If You Think Gay Marriage Will Not Affect You, Think Again

Bob SiegelBob Siegel 21 Comments


Proposition 8 is in the news again. At first the will of the people got struck down because the courts ruled that a law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman was unconstitutional. For this reason, Proposition 8 went ahead and made it part of the California constitution. Now a judge is going to rule on whether or not the constitution is constitutional. It never ends. But because this is news once again, I have re-organized some thoughts I wrote a while back on Town Hall, combined with a selection from my book. The purpose of this article is to defend the Conservative case, not only morally, but legally, intellectually, psychologically, and compassionately. The article begins as a dialogue because that is what seems to be missing today, constructive dialogue, as opposed to worthless mudslinging and attempts to silence opposing views. I do not mind people disagreeing with my beliefs, but misrepresenting my position is another matter altogether. I cannot claim to speak for all Conservatives, although I know I’m at least speaking for many. The sincere hope and objective is for people to better understand where we are coming from. Feel free to argue against this article. Just know what you are arguing against rather than rushing to judgment. That’s all I ask.

“Isn’t it important to speak against hate? Those who are against gay marriage are filled with hate, aren’t they?”

With all due respect, that’s quite a sweeping generalization. Have you met and conversed with every single person opposed to gay marriage? Have you allowed them to speak for themselves or are you letting others filter and restate their opinions? And how exactly are you defining hate?I respect your desire to be loving, but please be careful here. Stop, take a deep breath, and notice the subtlety of what is going on. Otherwise you mayfind yourself guilty of the same kinds of bigotry you claim to be against.

“But disapproving of homosexuality is like disapproving of an entire race because gay people were born that way.”

Actually nothing of the sort has ever been proven and I’ll get into that shortly, but for now, even if you disagree, viewing sexuality as different than race or skin color isn’t really that far of a stretch, is it? To use some common terms, can you, yourself, show compassion and tolerance for people who have a view of homosexuality contrary to your own?

“How can you speak of tolerance when we’re suppressing the rights of gay people? Shouldn’t they be allowed to marry?”

Nobody says they can’t. In fact, gay churches and other liberal churches have been performing homosexual weddings for years. All we ask is that they not force the rest of us to change our own definition of marriage. If they are entitled to their view of marriage, we are also entitled to ours.

“But in most states a gay marriage isn’t recognized legally.”

That is true. But many who oppose changing the definition of marriage still support civil unions. A lot of states have them and we are probably on the road to all having them in time. With such an ideal  scenario, there would be no financial benefit denied and no hospital visitation suppressed. So, legally homosexual couples would have the same rights and religiously (depending upon the church) they have the affirmation of marriage. Ten years ago, militant gay activists, while fighting for civil unions, promised that this would be enough. That promise has been broken. I honestly appreciate your desire to be fair and compassionate. I really do. But please think about this for a moment. If gay couples can get married in liberal churches and if they can also have legal civil unions and if they decide to then call themselves married (as they have been doing for many decades) and if nobody is passing any law against their free speech to describe their relationship any way they choose, what possible reason remains for demanding that the entire country change its definition of marriage, other than to insist on affirmation from people who have a right to their own opinion about varying lifestyles?

“But the rest of us are not affected by gay people getting married.”

Yes, That’s the fifty million dollar challenge thrown at conservatives these days. “How exactly does it hurt your own marriage or your own family if two gay people get married?”

