Manchester and Lynch’s “Rescue Mission” for the SD Union-Tribune deserves Commendation. Jobs are a Big Reason.

Jim SillsJim Sills


Proving once again that  no good deed goes unpunished, Doug Manchester and John Lynch are getting criticism for trying to save a San Diego institution [the Union-Tribune] and the hundreds of jobs it provides for local families.  Here are a few points about that criticism:

(1) No proposal regarding a new Charger Stadium has been approved by the San Diego City Council.  If one ever emerges, we can  review its financial details and  decide if it is a good or bad idea.  For this reason it’s illogical to label a so-far non-existent idea “Corporate Welfare.”

(2) Manchester and Lynch do not  now own the UT.  Mr. Lynch recently expressed his general ideas about supporting sports as a part of the San Diego scene.   Since Lynch owned local sports radio stations for decades, this is a surprise on the order of  “Bears do It in the Woods“.

(3)  Thus,  it is valid to be concerned about a potential Charger Stadium proposal, but premature and a dramatic  over-reaction to negatively label John Lynch  or Doug Manchester about an idea that’s still very much on “the drawing boards.”

(4) Mr. Lynch’s personal business history, building a hugely successful radio company, without asking for any corporate welfare,  should be reassuring, since it gives him a sound real-world perspective on these issues.  Our own Gayle Falkenthal brilliantly summarized Mr. Lynch’s spectacular radio successes in this Rostra posting.  It’s not that easy to impress our Gayle (!), but John Lynch Sr. managed to do it.  He did this in a manner which I believe Ayn Rand herself would have applauded.  Mr. Lynch’s background is a persuasive rebuttal witness to charges that he supports handouts.

As far as I can tell, the critics had little or no idea who John Lynch is, but still made sweeping generalizations about him.  Having followed his career for a long time, I see him as a positive San Diego influence, both then and now.

In short … and in football terms … the critics deserve a 5-yard penalty flag for a “False Start”… charging across the line,  before this political football has even been snapped.


Meanwhile, let’s celebrate the renewed peace of mind in hundreds of San Diego households tonight, as the men and women who keep the Union-Tribune moving look with greater confidence to the future.  I hope they, and the new owners, get a chance to succeed again, here in the real world.



Jim Sills is a San Diego political consultant.   He has aided the campaigns of Rep. Darrell Issa, Assemblywoman Shirley Horton, Senators Joel Anderson and Tony Strickland, Representatives Devin Nunes and J.D. Hayworth (Arizona) , and SD County Assessor & Recorder Greg Smith, among many others in California and beyond.  If you have questions about  Your future in politics, you can contact Jim Sills  at
