On Republics and Sanctuary Cities

Eric AndersenEric Andersen 15 Comments

As a Republican, I don’t particularly enjoy siding with Governor Brown on an issue let alone on one as emotionally charged as sanctuary cities. Not sure our reasoning was the same but to his credit he took Senator Kevin DeLeon’s SB54 and with encouragement from the California Police Chiefs Association multiplied DeLeon’s exclusions twelvefold, from 65 crimes to 800. My oath …

Filling the Obama Gap on Immigration Reform

B-DaddyB-Daddy Leave a Comment

President Obama discussing immigration reform in June 2009, Official White House Photo by Pete Souza. In a clear signal that Obama will demagogue any issue to help his re-election chances, we read this from the U-T. President Barack Obama told about 70 national leaders in a private meeting Tuesday that immigration reform is still one of his priorities despite the …

Democratic leadership begin groundwork for amnesty

Kimberly DvorakKimberly Dvorak 1 Comment

Congressman Luis Gutierrez –D-IL has begun the immigration bill drafting process and he claims there’s both support and votes for ‘compassionate legislation.’ Gutierrez promised supporters his immigration reform legislation would include keeping families together, protecting workers and finding an easy path to U.S. citizenship. Sounds great if you’re in this country illegally. This move is in direct opposition to what …