On its surface this would seem to be a fair question. Does another person’s marriage have any direct connection to your own?Of course not. But I think we are missing a much bigger point. As Americans, our lives, our marriages and our families, do not exist in isolation. We are profoundly influenced by the direction of society as a whole. As a pastor, I have counseled many gays and I am sympathetic to their plight. Of course I can understand their desire to be married and happy like every one else. At the same time, I would be lying if I said that gay marriage does not affect the rest of us. The truth is, one can list many such effects and I will do so right now:


Even if your children live in a stable, two parent, heterosexual home, you are only one of many influences in your child’s life.Homosexuality is being presented today as an alternative lifestyle even at the kindergarten level!Books such as Heather Has Two Mommies are being read to your child at some schools. In fact, a recent California ruling now challenges the way families are discussed in public schools out of respect for gay and trans-gender families. It is also against the law for any government institution in California to speak negatively of gays.Although a good deal of this stuff was already going on, legalization of gay marriage will give the militant gay agenda even more teeth. Please do not try to tell me that these developments will not be affecting your child directly.


For years we have admitted as a society that children are better of in a two-parent home. Yes, there are loving single parents who have done a wonderful job. And yes, there are unhealthy dysfunctional two parent families. But pointing out exceptions to the rule ignores this giant rule staring us in the face. Ideally, children need a healthy father and a healthy mother. They need both, because men and women are different and each one has different things to offer in a child’s upbringing. We used to feel free to admit this rather obvious truth. But we have gotten so used to rolling over and playing dead for the militant gay activists, we now try to shove truth under the rug. The more children are raised by fathers and mothers together, the better we will all be as a society. You know that. I know that. Everybody knows that. Isn’t it interesting how many self described liberals insist we need diversity of genders on the Supreme Court because women will “bring a different perspective” and yet, when these same people are asked about males and females as role models for children, they suddenly switch gears. Studies on ancient Rome and other cultures show that when the family breaks down, the entire country breaks down. So once again, I would say that gay marriage has a rather large influence upon our joint future as Americans.

3) THE LEGAL EFFECT: There will be a legal affect. Don’t kid yourself.

If I thought for one moment that legalized gay marriage would end this matter, I would have less of a problem with it. If I thought the militant gay community would now be satisfied and view things as square, if they could finally admit that they are no longer a persecuted minority and their plight is over, perhaps gay marriage would be something we could all live with.I would still be concerned, but I could live with it. Unfortunately, the militant gay movement has no such intention and this latest “right” is only a small part of a much bigger agenda.

Now, I do draw a distinction between most homosexuals who want to just be left alone and the militant gay agenda, which claims to speak for the majority. Despite my sympathy to the former, unfortunately, it is the militant gays whom we are being forced to deal with. Let’s be honest: The real militant gay agenda is to someday make it against the law to say that homosexuality is wrong. Oh, they’re smart enough to chip away at it one inch at a time, because they know what a stupid country we have become and what a naïve people we have become, but make no mistake: The instigation of Thought Police is the true agenda. As a matter of fact, that agenda was shamelessly written by Marshal Kirk and Hunger Madsen as a manifesto back in the late1980’s. It was called, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Hatred of Gays in the 1990’s.

This manifesto was an open, strategic agenda to launch a patient and persistent legal and media movement whose goal was to silence anti-homosexual speech. The strategy included lovable gay characters on sitcoms who encounter “old fashioned, narrow minded friends.”But this was only the beginning. In the midst of debates, the soldiers of this cause were to portray anyone who disagreed with homosexuality as some kind of hate monger, even those whom they knew had a love for gays but merely disagreed with the lifestyle.

“Our effect is achieved without reference to facts, logic, or proof…through repeated infra logical emotional conditioning, the person’s beliefs can be altered whether he is conscious of the attack or not. Indeed, the more he is distracted by even specious, surface arguments; the less conscious he will be of the true nature of the process. In short, jamming succeeds insofar as it inserts even the slightest doubt and shame into the previously held unalloyed beliefs regarding heterosexuality and homosexuality” (pg 152-153 )

But calling someone a “homophobe” or “ hate filled” does not go far enough today. After achieving the goals of guilt and “greater sensitivity”, the militant gays are trying their hand at actual speech legislation. Such legislation has already passed in Canada. Now they’re trying to jam it through in the Unites States under the guise of “Hate Crime.” Since violent crimes are already crimes, judging motives such as “hate” really makes Hate Crime Law, Hate Speech Law. Saying that you love the homosexual but simply disapprove of his actions isn’t enough. You will still be branded as hateful and this will be in the name of tolerance. Christians and other Conservatives must be tolerant of the opinion that homosexuality is natural. Of course, homosexuals need not be tolerant of the fact that we might have another point of view.

