Senators Brian Jones (R-Santee), Jim Nielsen (R-Tehama), Jeff Stone (R-Riverside County), Mike Morrell (R-Rancho Cucamonga) and John Moorlach (R-Costa Mesa) introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 38, which condemns Governor Gavin Newsom for giving a blanket reprieve to all 737 inmates on death row. “Governor Newsom’s actions are hypocritical and unconstitutional,” said Jones. “He made multiple commitments during his campaign that …
My tea party opposition to the Death Penalty
An issue that had completely disappeared from my view was thrust in front of me this morning when I opened the U-T to find that a repeal of the death penalty had qualified as a California ballot initiative for November. I am not in the mainstream of conservative thought in my opposition to the death penalty; but my reasons that …
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