Who Covered Up for Bob: Todd Gloria!

Aynd RandAynd Rand 2 Comments


Continuing with our series of “Who Covered Up for Bob Filner” this edition focuses on TODD GLORIA.

First, let’s start with the money shot photo of Todd Gloria standing at Bob’s side on Election Day, while Bob voted for himself.

Add to this photo the cheesy live TV footage of Gloria outside the polling station.  And the rallies and press conferences Gloria did

You get the point – Gloria was not just a quiet endorser of Filner.

Todd Gloria was a cheerleader every step of the way.

But Todd Gloria has a problem.

Like other local Democratic leaders, Todd Gloria knew about all the complaints about sexual harassment.

Worse, Todd Gloria knew more dirt than the other Democratic leaders, having worked Congresswoman Susan Davis where he and his fellow staffers heard about the horror stories of Bob’s office visits with women.

Todd Gloria even privately joked with a Council staffer at City Hall about Bob’s problems, admitting he hated Carl DeMaio so much that he was forced to campaign for Bob despite the fact Bob was a “creep” for hitting on every woman who moved.

For Todd Gloria, it is not about people – it’s about politics.

Politics of keeping a Republican from the Mayor’s office trumped basic concern over how Bob Filner treats people, particularly women.

Once elected did Todd Gloria change his tune and decide to speak up?  The evidence suggests not at all.

In fact, during the now-infamous Closed Session at City Hall where Bob Filner attacked a black Deputy City Attorney and ordered his personal bodyguards to forcibly remove him from the Closed Session meeting, Todd Gloria sat silent the entire time.

As Council President, Todd Gloria could have come to the defense of the Deputy City Attorney.  But he didn’t.  He sat.  Silent.  Quietly watching the entire ordeal.

Only AFTER word leaked to the media and the public did Todd Gloria suddenly break his silence to criticize Filner.

Just like only AFTER the truth came out about Bob Filner’s sexual harassment came public, did Todd Gloria finally break his silence to speak out.

But did he immediately call for resignation?  Or share his own stories of what he heard?

No – Todd Gloria’s first statement simply asked Bob Filner to “respond.”

It took two days – and only after two Assemblywomen stepping forward to call for resignation – before Todd Gloria finally muttered the word “resign” against Bob Filner.

A leader with integrity speaks up behind closed doors, not just when the public is looking.

A leader with integrity should be one of the first voices to act, not wait until others safely pave the way.

And a leader with integrity would never have put politics before people by endorsing and actively campaigning for Bob Filner knowing his reputation for terrible treatment of women.

For these reasons, I make Todd Gloria the first in my series of “Who Covered Up for Bob” posts.

More to come…share your thoughts – and nominate others – in the comments below.


Comments 2

  1. The photo, which is the property of NBC 7, has been linked, instead of posted. We don’t own it. Aynd, please let us know if you haven’t received a copy of our editorial rules.

  2. The behavior of Strong Mayor Bob Filner at SANDAG meetings was particularly rude and insulting to Lemon Grove Mayor Mary Sessom and SANDAG female employees all of whom conducted themselves with professional dignity. Chairman Jack Dale was quite effective at dealing with the misbehavior of Filner. Todd Gloria sat next to Filner and made nary a peep.

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