Legalizing gay marriage in California is going to open up a Pandora’s Box full of litigation. I am just waiting for pastors to be sued for not being willing to perform gay marriages. Supposedly, there is this thing called “separation between church and state” that the Left likes to keep ringing in our ears. But the separation never seems to work both ways, does it? We hear all the time about how the church must never interfere with the state, yet, for some reason this “separated state” is allowed to interfere with the church if the church holds a viewpoint it doesn’t like. Already, a Methodist church in New Jersey was sued for not allowing a gay couple to get married on their property and the lawsuit was won. They don’t even have legal gay marriage in New Jersey. Can you just imagine what’s going to start happening in California?I have heard gay activists argue both ways on this issue. On one hand, they point out that Christians need not be concerned with any marriage other than marriages in the church. Strictly secular marriages (supposedly) are none of their business and nothing to worry about. But then, when chastising churches for refusing to support gay marriage, the argument is that Christians are disrespecting “equal protection under the law”, a law which is justified under the guise of not effecting Christianity. The circular reasoning is seldom noticed.


Since homosexuality is emotionally unstable and psychologically abnormal, exposing kids to the teaching that it is natural, harms the child’shealthy development. If this is true of the children being indoctrinated from kindergarten on up, one can only imagine the confusion passed on to children being raised by gay couples. I did not say the gay couple was unloving. I merely point out the dysfunction.

I know! The fat is in the fire now! Somebody had to say it! It might as well be me. Too many conservatives dance around this issue. They are willing to call gay marriage wrong but they are unwilling to call homosexuality itself wrong. Well, let’s be clear. If there is nothing wrong with being gay, then there is nothing wrong with gay marriage, and gay people make good sense when they point this out.Unfortunately, it begs the more obvious question: Is there something wrong with homosexuality?Yes there is.It causes psychological harm.I do not say this to sound condemning or to make anyone feel unwarranted guilt, but the truth is, people are involving themselves in a process that is unnatural.This was the widespread teaching of the American Psychiatric Association prior to the year 1973.Many people are unaware of the circumstances, which led to homosexuality being declassified as an emotional disorder by the APA.You may never have heard about the pressure from gay activists and gay psychiatrists who were involved in the meetings.You should know that the discussions leading to the vote were not characterized with scholarly study but rather a great deal of fear.In fact, so extended was the pressure, that only one third of the ballots sent out were ever returned.Out of those returned, only 58 percent agreed to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.Get that?58 percent out of the one third returned or about 19 percent overall! 5

Prior to this time, homosexuals not only sought help from psychologists but also received healing.Dr. Charles Socarides, who had successfully treated gays for more than 20 years said that the militant gay movement was responsible for “the greatest medical hoax of the century.” 1

Although, many gay people sincerely claim that they cannot remember a time when they weren’t attracted to the same sex that does not necessarily mean they were born homosexuals.Elizabeth Moberly, a research Psychologist for Oxford and Cambridge, explains this by pointing out that people absorb their key influences of sexual orientation between the ages of 2 and 5, a time in life most of us would not remember anyway.2

Even molecular biologist Dean Hammer of the National Cancer Institute who headed one of the famous studies which sought to find genetic explanations said, “Our studies try to pinpoint the genetic factors, not to negate the psycho-social factors.” 3

It may someday be discovered that there are two types of homosexuality, a learned behavior and a genetic predisposition.In either case the homosexual in all likelihood did not choose his/her sexual orientation and should not be blamed for inward feelings or impulses.Likewise, in either case, the acting out of such impulses would still be unnatural behavior.It is believed that one can be born with a predisposition toward alcoholism too, but we would not encourage an alcoholic to drink.

