“Dangerous Petition” Flyer ….. GOP’s Tony Krvaric says It appeared a Day Late and a Dollar short… Latest Moves in the Pension chess match

Jim SillsJim Sills


SD Republican Chairman Tony Krvaric says the brochure shown above — urging voters to withdraw their signatures from the Pension Reform Initiative — may have appeared  too late to affect the measure’s fate. “Here is a PDF of  Lorena Gonzalez’ EPIC FAIL ‘take your signature back’ mailer which landed in mailboxes  THE DAY the CPR campaign turned in the signatures, effectively making that mailer moot,”  Mr. Krvaric wrote in a comment on another SD Rostra story.

Yesterday  (Sept. 30)  SD city councilman Carl DeMaio and other CPRI supporters delivered 39 boxes of  petitions to the San Diego City Clerk, containing what they believe are  over 145,000 citizen signatures. The measure needs 94,346 names to qualify for the June 2012 ballot, and an ensuing  election Rodeo, the likes of which this town has rarely seen . 

Chairman Tony Krvaric has also posted a PDF of the brochure at this link   which he says accurately records the overall message communicated.

SD Rostra welcomes comments from election law devotees on how this overall process may work.  Assuming a validity rate of  80%,  there would be  116,000 “good”  names,  safely above the magic  94,346  signature level required for qualification.

Will there be further disputes about the petitions? Stay tuned to SD Rostra for late breaking developments!
