DeMaio to Call on Rep. Scott Peters to Reimburse Taxpayers for $7 Million Legal Bill for His Failed Pension Scheme
City Attorney’s Office Assigns “Responsibility” to Scott Peters’ Council for TWICE Voting to Indemnify Pension Officials for Their Illegal Pension Scheme
Carl DeMaio today called on Rep. Scott Peters to “reimburse taxpayers for the millions in legal fees resulting from his decision to indemnify himself and his fellow city pension officials for their illegal deal to spike city pensions.”
On Thursday, the City Attorney’s Office delivered the shocking news that city taxpayers will be forced to pay $7 million to cover the legal fees for city pension officials involved in the notorious pension scheme that nearly bankrupted San Diego.
The City Attorney’s Office has assigned responsibility for the fees to two votes cast by then-Councilmember Scott Peters where the city promised to indemnify the pension board members as long as they went along with the intentional underfunding of the city pension system.
“It is bad enough that Scott Peters and these pension officials hatched a pension scheme that nearly bankrupted San Diego — and now they are demanding that taxpayers pick up the tab for their millions in legal bills,” DeMaio said.
“Scott Peters is a multi-millionaire who is even taking his taxpayer-funded pension early. I’m calling on him to do the right thing and reimburse the taxpayers the $7 million loss the taxpayers now face,” concluded DeMaio.
Background: U-T San Diego Story on $7M Verdict Against City Taxpayers
Comments 13
That’s interesting…but ole’ CD has a much closer alligator to the boat!
A helpful template for making your own FF-esque responses to any rostra article about CD:
“Insert something comparing Carl to Scott”
“Follow up with Kirk Jorgensen campaign video”
……and your point?
CD is using Rostra as a one-way campaign advertisement platform…posting things himself with the perception of some impartial Third Party observer reporting from the sidelines…rubbish.
Yet, an email sent to a friend from some organization’s representative demonstrates that this is quite common…evidently, Mr.DeMaio has been using other’s emails (either complicitly, or without the originators consent) , pretending to be someone else in response, while using incorrect and false information in an effort to craft a negative narrative about KJ…of course, its despicable….yet, this apparently is the face and type of ethics one can expect from the desperate “New Generation”.
Is anyone though truly surprised?
If you have any questions, I’m sure Richard Rider can illuminate us all.
I’m sure the Lincoln Club, Central Commitee Members, and New Majority leadership would like to know the details about the antics and caliber of precisely who they are so vociferously backing. Would be more than willing to oblige.
“Mr.DeMaio has been using other’s emails (either complicitly, or without the originators consent) , pretending to be someone else in response, while using incorrect and false information in an effort to craft a negative narrative about KJ…of course”
I’ve not seen that at all; only fund raising emails
“I’m sure the Lincoln Club, Central Commitee Members, and New Majority leadership would like to know the details about the antics and caliber of precisely who they are so vociferously backing. Would be more than willing to oblige.”
Post it here. I”m sure Thor and his assistants will give you a wide berth
The point is that supporting Carl IS supporting Peters. Carl CANNOT win against Peters no matter what the Republican Party throws at Scott (like this pitiful accusation) or throws behind Carl.
DeMaio’s nomination will guarantee a Peters victory, and everyone here knows it. There is so much distaste and animosity toward DeMaio for how he has conducted himself, for how his endorsement was improperly handed to him early, and for how he says one thing to one group and then says the opposite to the next, that it will not only guarantee that more people than ever will switch from Republican to DTS (as we have already seen happening), but it will also cause them to refuse to vote for ANY Congressional candidate in the 52nd because they can’t stand either of them. And that will lose us the election and the chance we have to elect a truly decent candidate, Kirk Jorgensen, whom we should all be supporting at this point, if for no other reason than that he is the only candidate running who can beat Peters, though there are plenty of better reasons to support him as the most principled candidate among them.
I’m sure you all know that an extraordinarily high number of voters left the vote for mayor blank in the 2012 election. What does that tell you about the lack of support for DeMaio? The independent voters of San Diego don’t like party insiders and they especially don’t like career politicians like DeMaio and Peters. They DO like men of character and proven leadership capability like Kirk Jorgensen.
If you want to give the Republican Party a chance to win this election, stop supporting DeMaio and start supporting Kirk Jorgensen.
Karen Grube:
There you go again, making claims without a scintilla of fact or evidence behind your proclamations.
You keep claiming that Kirk J can win against Peters, but the ONLY polling so far shows Carl DeMaio beating Peters (several polls, actually)
Can you show ANY poll to support your as-of-yet unsubstantiated claim?
Better yet, where is Kirk right now in the polling just to get out of the Primary? surely since your guy is running such a stellar campaign there would be some being done by him already. Right?