“If homosexuality is really so unnatural how come most people don’t view it that way?”

Actually, I am convinced that most people do.They have trouble admitting this because of today’s political climate which has been growing now for over three decades.

I went to high school in the early seventies coming out of a home so sheltered that for years I had never even heard of homosexuality.When I discovered that certain fellow actors in my High School drama department were gay, my initial response was one of repulsion despite the fact that they were very nice people.Of course, in a theater atmosphere people quickly learn to dismiss such feelings as rigid and old fashioned.So, in no time at all I decided that varying sexuallifestyles must be respected.There was no room for judgment and back woods thinking.In hindsight, it is interesting to note that my first reaction had nothing to do with the Bible because I wasn’t even a Christian or Bible believer at the time.I was merely making a simple, obvious observation that men were meant for women and vice-versa.Still, in time, it was easier to accept the idea that my feelings were outdated than to consider the possibility that the majority opinion may be mistaken.

But what does the majority really think?That is the interesting question.Have you ever seen a sitcom where two men danced or one man accidentally kissed another?We see it all the time.It’s a common device and we laugh all the time.It’s an easy guaranteed laugh.Consider the finale of Cheers.Two gay lovers were in the middle of a quarrel when one pleaded with his partner calling him by the pet name “Muffin”.The audience laughed hysterically and I’m sure the producers felt that this was a very progressive episode because of a willingness to portray gay romance as normal.One question:Why did people laugh?Why did the writers obviously intend for people to laugh?What is funny about a man calling his lover “Muffin”?If indeed we recognize the normality of that relationship, what exactly strikes us as humorous?

Centuries ago, Hans Christian Anderson illustrated the value of a simple childlike mind.Remember his story of The Emperor’s New Clothes?A charlatan tailor, wanting to rook the king of a fortune, fashioned him a set of “fine apparel.”There was one stipulation;Only intelligent people could see these clothes.Of course the clothes didn’t really exist, so nobody ever really saw them.But nobody wanted to be viewed as unintelligent either. “If I can’t see the clothes” one reasoned to himself,“the problem must be with me.After all, every one else sees them.”

You remember the rest.At a grand parade one small child tugged his mother’s skirt and said,“But Mommie, he’s not wearing any clothes.”

Nakedness was once nakedness.Now, as the result of one clever tailor, the word “naked” in relation to the king was politically incorrect.

Could this same tailor have visited the United States?Maybe what we need today is an innocent child, like the one in the fairy tale; some red faced, nose running kid who hasn’t studied genetics, hasn’t studied psychology, hasn’t studied scripture and hasn’t had sensitivity training.All he knows is what he sees and feels. Maybe if something looks unnatural it is unnatural.Maybe we all know the truth and are afraid to admit it.Maybe the king isn’t wearing any clothes.

This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.

NOTE: For a further and fuller discussion of this topic, see my book, I’d Like To Believe In Jesus, But…” Chapter Four: Why Does the Bible Call Certain Practices Sinful?”


1) Dr.Charles Socarides, Overcoming Homosexuality (New York, 1980) P. 5.

2) For a full study of her views, see Elizabeth Moberly, Homosexuality, A New Christian Ethic (Attic Press, 1982).

3) Time Magazine, Nov. 13, 1995.

Bob Siegel is a weekend radio talk show host on KCBQ and columnist. Details of his show can be found at www.bobsiegel.net. Comments to posts are discussed by Bob over the air where anyone is free to call in and respond/debate. Call in toll free number: 1-888-344-1170


Comments 21

  1. I am hardly a gay militant, but I am a gay man, legally married in Iowa to my partner of 23 years, in a loving, committed and monogomous relationship. I was previously married and have children.

    After our wedding, my daughter came up to me, threw her arms around me, and said, “Dad, I have been so wrong. Your relationship has always been about loving each other, not just about sex.” Although she has lived most of her life knowing and accepting my husband as a part of her life, our marriage changed her. It has also changed us.

