Turns out it is not just occasional sewage flowing from the Tijuana River that sullies San Diego’s South Bay. San Diego/Imperial County Labor Council’s “Middle Class Taxpayer’s Association” does a fine job of soiling the South Bay as well. Proposition R passed in fall 2008, thus allowing the Southwestern Community College to issue $389 million in bonds to construct and …
Advocating Higher Taxes, Or Just Giving Info? It’s Higher Taxes!
In the comments to my post about the deceptively named Middle Class Taxpayers Association, Lucas O’Connor makes three points worth responding to: One false, one irrelevant, and one true. The false claim is that I criticized the union- and Democratic-backed group because of its ideology. No, the deception is what I criticized. When groups advertise themselves under a false flag …
UPDATED: Union Backers, Democrats Behind ‘Nonpartisan’ Middle Class Taxpayers’ Association
UPDATE, 1:50 pm July 11: Here’s a revealing Tweet from Murtaza Baxamusa, a board member of the Middle Class Taxpayers Association: Why is a supposed protector of middle class taxpayers advertising a Daily Kos story that claims Americans want higher taxes? Answer: Because according to Baxamusa, it’s a “fact” that Americans are undertaxed! How about a truth-in-advertising name change to …
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