Founding Father:
You say that Rostra is a one-way advertisement for DeMaio.
Are you claiming that Kirk has submitted materials to Rostra and been refused?
If the answer is NO, then the real problem is Kirk has decided to not campaign on Rostra.
Unless of course you are his voice. And I can’t fathom how anyone would ever assume that. (sarcasm)
One final truth test for Founding Father and Karen Grube – and another instance where their hysterical claims just don’t pan out as true.
Both of you keep saying that the Republican Party “moved up” its endorsement.
Then how do you explain the vote by the Executive Committee on June 3, 2013 to schedule the 52nd vote for November 2013?
This would be weeks before Kirk J or Fred S announced their candidacies.
The schedule approved on June 3 was:
June 10, 2013: Incumbents
November 2013: CA-52
After filing: Other races
In fact, SD Reader wrote about the timeline in June 2013 as well and raised issue with why DeMaio was not automatically endorsed June 10. Here is the link to that article:
The fact is your guy Kirk had months to prepare for the November vote and every single Central Committee member can attest to the fact that he asked for their vote – as did DeMaio.
Kirk, DeMaio, and Fred all went before Central Committee to speak and be questioned.
Guess what? Your guy lost the vote.
The very next day, your “man of integrity” then issued a press release challenging the integrity and character of the central committee members. (By the way, Founding Father, that Kirk press release is posted here on Rostra)
So please dispense with the false story that the GOP endorsement vote was unfair or unethical.
Rostra readers are well connected enough (most of them were at the meeting itself) to know that is a false narrative you are spinning.
Jorgensen’s original communications person was a Rostra blogger and posted his releases here. At one point, she and the campaign parted ways without us knowing, to the point of us wondering why Kirk’s info was no longer being posted.
We reached out and were put in contact with his new communications person and Rostra was added to the press list.
We noted recently we hadn’t seen any releases from Jorgensen for some time. His website showed no new press releases since February, so that seemed to explain why we hadn’t seen any recent activity.
The other day Founding Father mentioned Kirk has done some videos and posted those links.
In this Rostra admin’s opinion, if a candidate is posting videos to his/her website and/or youtube, but not letting the media world know, he/she is not really fully informing all those that may be interested.
As for the complaint DeMaio is posting press releases here…
Wow. Press releases. On Rostra. Really. Alert the press.
Fred Simon we’ve never heard a peep out of.
Let’s make this very clear. We do our best with volunteers to reach out to campaigns to offer them space for press releases and opinion pieces. If candidates don’t send us anything, that’s their choice.
Don’t even go there with any crap about it being our job to RF every candidate out there to get us info.
Carry on.
The fact is that CD consistently polls 8-10 points higher than Scott, and carried the 52nd in the mayors race by almost 60%. Saying that he cannot beat Scott in a midterm year with the President and his party running from Obamacare is cognitive dissonance.
I must applaud you for the deft attempt to apply classic Clinton-esqe deflection techniques in the midst of what can only be a very awkward time for you and your ilk. Finding out DeMaio personally has used at least one (oh, I’m sure there are more) New Generation unwitting lackey to deceptively portray his disinformation campaign has to have many wondering if they too have been duped by his ghost-emailing antics (of course, unless they were complicit…). The good news is, you have made tremendous progress; no ad hoc flaming hammers of Mozilla-style cultural Stalinism aka Obama-esque charges of “homophobe” and “bigot” as anyone stands up to criticize Mr. DeMaio on any issue; he has demonstrated a clear example of an “equal” lack of judgment and poor character that is irrespective of his personal choices and political agendas with his deceptive emailing tactics. It is real progress that you tried to shift blame and focus to the issue at hand vice ad hominem slurs ; (Golf clap)
Of course, all the crafting of your aforementioned “endorsement rebuttal” will not negate what everyone on the CC and the surrounding observers know indisputably; That is Dougie, Gerry, Tony, Tommy, Carl, Kevin, and some of the other “Hitler Youth” (continuing with the Animal House references..its just too easy) unilaterally, in closed session, and well before any “endorsement” sham decided amongst themselves to select which candidates would be “supported” by the RPSDC, sundry personal business interests, and media support, and how they would proceed…Kevin for mayor, Carl for Congress…yes, with not ONE CC member, ONE Republican, or ONE voter in the 52CD having ANY say in that behind-the-scenes, Tammany-Hall-style, cronyism, all conceived and executed by what can only be described as one of the most delectable examples of political hypocrisy; old white males…the very same “old white males’ Carl rails against in his New Generation propaganda.
