In a just society law is used to defend the inalienable rights of free men. Among these rights is the freedom to trade, or if one wishes, the freedom to gamble their property. Consent of the Governed Since all men are created equal and an individual can’t stop his neighbor from gambling, it follows that an individual therefore lacks the …
Supervisor Jim Desmond – An Uncommon Man
uncommon adjective un-com-mon | \ en-‘ka-men Definition of uncommon 1: not ordinarily encountered:unusual 2: remarkable, exceptional Supervisors shoot down Desmond’s Proposal to Stop Enforcing State Reopening Plan Those opposing Desmond? Mayor Steve Vaus’s allies, “Republican” Supervisors Dianne Jacob and Kristin Gaspar. In a courageous and uncommon 1-4 vote Supervisor Desmond upheld what is sorely lacking in government — the core philosophy …
Folly and the San Diego County Republican Party
This is not a religious post but it seems apropos here. “As a dog returns to his vomit, so fools repeat their folly.” – Proverbs 26:11 Almost on cue Darrell Issa told CBS Wednesday, “If the President calls and says will you serve your country, the answer always is … you will.” While I’m not surprised at the opportunism of the …
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