LA County Board to boycott Arizona in a 3-2 vote

Kimberly DvorakKimberly Dvorak Leave a Comment


The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution by a 3-2 vote to boycott Arizona despite numerous objections from county residents. It was supervisors Michael Antonovich and Don Knabe who did not want the boycott and Zev Yaroslavsky, Mark Ridley-Thomas and Gloria Molina who voted to boycott the Grand Canyon State.

In an article from the Los Angeles Times, Supervisor Molina said, “This law simply goes too far. A lot of people have pointed out that I am sworn as an L.A. County supervisor to uphold the Constitution. All I can say is that I believe that Arizona’s law is unconstitutional.”

A statement from Supervisor Antonovich reads a lot differently; “The propaganda by both the media and others is intentionally misleading because Arizona’s law mirrors federal law. Rather than debating a boycott, this Board should hold our federal representatives accountable for their failure to act on immigration reform but also for their failure to reimburse costs incurred by local government.

One of the residents speaking out against the boycott was Jamiel Shaw Sr. whose son was gunned down by an alleged illegal immigrant.

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