    It may be true that children are best raised in homes with two loving parents, but the reality is that most are not. Many are raised in homes of single parents (my mother was a widow). Many homes have two parents and have damaged their children through abuse. I am a psychiatrist and I know that two parents does not guarantee that a child will be raised in a healthy home.

    Doug and I were married in our church surrounded by a congregation of people who love and accept us. I have served as a deacon in our church. Our reception was for 300 people, most of them heterosexual and open and affirming to our relationship.

    Our wedding sermon was about two things: 1. Love God and love one another 2. God is still speaking to us and has many truths to yet to unfold.

    Please send me a copy of the gay agenda. I have never seen it, nor do I even know anyone else who has.

    Lovingly and in Christ,

    Loren Olson

  2. Post

    Hi Loren

    Thanks for your letter. I will read it and respond on my radio show, in a very respectful way, I promise.

    As for the gay agenda, I mentioned the book After the Ball in my article and this book can still be found in places like Amazon.com. That would be a good place to start.

    I wish you the best in life. Take care, my friend.

    Warmest Regards

    Bob Siegel

  3. So we’ve now set the precedent that we can amend the state’s constitution to define marriage and we are fighting hard for that power in court. Assume our fight is won…what happens in ten years when the other side has enough votes to re-amend the constitution to suit their agenda? How do we fight that? Do we fight it In court by saying it is unconstitutional after we fought hard saying it is?

    Hard cases make bad law. And here is an example. By voting for Prop 8 we gave the government power of a religious institution. There is a very real possibility this will come back to bite us. Buckle up everyone.

  4. To Loren,

    While I appreciate you expressing your life experiences and views, I wonder about several assumptions that may need clarification. First, was your previous marriage to a woman and through that relationship you became a father? May one presume that you left your marriage for another man?

    Second, your daughter embracing your emotional and relational commitment to another man does not prove that gay marriage is good, moral or desirable by society as a whole. Obviously, it is desirable to you and your partner. . .

    You mentioned that, “It may be true that children are best raised in homes with two loving parents, but the reality is that most are not.” Really? Are you seriously saying that most children are not raised by two loving parents. I am most certain that statistics would prove you quite wrong on this point. As for the beauty of heterosexual marriage and parenting, I am quite certain that in your mental health profession hearing stories of abuse or childhood trauma may likely skew your assumption toward an unmerited negative.

    I am also concerned about the logic of your emotional appeal–my daughter approves, my church approves … gathering support doesn’t really deal with any of the valid arguments presented in the article. What if everyone thought the sun was really green? Outside evidence is needed to show which answer is correct or more correct.

    Believe me, I once used most of those arguments to support my previous homosexual life and went so far as to deny the existence of God in order to make myself more comfortable. Over the 22 years that I have walked away from homosexuality, I have found peace, freedom, beauty, solid same-sex friendships without the jealous baggage, creativity, marriage, motherhood, meaning.

    There are many ways to evaluate the facts, but we had better be careful listeners so that we can support what is truly good. Much more is at stake here than one person or group of people’s feelings. Our culture, society and the well-being of children (our next generation) rides on the proper examination of truth in this tremendously vital area of marriage.

    I would urge the readers of this blog to stand in the gap during this critical time in the history of our nation–the gap of truth and compassion.

    Most respectfully and sincerely,

    Mrs. Anne Paulk
    wife, mother, author, and former homosexual

  5. I’m a republican, a hard core republican who has spent thousands of hours fighting for the republican cause, and I support gay marriage.

    My reason is simple, I believe in limited government and I think the government has no business telling people who they should or should not marry. We republicans tell the government to stay out of our lives, why not do the same with marriage.

    I believe the only role the government should have in marriage is as the body who legalizes the contract between the two people. For this, why don’t we have everyone use civil unions? As you said Bob, It gives everyone the same rights as marriage. Leave marriage to the churches where, if you choose, you can be married before God.

