Fletcher tweets he’s seeking treatment for traumatic stress and alcohol abuse; will not seek Senate seat

Thor's AssistantRostra Administrator (Thor's Assistant) 4 Comments


There are times when humanness requires simply setting politics aside. This is one of those times. We wish Supervisor Nathan Fletcher the best for a full recovery.

A press release from his office also noted he would be on medical leave from the County of San Diego.

Fletcher’s Twitter feed.


Comments 4

  1. Does Nathan Fletcher think we forgot his “traumatic” combat experience? He was in the military police. He was in one short, hot battle engagement in Iraq.

    An hour or so under fire. Reportedly he performed quite well. But he’s never recovered?

    He fits right in with our snowflake progressives. He’s further proof that we should withdraw our woke military from around the world, and just pray to God that no one attacks us.

  2. Perhaps Mr. Fletcher will now have some sympathy for the countless lives he has ruined with his incessant tyranny. Perhaps.

  3. From Wikipedia

    Fletcher joined the United States Marine Corps as a reservist in 1997 and became an active-duty Marine in 2002. He served as a counterintelligence/human intelligence specialist. In 2007, he was honorably discharged, with the rank of staff sergeant. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Airborne Course and Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center.

    In 2004, he served eight months in the Sunni Triangle region of Iraq. Among his awards from that tour of duty are the Navy–Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Combat “V” a combat distinguishing device, Combat Action Ribbon, and Iraqi Campaign Medal. He worked in the Horn of Africa on his final deployment and earning the Joint Service Commendation Medal and Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal.

    During his time in Iraq, Fletcher worked to build relationships with the native population, leading his supervisors to describe him as “compassionate and focused.” On April 9, 2004, Fletcher and three other Marines fended off an enemy ambush when participating in a Quick Reaction Force to aid a VIP convoy. He was responsible for authorizing 150 intelligence reports, which amounted to 31 percent of the reports generated by the team of six Counter Intelligence Marines.”

  4. I am not buying it. None of us should.
    I have no doubt he has drinking issues and PTSD, but this is an excuse. Something else made him drop out and he is hiding behind his other issues.

    Can’t wait to see this play out.

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