Welcome, readers, to SD ROSTRA. I am MIGHTY THOR, your moderator.
This website is meant to be a forum wherein news and opinion, usually from the perspective of the center-right, can be read, discussed, and argued. Our Republic is only made stronger when citizens are active in open debate. Although this website’s bloggers are all right of center, MIGHTY THOR welcomes well reasoned opinions from across the political spectrum.
The rules, enforced by MIGHTY THOR, might sound familiar to some readers. This is a safe haven for political and policy opinions and will maintain a reasonably dignified tone. Politics is rough and tumble, and strong opinions are welcome. What is not welcome is rudeness, foul language, personal insults, insanity, and/or defamation. Comments that fall into this sphere will be purged; ongoing behavior of this nature will lead to the permanent banishment of the offender.
“It is better to stir up a question without deciding it, than to decide it without stirring it up. It is better to debate a question without deciding it than to decide it without debating it.” – Joseph Joubert
Comments 1
Hey here we go… I thought you might have died off Mighty Thor. Good to see you back!