Polling in 52nd Congressional: “Scott Peters is in a weak position for reelection”

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 3 Comments


from Revolvis consulting…

On December 16-17, polling firm Moore Information conducted a poll on California’s 52nd Congressional District. Linked here is a memo on the poll’s findings. A few highlights…

• Hillary Clinton has a +5 net negative rating with 49% unfavorable and 44% favorable opinion among district voters.

• Incumbent Scott Peters is below 50% approval rating with only 44% of voters approving of his performance, and 29% disapproving.

• 41% of voters think Peters should be replaced while only 35% think he should be reelected.

• On the initial ballot, Peters is very weak not even breaking 50% against Denise Gitsham, who is virtually unknown to voters at this point in the race. Very dangerous territory for an incumbent.

• On the informed ballot, which tests positive and negative messages on both candidates, Peters holds only a +2% lead over Gitsham, 39-37%.


Comments 3

  1. Read the actual poll results. On the initial question, Congressman Peters has a 24% lead over Denise Gitsham. It is only after the polling firm (hired by the challenger’s campaign consultant) “informs” the poll participant about the candidates that Peters’ lead shrinks to 2%.

    I doubt the Congressman is losing any sleep over the results of a push poll and I would have thought that a Rostra reader would have the sophistication not to take one very seriously.

  2. Post

    We thought that noting it was from Revolvis, that it is a consulting firm, and that the linked report clearly notes client Denise Gitsham in the first sentence was all enough. But, yes, we could do more to spell such things out in the future.

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