The month of June was very, very good for SD Rostra. In a single month, readership rose 50% from May levels (12,747 to 19,192), bringing our gains since January to 96% (9,767 then to 19,192 now). These totals reflect 19,192 separate and unique IP addresses. And in many cases multiple users have the same IP [if they’re with one agency or business] so we’re being conservative in saying 19,192 Rostra readers last month. The true total is likely closer to 22,000. A major reason for this growth is YOU, our readers, who tell your friends and family about Rostra, retweet our stories, and generally “get the word out.” We thank you for your support!
[That is believed to be Sunshine at the far left of the staff photograph shown above. Please don’t ask us about her hair. We don’t know either.]And given these sensational readership numbers, I am planning an immediate “hold out” until Mighty Thor either (a) doubles my salary, or (b) makes good on his promise of a staff party at Hooters.
Jim Sills is a San Diego political consultant. If you have questions about your future in San Diego and California elections, you can contact Jim at this e-mail address: He has aided the campaigns of Rep. Darrell Issa, Assemblywoman Shirley Horton, Senators Joel Anderson and Tony Strickland, Representatives Devin Nunes and J.D. Hayworth, County Assessor & Recorder Greg Smith, among many others in California and beyond.
Comments 8
The double of $0 is still $0. 😉
I’m very proud to be part of this blog. Thanks to you and all the others who make it possible!
The “Battle of Warren Harding” played a signifcant part in
this break-through month for SD Rostra. Colonel Fikes led
the Rostrafarians to Victory with a memorable charge up
Heart Burn Ridge.
Congratulations. The quality of your work has been recognized. You do everyone a much needed service.
Thanks, Jim. The battle turned out to be pretty much a draw — but to our mutual enlightenment. Glad that the fireworks attracted viewers!
You too have a part in this success. The thrust and
parrry on the discussion threads is an SD Rostra
strong point.
To use one of William F. Buckley Jr’s favorite words,
your remarks are always “trenchant.” Mr. Buckley
valued arguments which are, ‘sharp, keen, incisive’
and presented with force.
Credit is also due to the “Fireworks Fracas” started by Diana Palacios’ surprisingly provocative post. We never know what’s going to set the rabble off!
Congratulations and job well done to my fellow Rostrans. As one of the Original Bloggas (sort of like Original Gangstas), I’m proud to be part of this effort.
Good point, Gayle! Which stirred up more discussion,
and drove more traffic to the website …..the Fireworks
post (Palacios) or the Lifeguards post (Falkenthal)?
And why is it usually the Women posters who ignite
the major frenzies? Inquiring minds would like to know.
That period of time was of the biggest importance for us.
Word. Those 5 months were positively
Golden for all of us at SD Rostra.