Juan Vargas doubled his Lead over Mary Salas moments ago
in the 40th state senate cliff-hanger. The SD County Registrar
counted 22 more ballots in that race today, and they split 14
for Vargas, to 8 for Salas That increases the Vargas lead in
the 3-county district from 6 votes last Friday, to 12 votes today.
……………………. UPDATE 8 p.m.:
Late this afternoon the efficient folks at SD Registrar of Voters
completed their count of the last 25 ballots from the primary
election. They found 1 more vote for Mary Salas, reducing the
Vargas lead district-wide to 11 votes.
Your new totals… Vargas…24,138….Salas…24,127
There are no further updates received yet today from Imperial
or Riverside counties. All of Imperial and about 8% of River-
side are in the 40th state senate district.
Vargas leads in Imperial County (+927)… while Salas has
an edge in Riverside (+106) and San Diego (+809).
But the Salas lead has recently fallen in the latter two
areas…. She was +154 in Riverside last week and +907 in
San Diego.
You read it first again here at SD Rostra, where we are
Live, Local and Late-Breaking..
Comments 3
We’ve always wanted to use “doubles” and “mere” in the same sentence…
From the Twitter feed:
From: @sandiegorostra
Sent: Jun 30, 2010 12:56p
Vargas DOUBLES his lead over Salas in Senate District 40 cliff-hanger to a MERE 12 votes!…
sent via web
On Twitter:
For those who remember the popular Spearmint
chewing gum Television adverts of the past:
“Double your Pleasure, Double Your Sum,
with Juan Vargas, Juan Vargas, Juan Vargas’ Puns.”