Breaking: Labor Corruption…SD Labor Council Seeks to Oust Taxpayer Advocate from Oversight Committee

Ryan PurdyRyan Purdy 5 Comments

Turns out it is not just occasional sewage flowing from the Tijuana River that sullies San Diego’s South Bay. San Diego/Imperial County Labor Council’s “Middle Class Taxpayer’s Association” does a fine job of soiling the South Bay as well. Proposition R passed in fall 2008, thus allowing the Southwestern Community College to issue $389 million in bonds to construct and …

Advocating Higher Taxes, Or Just Giving Info? It’s Higher Taxes!

Bradley J. FikesBradley J. Fikes 8 Comments

In the comments to my post  about the deceptively named Middle Class Taxpayers Association, Lucas O’Connor makes three points worth responding to: One false, one irrelevant, and one true. The false claim is that I criticized the union- and Democratic-backed group because of its ideology. No, the deception is what I criticized. When groups advertise themselves under a false flag …

UPDATED: Union Backers, Democrats Behind ‘Nonpartisan’ Middle Class Taxpayers’ Association

Bradley J. FikesBradley J. Fikes 25 Comments

UPDATE, 1:50 pm July 11: Here’s a revealing Tweet from Murtaza Baxamusa, a board member of the Middle Class Taxpayers Association: Why is a supposed protector of middle class taxpayers advertising a Daily Kos story that claims Americans want higher taxes? Answer: Because according to Baxamusa, it’s a “fact” that Americans are undertaxed! How about a truth-in-advertising name change to …