO!”, and we mean NO.
If you send me, I will tell them!
Weaver’s website:
Comments 14
The talk around town has been that many people are encouraging Mason Weaver to run for the 76th Assembly Seat, rather than for Congress and I strongly agree with them. I hope others will continue to encourage him to take this path.
Mason is a passionate speaker, but at the end of the day he cannot win this race and I’d be hard pressed to say he’s a great candidate for anything honestly. However, republicans do need a candidate to rally around in that race.
With Michael Crimmins clearing the field for endorsements and established relationships with the donor and community leaders, Mason has no chance in this congressional race.
There are also a couple things that Mason said at last night’s debate that irked me.
First, he said that he is the highest ranking black republican, which is complete bull. While he may be the only black person on the central committee, there are several well known African Americans that are republican and in much more reputable roles. Jessie Knight being one of those, having run the SD Chamber of Commerce and served as on the CPUC. It’s not accurate to go running around bragging about being the “highest ranking” when it means very little and serves to detract from the accomplishments of other black republicans with a much more respectable background.
Mason also often says that the people of San Diego drafted him to run for Congress. I hate to say it, Mason Weaver drafted himself and the dozen or so folks that showed up were elderly neighbors of his. You can’t run your own draft me for congress effort, and then tell every crowd you spoke to that the people drafted you.
Furthermore, the only endorsement Mason Weaver has on his website is from an old Philanthropist outside of the district.
Sorry for getting on my soap box, but I think these are legitimate concerns that arose from last night’s debate.
What are the thoughts of other Rostra readers?
Michael Crimmins lost once and he’ll lose again.
Winning this seat is going to take more than heart, and frankly, I don’t think Crimmins has it. I don’t know Mason or the other guy and am willing to learn more, but I sincerly hope that we aren’t putting our full faith Crimmins.
Does Crimmins have a strong campaign team? Maybe I’m missing something.
I had a great time meeting many of you at the debate and a wonderful time giving my opinions. This post about being encouraged to run for the 76th Assembly district is a weak attempt by someone out of the other camp. Only ONE person has ever asked me about getting out of this race! I am running for Congress and that is the final word.
Everybody have a Merry Christmas! Lets win in 2010!
Mason, “Gerry” is clearly Kevin From Mr. Crimmin’s campaign, you are correct, but he does bring up a point that concerned me too. What does it mean to be the “highest ranking black Republican” in San Diego? It seems like you try hard to get people to forget about race and move beyond racism, but then you dwell on race in every message I have seen you deliver or write.
My comment about being the highest ranking black republican came during the debate in response to a question about going after Susan Davis base. As a black republican I do appeal to her base more than the others. That was the content of the statement.
Thanks for your comment, it truly is Kevin Davis acting out for his master. However, please do not think I am trying to get people to forget about race. It is a none issue in this campaign. But as author of 4 books including “It’s ok to Leave the Plantation” I would never forget about race. Thanks again, Mason Weaver
Mr. Weaver,
I grew up in the south with a Jewish last name. I am white and went to high school in Hawaii. Nobody hates racism more than I do. That being said, your statement is concerning. You say that because you are black you have an advantage with Susan Davis’ base (who last elected a Jewish woman, I might add), but then you say race is a non-issue in your campaign. How can this be interpreted as anything, but politician double-talk? You are saying people will vote for you solely based on the color of your skin. In fact you are trying to pass it off as your strength as a candidate in the 53rd District. This is not something a lot of people…Republicans or Democrats…like.
I know this is a sensitive issue and most just keep quiet, but when a statement like yours is made, it is no longer OK to be timid. We are interested in candidates based on their merits and ideas. Not their physical traits. Now is the time in this race for voters to pick the ideas they can relate to and measure how sincere each candidate is. Saying you are a stronger candidate based on your skin color and then saying your campaign is not based on race doesn’t help with your sincerity. Nor does ending your statement with a plug for one of your books.
People in the 53rd District, people all over San Diego, people across the nation…don’t care about skin color. This is an issue you brought up. I know voters grow tired of it and judge candidates on who they are…not what they look like. Comments like yours make it hard for us to seperate you from your Black Panther past. Comments like yours make it unnecessary to have to.
I can’t believe I have to explain this.
Also, a statement you made during the debate. I thought I heard it wrong. I tried to listen a number of times to see if I heard it out of context, but judging by your comments on skin color, I have to ask. During the second hour of the debate at the 20 minute mark you were talking about race and stated you are “tired of Hispanic people, Vietnamese people.” What did you mean by that?
Feel free to check for yourself. Here is the download:
One minute race matters because you feel being black will get people to vote for you and the next minute you are tired of it.
I am hosting a series of on-line Townhall meetings starting today January 4, 2010. This will allow the public to chat and share with me their concerns and issues. You are all invited to tune in and participate by going to my website and sign on or join us live on Twitter.
6 P.M. Pacific time.
I look forward to hearing from all of you.
HEY-Had Enough Yet?
Will the Real Mason Weaver Please Stand Up?
In light of the recent inquiry challenging Jim Duffy’s occupational title of his employment for the June Primary ballot, I thought the Rostra readers might be able to provide some insight and suggestion to the use of a false name in the campaign of Clarence Mason “Weaver” for Congress.
For those willing to go through the painstaking practice of viewing his website, you’ll notice he has mimicked Barack Obama in creating a “rumors section,” wherin he details the attacks against him for having used so many names. Clarence makes the case that while he does business under the name of “Mason Weaver”, the name he conducts contractual business and identification under is that of his legal name, Clarence Mason.