    But for those who simply want to live their life together and enjoy the same rights as everyone else, let them. Why don’t we concentrate on eliminating overbearing laws and regulations rather than creating new ones.


    SD at Heart
    Straight, married, republican, volunteer and donor

  6. Post


    Inasmuch as the militant gay agenda has as its goal the eradication of free speech for those who have a different view of homosexuality, with gay marriage merely being a step along the way and inasmuch as churches are being sued, I would say I am concentrating on “eliminating overbearing laws and regulations.”

    These points were also made in my article but were not addressed.

    Warmest Regards

    Bob Siegel
    Democrat who votes Republican

  7. Bob,

    Let me preface this by saying that I am not comparing you to this group, but it is an example that makes my point.

    The supreme court ruled that even the Klu Klux Klan has the right to speak their opinion and have the freedom of speech. So, if the Supreme Court said one of the most hated group in all of American can talk about their different view of the world, I’m sure you will have the right to do so as well.

    Regarding churches, gay marriage bills in other states include provisions to protect churches, and those provisions have been upheld by the courts as well. Churches will not be liable for not marrying gay couples.

    I can go through your essay point by point if you want, but I don’t think it will ever change your mind.

    My point is, why is the Republican Partys supporting laws that will give the government more power to control our lives. I put gay marriage in the same catagory as gun laws, I don’t want the government taking my guns or my rights!

  8. A Los Angeles Times Poll found 77% of California
    Republican voters OPPOSED the State Supreme
    Court throwing out voter-approved Prop. 22, the
    March 2000 measure defining marriage as the
    union of one man and one woman. The poll was
    taken in May 2008 after the State court acted.

    To overturn that Court action, backers of Traditional
    Marriage placed Propsition 8 on the Nov. 2008
    ballot and put that definition into the State Constitution.

    On. October 31, 2008, the prestigious “Field Poll”
    found Republicans backing Proposition 8 by a
    wide margin… 75% YES, to only 20% NO.

    These facts are presented to demonstrate that Mr.
    Siegel is fully in the MAIN STREAM of Republican and
    conservative thought within California.

    Proposition 8 actually restored important Rights…
    the Rights of Voters who defined marriage with
    Prop. 22 in March, 2000.

  9. I’ve never argued that Prop 8 is not a mainstream belief among Republicans. I know it is, and I disagree with it.

    But, you have to note that the party is shedding voters at record speed. After the 2008 election, we hit an all time low of 31.3 percent of registered voters.

    Considering gay marriage is gaining support (Prop 8 won %52 of the vote compared to %61 for Prop 22 eight years ago.) and the party is losing support, you have to ask the question: of the 9% of voters who changed their mind over gay marriage in the last 8 years, how many of them are people who formerly voted republican?

    At what point should the party reconsider the core tennants of our platform? When we are 25% of registered voters? When we are 20% of registered voters?

    How much more irrelevant does the party need to be before we change?

  10. Why are we paying for Mayor Sanders to fly to San Francisco to testify in favor of gay marriage on Tuesday? I get him standing up for his daughter, but he was elected to govern the City, not grandstand for his personal issues in our name. And if he was, these are sure as hell not the issues of the people who elected him and who contributed to his campaign.

  11. Mr. Sills, because most voters support it is not a reason it is right. Most voters in the south supported slavery at one time.

  12. Personally, I ‘m tired of the lies being spread concerning gay marriage.

    1. It will force churches to perform gay marriages against their will. FALSE Churches and their clergy can already legally not perform marriages they don’t agree with. Just try getting married in some faiths without converting! We are talking about civil marriage, not religious marriage ..the state only controls civil marriage. If you a really so worried then do what they did in Canada. When their Parliament made same sex marriages are legal, the also passed a laws that religious groups that didn’t want to perform those marriages could do so legally.

