DeMaio Unveils Major Policy Proposals in 2011 State of the District Speech

Carl DeMaioCarl DeMaio Leave a Comment


In case you missed it here  is a full copy of my State of the District speech.  Below, we laid out the speech in broad form for your review.  Each initiative will be laid out in greater detail in the coming months.        — Carl


Pension Reform, Solar Energy, and Water Rate Reductions

 Top List of Priorities

Councilmember Carl DeMaio delivered his 2011 State of the District speech to a packed auditorium filled with 250 civic leaders at Marshall Middle School in Scripps Ranch. The theme was “Imagine What Our City Can Do If We Solve the City’s Financial Problems.”

 DeMaio began his speech by reviewing the results of the reform measures he has already been able to implement, noting that they have collectively saved the city over $100 million. “While $100 million in savings is a good start, it is still not nearly enough.”

 DeMaio went on to outline several local community projects and described his vision of what San Diego could become if the city’s ongoing financial crisis was solved.

 Highlights of the speech:

 Pension Reform: “Tonight I am pleased to announce that I am working with a coalition of neighborhood, business and taxpayer groups to bypass the unions and put pension reform up for a public vote in the June 2012 election.”

 Solar Energy: “Unfortunately, last year the city increased fees on solar projects by 600%. This is exactly the wrong direction we should be going. That’s why I’m proposing tonight that the city eliminate all fees on solar projects and permits for energy efficiency retrofits.”

 i-Phone Application: “Tonight I’m pleased to announce that my office has partnered with a software company to develop and deploy an application for smart phones. Once the application is downloaded, a resident can access city government easily, report a problem, and request service.”

 Road Repairs: “I’m proposing tonight a unique and innovative pilot program called the ‘Road Repair Rally.’ We intend to partner with local schools, volunteers and boy scout troops to walk every street on a single day.”

 Water Rates: “I’m announcing the formation of a task force to examine every facet of water and wastewater departments with the goal of reducing rates by 15% and freezing rates for five years. This rate stabilization must be done without sacrificing our water quality or our ability to properly maintain water pipes.”


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