I would submit to you, and many here on Rostra have a much bigger dilemma; Do you proceed to tote the party line (literally) and support a candidate that has once again proven to be unworthy of congressional level responsibility, having deceived even his own backers with his petty email deceptions and blatant attempts to besmirch and libel a descent and respected citizen, or do they have a moment of reflection; do they ask themselves in their own quite and serene moments if this is the caliber of person they truly want representing them; is petty and reckless deception what they want to base their hopes on; do they really believe their endorsee has the mettle and fortitude to measure up in the moral and ethical challenges presented to the modern politician…”He’ll change once in office, won’t he??” We don’t need another Duke Cunningham…
I can only hope, and for the good of the party, their may be some that will take that moment of pause and decide that their conscience, reputations, and their futures are not affixed to the contrived and politically correct caricature of a “New” Generation GOP leader. We have too many real-world concerns to play games with character, resilience, and necessary leadership for backers of DeMaio to hold on even when the evidence shows he has deceived them as well. The good news is, there won’t be a lull in conversation at the upcoming mislabeled Lincoln/Reagan Dinner…”hum, did Carl send an email using your name to respond to inquiries without your consent too..?”
It is a real pickle…
As I have said time and again; while I speak passionately and openly about KJ, I do not nor have not spoken for him. It is pretty common knowledge the vast majority of participants on Rostra are in the RPSDC sphere of influence…yet, hope and truth spring eternal..However, I, and several others concerned about the shift of platform of the GOP are not the”blue-hairs” or mild types either on the CC or in the various groups of disparate “coalitions” that struggle even now whether their members will vote either for CD or KJ. So I say this as myself…a veteran and a life-long Republican disgusted with the state of the current local party and its history of intimidation, arm-twisting, coercion, and cronyism; Heed your tone regarding the integrity of an honorable Marine Officer; bars have been cleared for less, and of the several thousand vets and their families in the 52CD, and those still on active duty, to impugn a combat vet like KJ simply because he told the stark truth regarding the universally recognized sham endorsement in Nov is a very, very tenuous place to tread. He would never say it, but I will…
BT- As for Rostra acting as an “arm for Demaio”…the charge is not on Rostra….the charge is on him posting his campaign ads, having anyone question or challenge them, then being ridiculed for doing so. Clearly politics is a contact sport…but did you think no one within the GOP was going to challenge or question DeMaio or the RPSDC leadership as to their wisdom in choosing him? Many have shared with me personally how refreshing it has been to see a hammer picked off the ground that has been used by the RPSDC leadership repeatedly and its sycophantic enablers against fellow and loyal Republicans simply for expressing their positions, and finally hurled back.
It was outrageous for the Executive Committee to reschedule their endorsement before the end of the filing period at all! It was a blatant attempt to stop anyone who might file between November, 2013 and the February 2014 filing date from having any chance of getting the RPSDC endorsement. It was intentional and it was inexcusable. It is also typical of this group’s tactics.
I’ve been looking unsuccessfully for more recent polls for the candidates in this district. Unfortunately, the the closest I can come is one back in mid October, before his deal with Doug Manchester to drop out of the mayoral race became common knowledge, before that ad where he’s holding hands with his partner, before his pro-abortion, pro-amnesty, and pro-gun control stands were well known, and before he began going around the country raising funds for other openly gay candidates. I think the situation may have changed just a little over five months. The voters see more clearly who DeMaio is now and they like him even less, and they’ve gotten to know Kirk much better and he is continuing to gain supporters at an amazing rate whenever he speaks.
There has been a drop of 18,000 registered voters in the 52nd CD since October 2013, with all three major voter groups losing around 5,000 voters each (R, D, and NPP). What does that tell you about voter turnout? What makes you think the vote will be any different this year than it was in 2010 against Bilbray if DeMaio is the candidate? People don’t like Scott Peters much, but they like Republican establishment career politicians less. What the voters are looking for is a real change and a principled candidate they can trust who won’t be influenced by the DC Party machine. That’s Kirk. It certainly is neither Peters of DeMaio. Voters are sick and tired of politics as usual, which they both clearly represent. And then there are those pesky Republican Conservatives who will refuse to vote for anyone in that race if DeMaio is running the way they refused to vote in the 2012 mayoral election.
Honestly, I hope there is a broadcast debate sometime soon. The voters really need to see these three candidates on the same dais, answering questions and challenging each other. I hope you’ll all encourage DeMaio to agree to a debate. I get it that it may not benefit him, but it WILL benefit the voters. And that’s what this is really all about, right?
“What makes you think the vote will be any different this year than it was in 2010 against Bilbray if DeMaio is the candidate?”
Actually, Bilbray won in 2010, a Non-Presidential Election Year. Peters defeated Bilbray in 2012, a Presidential Election Year. 2014 is a Non-Presidential Election Year.
Does that answer your question?