County Supervisor D2 Race

Eric AndersenEric Andersen 7 Comments

Candidate “A” vs. Candidate “B” Republicans will be faced with a choice between two conservatives for San Diego County Supervisor D2 next Spring. Who should the GOP endorse “A” or “B”? I think the choice for conservatives is clear. Not only about who should receive the GOP endorsement but about whom is in the best position to win in the …

OccupyWallStreet, but there is more to it

Poway RogerPoway Roger 1 Comment

Regarding Occupy Wall Street… I happened to know a person arrested during their efforts to occupy the Brooklyn Bridge, which got me thinking and hence my comments. There is much more to this issue that these idealists fail to realize. Corporate greed (which they state as the reason for their actions) is not the sole issue here. You also have …