Matt Friedman’s Statement on the 53rd Congressional Seat

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The third of three parts.  To see the other CA-53 candidate statements provided to SD Rostra in the last couple of days, as well as the several comments posted, click here.

By Matt Friedman

My journey in this campaign began in July of 2008.  Along with millions of Americans, I realized our collective livelihood was under attack from Congress, a daunting 2009 was on the horizon, and the upcoming election of a president who was going to take the country in a very scary direction.

What makes America great is our willingness to step up to the plate and give it our all.  If we get knocked down, we get back up again and fight.  The 53rd district is an uphill battle, but a battle that we can win.  The battle is bigger than just the district; it is a battle for our country.  With two volunteers, no name ID and limited abilities to fundraise I entered the race.  There were skeptics; not of my ability, but of what I was undertaking.   I stood up to fight, prepared to be knocked down, and step up again to fight some more.

My campaign has grown out of the tea party movement into something larger than I could ever imagine.   I have listened to tens of thousands of constituents in the district.  My volunteers have listened to tens of thousands more and the message we keep hearing is “get us back to work.”  This is My Pact with the 53rd:

I want an America…

• Where creating jobs is a TOP priority

• That supports small businesses, the cornerstone of our communities.

• That encourages innovation and supports new technologies for tomorrow’s jobs.

• Where energy independence creates more jobs for Americans.

• With a balanced budget to protect our grandchildren’s future.

• That cherishes, upholds, and supports our Constitution.

The campaign has grown from two volunteers back in November of 2008 to over 315 volunteers to date, and growing.  The volunteers are made up of republicans (conservatives and moderates), democrats, libertarians, independents and even one green party member.  This is possible because we stick to the Constitution and DO NOT COMPROMISE.

We are all joined together under the banner of the Constitution.  If you are sitting on the sidelines, I challenge you to step up and join the campaign like the other 315 patriots.  We need to raise more money and welcome more volunteers, but the fight will continue.  It will be a tough journey with much hard work ahead, but every person that comes on board brings us one step closer to winning.

December 21st was my first political debate.  I stayed true to why I am running and grounded my answers in the Constitution.  Every response I gave was always mindful of how to get Americans back to work.  I will become a better debater and speaker.   I will continue to gain confidence.  Combine this with my knowledge of economic principles, history, foreign policy and a committed defense of the Constitution, my candidacy should make ALL the constituents of the 53rd proud.


Here is Matt’s Facebook page.


Comments 5

  1. With Crazy Crimmins and Radical Weaver in this race Friedman is already by far the most qualified, and this just strengthened my opinion of him. Hopefully Friedman will be able to run a good campaign and get his message out there while Weaver tries to sell books and Crimmins puts up hit sites.

  2. As someone who has met and spoke with Matt personally, I can attest that he is committed to constitutional values, and has a real drive to unite varying political and socioeconomic groups for the common cause of a constitution based government.

  3. I am a constituent of the 52nd district. I am very happy with Duncan D. Hunter. But I want to see Davis gone, and am willing to do my part to help. As I read this statement, I feel that it is heartfelt, though weak. I don’t know any of the candidates. But am I am done with McCain type compromisers and other pantywaist Republicans. I did read Malcom’s statement and was impressed. He takes a firm stand. If Matt wants to succeed within this conservative movement, he might want to take a firm stand as well. Right now he is a snoozer.

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