LGBT Control of Education

Eric AndersenEric Andersen 1 Comment


I spent a few hours at the home of a friend for a private gathering of politicians and key staffers from both parties.

Unbeknownst to me was a City Councilman from the Democrat Party sitting across the table from where I was having a conversation with someone else.

After observing our conversation, he asked if he could move closer and participate.

Of course.

He then asked …

Councilman: “How does your philosophy address what the homosexual does in his bedroom?”

Me: “My theology doesn’t empower the State to rule in a bedroom, but that misses the point.”

Me: “The State forces me to support public education via my property tax. That’s theft and immoral on its face. … Then homosexual Assemblyman Corey Jackson leaves his bedroom in Moreno Valley and flies to Sacramento Monday morning and writes AB-1078, forcing Christians in public schools to be taught LGBT values in K-12.”

“That is what I have a problem with. It doesn’t matter that Christians just elected a believer to the Grossmont Union High School Board. The school board and Christian families must submit to Corey Jackson’s AB 1078.

Councilman: … Crickets.

If I can’t take my neighbor’s property by force and redistribute it, why can a legislator? (I thought he derived his just powers from the consent of the governed.)

Does the Bible give us two ethics? One for the magistrate and another for us?

Are we back to ‘Divine Right of Kings’?

If the law was moral and just wouldn’t the State defend my property (8th Commandment) and let parents (5th Commandment) choose where and how to educate their children? Wouldn’t that eliminate the fight over State Education?

Asking for a friend.🤓


Comments 1

  1. E–Great article as usual.

    Romans 13:7–Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.

    Thanks be to God he very clearly described legitimate government. Theft and extortion do not meet the standards described for legitimate authority. You aren’t required to render anything to those to whom it is not due.

    It’s often wise to do so to avoid the violent subjugation the state will visit upon you for resisting, however.

    If I can’t take my neighbor’s property by force and redistribute it, why can a legislator? The court jesters, education-industrial complex, and deluded ministers have convinced your neighbors this is “good”.

    Does the Bible give us two ethics? One for the magistrate and another for us? Just one ethic, as Paul made clear.

    Are we back to ‘Divine Right of Kings’? Such would be preferable to pretending we are “”represented” in any meaningful sense.

    If the law was moral and just wouldn’t the State defend my property (8th Commandment) and let parents (5th Commandment) choose where and how to educate their children? Wouldn’t that eliminate the fight over State Education? Yes!

    Until heaven, we suffer under the burden of the state, and the collective delusion that it must exist. Thus, the conflict continues until the Lord returns to find his people busily plundering and enslaving each other.

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