    2. Marriage is all about pro-creation and gays can’t do that naturally. False..Civil Marriage is about protecting couples and their children financially and via estate law. The state does not require married couples to have children, nor should they! Should we force childless heterosexuals to divorce?

    3. We are supposed to have freedom of religion in this country as well as a separation between Church and State. We have this separation because many of our forefathers fled tyrannical state run religions in their homelands. Se do not force our religious ideas on people who don’t agree with us. We don’t force Jews or Muslims to be Christians like they did in Spain during the Inquisition.. Basically if you don’t believe in Gay Marriage, then don’t get one!

    4. Gay couples pay more in taxes and legal fees just to protect the rights that are afforded straight couples for free.. That is unequal treatment under the law.

    5. Being gay is NOT a choice..you can’t be “converted” or “recruited”.. if if were a choice, why would anybody choose to be gay and risk loosing friends, family and maybe their livelihood? And if you try and use the Bible to show that homosexuality is wrong, then I hope you don’t eat shell fish or wear clothes made of two kinds of cloth! (also forbidden in Leviticus)

  13. Post


    I appreciate your comments. Thanks for writing. I must say, however: Your response suggests that you did not read my article, or if you read it, only certain portions stuck out and were remembered. For if you had actually read and pondered this piece, you would realize that your arguments were already addressed and refuted and you would have responded to what I actually said. I am not saying you need to agree with me. But I do suggest that you first comprehend what I am truly writing before offering a rebuttal.

  14. Thanks a lot (NOT!) to Republican-in-name-only (RINO) Mayor Jerry Sanders, who once promised voters he would uphold traditional marriage, but then changed his mind, broke his pledge, and betrayed his party and the people simply because his daughter practices unnatural and sinful homosexual behavior.

    No wonder the front page of this morning’s San Diego Union-Tribune is blaring the headline “Millions needed for city pensions.” Our city leaders have for years sown the wind, unabashedly promoting homosexuality and abortion, so it’s no wonder the city is now reaping the whirlwind in the form of unsustainable pension guarantees, crumbling infrastructure, and other problems.

    But does our obtuse Republican mayor get it? No, instead he testifed today in San Francisco to help overturn the people’s vote to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, Proposition 8.

    Those without spiritual eyes will not see any connection between the city’s financial condition and its embrace of abomination, but there is a definite spiritual cause-and-effect at work. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn.” — Proverbs 29:2

    God save us from spiritually-benighted, sodomy-embracing, wicked political leaders like Jerry “RINO” Sanders!

  15. Wow, now that’s an opinion! Do other Rostra readers believe there is a connection between Sanders’ positions on social issues and the city’s fiscal problems?

  16. I’m getting really sick of hearing about this issue, and being hassled by these kids at malls. Hey republican party establishment, screw this one up, it will be one failure after a long list of failures that we the base are getting really sick of. Our anger towards you is getting as high as gays themselves with defeat after defeat while you guys stay employed at a time when 1 out of 6 of us are not. We are sick of loosing under your incompetent leadership. What’s the point of supporting the republican party if nothing good comes of it?

  17. Catholics (and others holding a traditional religious opposition to gay marriage) certainly did not appreciate being called prejudiced bigots by the Mayor of SD yesterday during the Prop 8 trial. Our political support for him must end.
    The religious bigotry offered as “evidence” by Prop 8 opponents today in court was similarly disgraceful. The “expert” testimony was that many religious beliefs are prejudiced, bigoted and wrong. Imagine what could happen to your church if these people win.

  18. Post
  19. Actually, it was spam, but since I can’t read it, Jim may be right. If not, Jim’s comment is still too funny to worry about a little spam-bot. I’ll leave it up. Мне нравятся Ваши посты !!!!

  20. Post

    I made an amendment to my article to add the phrase “in many states” regarding the part about civil unions. I wanted to be honest about this correction instead of pretending it had always been there.

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