Dishonest PPIC poll on CA tax increases omits adverse effects

Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax FightersRichard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters 1 Comment

Below is a link to an op-ed/press release I wrote and posted on the FlashReport GOP website concerning the bogus PPIC tax increase survey.  I posted a similar item on my Facebook page earlier, but this piece fleshes out the topic and, more importantly, is now on a website for sharing. I also emailed it to media up and down …

Fleischman on the Dubious PPIC Tax Survey

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 1 Comment

Regarding the news that a “big majority supports Brown’s tax increase plan” (UT headline), the FlashReport’s Jon Fleischman provides some insight… The results of a public opinion survey are totally dependent on the questions you ask. You can ask a question that you know will has a very positive answer, such as “Would you like prices to be lower to …