From 10News, in case you missed it…
“…in the new poll released Tuesday, Gore had 26 percent of the vote — up 12 points from November … showed former Undersheriff and Assemblyman Jay La Suer at 16 percent, which was unchanged from November. Sheriff’s Lieutenant Jim Duffy, who led the race in November, is at 15 percent — down nine percent.”
More here:
- 10News calls this lead by Gore “substantial.” Ten points with margins of error and nearly forty percent undecided is substantial? Funny.
- Gore may have an uphill battle trying to pull this thing out with fifty percent plus one in June.
- The determination that Duffy can’t use a law enforcement ballot designation (he will use chief of staff) is extremely significant now, especially considering the Deputy Sheriffs Association won’t be spending money to benefit his effort.
- This spells the real possibility of an upset, with La Suer making it into a runoff with Gore.
- Watch for the undecideds to slide towards those with a law enforcement background listed on the ballot, meaning Gore and La Suer.
- Trouble for Duffy.
- The poll has Bruce Ruff at four percent…why the heck are they polling a name not in the race? (Question, not a thought — same guys doing the poll that call the lead “substantial”?)
- If Gore’s internal tracking shows him not being able to win it in June, watch for him to blast Duffy, not La Suer. For discussion below: Why do I think that?
Comments 8
Since he’s dropped 9 points since the last poll, this Duffy release takes the cake.
San Diego County Sheriff’s Poll Shows Bad News for Gore SAN DIEGO, CA – If the election were held today, according to a 10News poll conducted by SurveyUSA, among likely voters Bill Gore gets 26%. Jay LaSuer gets 16% while Jim Duffy gets 15% of the vote. The margin of error is 4.6%. “This is very bad news for Gore,” said Duffy consultant Bob Schuman. “What this tells us,” Schuman continued, “is that even though Gore has been in the media nonstop for six weeks, has his signs up all over the county, and is advertising on the Internet, Gore still can’t attract more than one in four voters.” “Gore is the hand-picked candidate of the downtown elitists and has been the appointed Sheriff for nearly a year. This is an abysmal showing,” Schuman concluded. “We still have six long weeks before Election Day and voters are just starting to pay attention,” said Jim Duffy. “Our voter outreach is ramping up and I am encouraged with the direction we are headed. I feel very confident about where we are.” # # #
Interesting! Letter to the Editor in UT supporting Gore from a “Duffy”…
From: @RickyWhy
Sent: Apr 30, 2010 8:32a
I trust this is not @DuffyForSheriff ‘s mother?
sent via
On Twitter:
LaSuer 16%
Duffy 15%
Ruff 4%
[b] Total anti-Gore vote = 35% [/b]
Gore = 26%
undecided = 39%
Looks like a runoff between Gore and Jay LaSuer
Gore is for the GOVERNMENT
Duffy is for the UNIONS
LaSuer is for the PEOPLE!
Google “Gore Ruby Ridge” to see our trigger-happy Sheriff in action….
Always said this will be a runoff between Gore and La Suer in November. After the primary, Gore will be stuck in the same rut he is in now. Duffy’s supporters will flock to La Suer over Gore. Gore is in big trouble and La Suer couldn’t be in a better position.
Duffy’s own family is not only not supporting, but trying to get Gore elected? Oh man, what a complete statement of who Duffy really is.
Gore has separated himself from his deputies. The fiasco of the King/Dubois debacle was nothing more than Gore’s attempt to get in front of the camera. He didn’t do squat on those cases; it was his Deputies. And frankly, why was Gore in front of the cameras? Why was the PIO not speaking, which protocol call for? The guy has no clue what the hell he is doing. Now that I have seen and learned more about him, it scares me to know he is in the position of leadership he holds.
La Suer seems to be the only common sense candidate. The guy WAS a Deputy; he has been there. I have never met the guy but have been digging real deep. Thank God for Google. Saw him at the Oceanside Tea Party. His parting words to the crowd were something like “Please, Google my opponents.” That was quite the statement to make. Any intelligent voter is going to do that, and then Google La Suer himself. After a long time on my computer, it is La Suer for me. Now reading about the Deputies only giving Duffy $3,000 for his campaign and SEIU backing off, you are right ROSTRA. Gore is falling, Duffy is falling, La Suer will make it through the primary. It is time to pack it up Duffy. At least in this race, the candidates are defined. Conservative-La Suer, Liberal-Gore and in Duffy’s own words “I am to the left of all the candidates.” Conservatives should get behind La Suer, I am.
To the comment above…
The woman, Linda Crogan, should be ashamed of herself. The entire Duffy family supports Jim Duffy in this election. Former Sheriff John Duffy would unquestionably support his son, Jim Duffy, in this election. Linda… who is not a part of the Duffy family, has the right to her opinion but to use the late John F. Duffy’s name in any kind of way to support anyone other than DUFFY is Despicable.
R.I.P. John F. Duffy
There hasn’t been enough made of Gore’s lack of leadership at Ruby Ridge where a woman was shot to death while holding her baby and his lack of involvement in helping to find the 9/11 terrorists training here in San Diego while he was in charge of the FBI field office.
The DSA only gave Duffy $3,000 in one meeting. Overall, throuhout the campaign their support will be much greater. They already approved money for signs and banners. Then the $3,000. And they recently approved radio commercials. The media twists and turns the truth….