Why then has he chosen to violate the trust of the voters, along with California and Federal Election laws, to both register as a candidate on at least two occasions under two different false names? E.g., Tony Mason, C. Mason Weaver & Clarence Mason Weaver. Will the real man please stand up and come forward?
With documentation provided by the San Diego County Registrar of Voters, Clarence has been registered to vote under the name of Clarence Anthony Mason since 2004. Now while not as bad as registering as Micky Mouse or Bozo the Clown, Clarence has still violated the very letter and spirit of the law. For all we know, he could also be voting voting under the name of Clarence Mason, back in his past home town of Oceanside.
In both his 2010 Campaign for Congress and his failed 2000 Campaign for State Assembly, Clarence also ran as a candidate under the false name of C. Mason Weaver. It’s an obvious attempt to re-brand his name and history, permitting the voters to know only the history he has written and depicted in his 4 little known books, which he still carries around in a suitcase with him to most events.
As noted in the brief blog about Jim Duffy, challenging the legitimacy of a candidate’s filing details can be costly. That is why several voters and at least a couple of his opponents have made mention of this issue, politely educating Clarence on his legal violations and responsibilities. When at least one of these opponents asked Clarence to clear these issues up with the Registrar of Voters, the California Secretary of State and the Federal Election Commission prior to the March 12th deadline, Clarence Mason refused.
What do you think should happen? Ought one of his opponents file a challenge in court? Or should Clarence Mason be willing to apologize for his mistakes and contact the Registrar of Voters to make this correction and run under his legal name, Clarence Mason?
Wow, what a Hack of a writer. C. Mason Weaver or known by most everyone as Mason Weaver is in full compliance with the Sec. of State as far as his filing name.. C.Mason Weaver
If it is good enough for the Sec. of State and the Reg. of Voters,
what is your pathetic issue? oh,, Mike Crimmins buddy I guess.
That would be the same Mike Crimmins heard by a Republican member at the Fed. Women’s Rep. meeting saying to Mason
“SPEARCHUCKER” who tried to cover his butt by saying “oh no, I only called him a “Chucker” as in someone chucking stuff at a wall.
B.S ! And if you are as pathetic as that tossed out of the Republican Party Hack, you are a very sad person.
Slander is the legal violation here, not C.Mason Weavers filing under C. Mason Weaver. Put up, or Shut up or maybe you can tell it to the Judge.
Gerry you said:
“With Michael Crimmins clearing the field for endorsements and established relationships with the donor and community leaders,” Weaver has no chance.
Please explain a little further because I’m not sure I understand.
Which Republican officeholders have endorsed Crimmins this time around?
How much money did Crimmins raise last time, and what is his cash on hand this time?
Gerry may not respond to a question about something he wrote in December, so anyone…please have at it ——
Which Republican officeholders have endorsed Crimmins this time around?
How much money did Crimmins raise last time, and what is his cash on hand this time?
I’m not in your district, but I have this to say. Mason Weaver has a following around the entire country. Crimmins does NOT. Mason weaver is an exciting speaker that can energize the base, that’s not just what the GOP in your area will need to have a snowballs chance of winning, but that is also what conservatives around the country need. Even if a Crimmins could get elected (which i highly doubt) no one outside of your district is likely to care about him. However Mason Weaver has the chrisma, and national following to guarantee he gets heard, and his national following will deffinately help him get things done for your district. He already has a large following in the national GOP. Just my opinion in Tennessee.Or you could ignore this go with status quo San Diego version of what we call a “good ole boy” and shoot yourself in the foot before you ever get a chance to remove Susan Davis.
Hey John, what about Matt Friedman?
(HEY) Had enough yet?
The C. Mason Weaver for Congress CA-53, intends to replace the very liberal Susan Davis and return America back to the people.
We are opening up the campaign office, setting up phone banks, printing yard signs and preparing to take the campaign to the people. This effort was launched by the Tea party movement this summer but it will take your efforts to complete it.
As many of you know, our campaign has already received several key endorsements, which is unusual this early, in a contested primary. The most recent endorsement, by Edwin “Ed” Meese III, 75th Attorney General of the United States under, and counselor to Ronald Reagan, is one that is seldom, if ever given by Edwin Meese. California State Senator Mark Wyland, who represents nearly 1 million people in the 38th District, has announced his endorsement of C. Mason Weaver, as well as Phyllis Schlafly, founder and president of the Eagle Forum and a national leader of the conservative movement, has endorsed C. Mason Weaver as Congressman of California’s 53rd District.
Other key endorsements are from California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, candidate for United State Senate, who also worked as a Reagan White House appointee in the Pentagon from 1986-1988, and the Honorable Bob McEwen, former U.S. Congressman, House of Representatives, 6th Congressional District of Ohio. California Assemblywoman Diane Harkey of California’s 73rd District, a district representing communities in both Orange and San Diego counties, has also endorsed C. Mason Weaver. Also throwing himself behind C. Mason Weaver is Bishop George McKinney, founder and pastor of St. Stephen’s Cathedral Church of God in Christ, in the 53rd District currently occupied by Congresswoman Susan Davis.
C. Mason Weaver won endorsement from The Independence Caucus, a grassroots organization which has hundreds of volunteers nationwide who work to replace those “Big Money” politicians with ones they feel will better represent their communities. Weaver received 80% of the ICaucus membership votes in a runoff with his opponent.
Weaver has also been endorsed by Concerned Women Political Action Committee, founded and chaired by Beverly LaHaye, BAMPAC, the nation’s largest minority PAC and a huge host of reputable conservatives.
With the campaign off to such a good start with such vital endorsements as these, we look forward to a strong finish. We strongly urge you to go to for more information and contact
The C. Mason Weaver for Congress, Financial Committee.