For 40+ years I’ve fought against big government and their agencies. But in all my experience, no agency came close to the systemic dishonesty and actual evil that has pervaded SANDAG for decades. It’s not just SANDAG’s current Grand Ayatollah who is the problem. For decades SANDAG has been staffed by highly paid (and pensioned) central planners who consider oppressive, …
Compared to other states, CA has uber-high median home prices — coupled with much smaller lots and smaller houses
As everyone knows, buying a home in California is MUCH more expensive than buying a home in almost all the other states. Generally we compare states using the “median home value.” According to Zillow, the July 2020 median home value in the U.S. is $248,857. The CA median home value is $578,857. BTW, the median home value in our San …
San Diego County Population Growth Has All But Stopped
I was on one of my statistical journeys through U.S. Census data when I unexpectedly stumbled upon this the following important fact: According to the latest census figures, the population of San Diego County — a huge county physically larger than the state of Rhode Island that is home to over 3.3 million people — a county population larger than …
California MSM refuses to fully report Democrat legislators’ sexual harassment scandal
UPDATED: 28 February, 2018 What is “fake news“? Definitions abound, of course. But IMHO, the most common examples of fake news in the MSM are “lies of omission.” Our state newspapers have been covering a major story — while diligently FAILING to report a critical aspect of this huge scandal. Over 150 women (I haven’t heard the figure recently) have …
Response to City of San Diego’s arts budget
At the U-T’s request, I wrote an op-ed, making the case against taxpayer subsidies for the arts. It’s a response to the City of San Diego cutting its “arts budget” 31% — a decision I support. The column runs in Sunday’s print version of the paper, but it’s online now. For most, it’s available without a subscription: Why taxpayers should …
The new “Jarvis” CA legislator report card is out. No improvement.
The annual Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association [California State] Legislative Report Card report is out. The ratings are based on tax votes, with an emphasis regarding attacks on Prop 13.As one would expect, since most of our legislators are Democrats, the majority of our legislators rate an “F” ranking on taxes. The table of information can be sorted interactively in each …
Columnist thinks CA suffers from “generations of excessive frugality.” Seriously???
California columnist Joe Mathews raises a great issue in a U-T op-ed — California’s growing problem of increasingly paying more for less. It’s a major issue, especially with government services. But then he fails miserably — not identifying the single biggest factor. In this case, he never addresses the principal reason why the cost of California government services are so …
CA Fire Foundation counts deceased retirees as “fallen firefighters” — shame!
CAUTION: The following commentary will trigger intense feelings of hatred (of me) among some firefighters. My apologies in advance. Firefighting has always been an honorable profession. It’s a job that, from time to time, definitely can be more dangerous than most occupations. But the “problem” for the California Fire Foundation (CFF) and other boosters of firefighters is that — these …
If “anti-tax” groups supposedly want zero taxes, don’t tax increase groups want 100% taxes?
In America, we have a double standard when it comes to tax issue groups. The press and the Left labels any group that opposes tax increases as “anti-tax.” Yet I’ve NEVER heard the left wing groups pushing higher taxes defined as “pro-tax.” Why is that? Okay, okay — the Left controls the MSM and academia — we all get that. …
San Diego nation’s seventh worst big city for road repairs — four other CA cites even worse — including the worst three
In a just-released survey by the nonprofit TRIP, among U.S. urban areas exceeding 500,000 population, my city of San Diego is tied nationally for having the seventh worst city road conditions. Californians will be disappointed (but not surprised) to find that four of the six large population areas that are ranked even worse than San Diego are also located in the Golden …
Since 1968, CA per student K-12 spending has about doubled, even after adjusting for inflation
One of the many liberal talking points against Prop 13 is that it “gutted” public education. Supposedly Prop 13, which passed in 1978, is the main reason our CA schools are so underfunded today — ruining what progressives now claim was once the best K-12 public school system in the nation. But were the CA public schools really that great before they were …
The little-known but unsurprising growth of private firefighting companies in America
Click for a very interesting website about PRIVATE fire fighting companies in America. Private Firefighting In the U.S. Private firefighting is a rapidly growing industry. Yes, private firefighters make up just 4.3 percent of the nation’s total firefighters, but this is an industry on the verge of catching fire because of a growing trend toward privatization. According to a 2012 …
Overseas manufacturing jobs “reshored” to the U.S. seldom end up in California
Recently there’s been a nationwide effort to get some overseas manufacturing jobs “reshored” to the United States, apparently with modest success. But California has received only 2.4% of those jobs — a pretty dismal result. It’s particularly distressing when one considers that CA holds 12.18% of the nation’s population. That means that, per capita, on average the other 49 states …
Is the UNION-TRIBUNE becoming the far-left LA TIMES? No, not yet — though troubling trends are appearing
The LA TIMES owners recently purchased the historically more conservative SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE. Naturally the U-T readers — primarily right of center — are concerned with the change in tone of the paper, and content. I’ve been monitoring this, and so far, I must say my concerns have not been (yet) realized. The U-T editorials still deliver primarily the conservative …
Unions push through $15 LA minimum wage – now want their own exemption!
You’re gonna LOVE this. As you know, the Los Angeles city politicians voted almost unanimously to establish a $15 minimum wage. They did so at the behest of the labor unions. Now the labor union bosses want an exemption for unionized workers! As union boss Rusty Hicks so eloquently put it, “With a collective bargaining agreement, a business owner and …
U-T CARTOON: Woman kills man? Hilarious! Man kills woman? Not so much.
Lots of funny captions provided by readers for this U-T cartoon. But my wife made an interesting observation: Reverse the roles — make it two MEN with the big gun — and an empty pair of smoking WOMEN’s shoes. I suspect that would NOT be deemed funny, or even offered up for caption-adding to the public. If it were published, …
Richard Rider’s reaction to Chargers deal
I’d like to see the actual Chargers stadium proposal, but based on the task force’s official write-up which I presume is accurate, appears to be a $467 million taxpayer giveaway to keep the Chargers here — ignoring cost overruns and “surprises.” And apparently that’s not counting the 60 acres of land valued at $180 million (not sure how land ownership …
U-T prints op-ed from fake taxpayer group
The U-T recently ran a guest op-ed touting all the benefits to society of mandated prevailing wage contracts — which jack up the price of public works projects 15%-30% (not counting the inefficiencies of union work rules). But it was fraudulently presented. This piece was authored by some flunky from the “Middle Class Taxpayers Association.” It’s a bogus outfit (though …
Nobody wants a San Diego city job? SERIOUSLY???
From the UT… Michael Zucchet, president of the San Diego Municipal Employees Association, said . . . restoring those [past city worker] cuts will require hiring new workers, which he described as a struggle because many city positions have salaries below market rate based on pay freezes and some pay cuts in 2010. “Funding the positions is only half the …
Four San Diego city firefighter hiring reforms we need
Here’s a San Diego city firefighter hiring reform we need. Four, actually. 1. Do what EVERY OTHER CITY IN THE COUNTY DOES — hire already qualified firefighters who graduate from accredited firefighter academies — primarily our community college programs. Let the students pay for their firefighter education. No need to start from scratch with a new recruit — putting him …
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