Hunter Owes an Explanation

Eric AndersenEric Andersen 18 Comments


EricIn the event you are wondering if I saw “it,” that answer is, yes. The “it” being the Union-Tribune article describing my Congressman’s multiple violations of campaign finance law. I don’t get it. Hunter is in a safe seat. He was elected by a 40-point margin. He can afford to courageously raise the conservative flag high and inspire by taking the lead on issues reforming and limiting government, but he hasn’t.

He received a “D” on his 2013 FreedomWork’s Scorecard and a “C” on his 2014 scorecard.

He has become a poster boy for Goldwater’s famous quote, “Conservative principles so widely espoused and Conservative action so generally neglected,” by voting against States rights, for Indefinite Detention of American citizens, for the Sandy Relief bill, for fully funding Obamacare, for CISPA, for Federal Sugar Programs, for farm subsidies, for Export-Import Bank, and the list goes on.

To clarify his affinity for things offensive and unprincipled he endorsed Donald Trump for president. Not one of the last to do so but one of the first.

And now we read he has problems with the Federal Elections Commission. Serious enough to immediately cut short a trip to Israel. The use of campaign funds for personal expenses is strictly forbidden. The Union-Tribune states Hunter used his campaign funds for video games, travel and his children’s education. Hunter had also written on his disclosure that these personal expenses were to be paid back. They weren’t. It is one thing to make a mistake and correct it. Another to repeat it, say it will be paid back and not do so.

Hunter IIThe U-T further notes that Hunter’s wife, Margaret, who is paid $3,000 a month in campaign funds as campaign manager, is not returning calls. What campaign is she so busy and highly paid to manage?

It would be encouraging to see the conservative groups in the county challenge Congressman Hunter on his voting record, support of Trump and his campaign finance violations, but I am not holding my breath.

I already understand Hunter says the campaign credit card was used in error. That’s not an adequate explanation, not even close. The real question — how could he have acknowledged the errors in his campaign disclosures, but not immediately rectified them by paying back the money, thus in essence going several months without addressing violations of the law?

The families in the 50th district deserve a better explanation for how this could have happened.


Eric Andersen is a member of the Central Committee of the San Diego County Republican Party and current Chair and Co-Founder of the Republican Liberty Caucus of San Diego County. He is a Co-Founder of, former Rock Church Citizen of the Year and former Caucus Chair for the 71st Assembly District.


Comments 18

  1. “how could he have acknowledged the errors in his campaign disclosures, but not immediately rectified them by paying back the money, thus in essence going several months without addressing violations of the law?”

    This is an important question. It’s easy for a kid to use the wrong credit card and easy to pay the campaign funds back. To date, it would seem that only the former easy action was performed. I certainly hope the latter is done immediately.

  2. Another (not better) question: In light of these circumstances, and I would assert that using campaign funds for personal use is worse than your garden variety campaign finance violation, will any Republican challenge Hunter in the primary? Brian Jones, perhaps?

  3. From Merriam-Webster:

    Full Definition of hubris

    : exaggerated pride or self-confidence

    hu·bris·tic play \hyü-ˈbris-tik\ adjective

    Enough said.

  4. Thanks T.A. I guess it was bad timing on this story breaking after the deadline since Hunter is now unbeatable this year no matter how he handles the issue.

  5. How do you spend over a G on Steam games?? They have 50% off sales like every other week. That’s all I’m upset about.

  6. “How do you spend over a G on Steam games?? They have 50% off sales like every other week. That’s all I’m upset about.”

    LOL. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think the same thing.

  7. Compared with Hunter’s mad rush to jump on Trump’s circus wagon, this issue wouldn’t make a pimple on the posterior of political indiscretion.

  8. “To clarify his affinity for things offensive and unprincipled he endorsed Donald Trump for president.”

    So this appears to be payback for endorsing Trump. “Principled politician” is an oxymoron to the average American. Yawn.

  9. “The power of a Rostra post is legendary.”

    Funny. Of course, we’d like to think we sometimes have an impact, or maybe play some small part in an overall impact, even if it’s just a piling on.

    If the UT is a tumor, which is trying to tell you to go see a doctor, Rostra may be like a small zit on it’s surface.

  10. Post

    To add to his list of unconstitutional votes, Hunter voted on Tuesday for H.R. 1567 Global Food Security Act authorizing “a comprehensive, strategic approach for United States foreign assistance to developing countries to reduce global poverty and hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, promote inclusive, sustainable economic growth.” So grateful we have a ‘conservative’ like Hunter that believes in limited government and free markets.

  11. Eric,

    I will tee up an easy one for you:

    Why is reducing global poverty and hunger a bad thing?

  12. Post

    It is good for my family to feed the family of Hypocrisy when his is hungry. It is evil for me to force the Brady, Thor and Elliot families to do so.

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