Public Access Priority for Chula Vista Bayfront

Mayor John McCannJohn McCann Leave a Comment


Dreams Into Reality

As a child growing up in Chula Vista and my mother working at Rohr Industries, people would talk about the potential of the Bayfront.  With many stops and starts, along with decades of planning, Chula Vista’s Bayfront has now started.

At 535 acres, the Chula Vista Bayfront will be transformed into a thriving world-class waterfront resort destination. The Plan will establish thousands of new jobs, create new public parks, protect natural coastal resources, provide conference and visitor-serving amenities and build an important asset for the San Diego region, the South Bay, Chula Vista residents and coastal visitors. This remarkable project is the result of several  decades-long planning efforts by a broad coalition of stakeholders, community groups, the Port of San Diego, the City of Chula Vista, Gaylord Hotels, and Pacifica Companies.

Parks & Open Space

Approximately 230 acres (more than 40%) of the project’s total acreage is dedicated to parks, open space and habitat restoration/preservation; with 130 acres identified for new parks and open space. These areas will include promenades, bike trails and other public access areas linking the entire bayfront.

Economic Benefits

The project creates and sustains more jobs, investment and revenues than all of the current businesses within the project boundaries combined AND it will provide a much-needed economic benefit to the businesses located on the two existing yacht marinas. In the project’s first 20 years, it will generate approximately $1.3 billion for the regional economy, including more than $11.5 million in annual tax revenues. It also will create more than 2,200 permanent jobs, nearly 4,000 construction jobs and numerous indirect jobs.

From Planning to Implementation

Planning efforts began in 2003 and were guided by the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan Citizens Advisory Committee. The resulting draft land use plans were shaped through an extensive public participation program, including a comprehensive environmental study. Following unanimous approval by the California Coastal Commission. The master plan is being implemented jointly by the Port of San Diego and the City of Chula Vista in four major phases. Phase one of implementation includes the development of the resort conference center, the creation of 50 acres of public parks and open space, the restoration of 40 acres of habitat areas, and the construction of a new fire station and mixed use of residential development.

I’m excited for the partnership between the City of Chula Vista and Port of San Diego. Learn more about the developments.


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