Mr. Murphy, the ever present, gloating or apologist voice of the individuals who run the Republican Central Committee, you never fail to disappoint me!
My view on the events of the FACTS of what happened this week:
The defeat of the vocal minority, whether they were right or wrong, within the GOP was a long time in building. Rational people in the GOP and outside simply have had enough of the constant anonymous, rude emails. They were not constructive in any meaningful way, and whether the minority were responsible for them or not, they were blamed for them by the less partisan members of the GOP. This explains the 44 to 1 vote. It was a reaction to the nonsense.
It was obvious that the anonymous emails last week regarding Nehring and Krvaric were a “Hail Mary” from Anonymous, the minority, or both. If the charges could be backed up, Nehring and Krvaric were done. If they could not, Anonymous and the minority, with or without the permission of the minority, lost all credibility. In fact the charges were not backed up, which I personally found disgusting. In my eyes, the minority did not disavow Anonymous at that point, and as such whether they were involved or not they demonstrated they did not have the where with all to rule even if they did replace the current leadership.
Thus, the resignation of key members of the minority was not surprising to me. I would hope that they resigned because they were repulsed by their actual or perceived affiliation with Anonymous, which I expect is partially the case. I’d imagine they also were pretty demoralized, and finally decided that they could do other things with their lives. They probably also are getting worried about their affiliation with Anonymous, who crossed the line this time, and possible legal ramifications.
Comments 2
Well, there is the vanilla version of what I wrote.
Mr. Murphy
Check out the comments under this post at SD Politico about how the people at Rostra would be afraid to discuss the party stuff…