County Grand Jury: We Need the SD Competition Ballot Measure

Carl DeMaioCarl DeMaio Leave a Comment


Great news! Today’s report from the San Diego County Grand Jury adds momentum to our campaign to pass the San Diego Competition Ballot Measure.


San Diego County Grand Jury Issues Report Supporting the Need for the San Diego Competition Ballot Measure

Report Confirms Managed Competitions Produce Millions in Taxpayer Savings

SAN DIEGO – The San Diego County Grand Jury today released a report admonishing city leaders for failing to implement voter-approved Managed Competitions and issued a finding supporting the notion that the San Diego Competition Ballot Measure is a way to end the deadlock.

The report cites ongoing opposition by city labor unions and their allies on the City Council as the reason behind the lack of implementation on Managed Competitions.  In Finding #3 relating to Managed Competitions, the report states the deadlock “may ultimately have to be resolved by enactment in November 2010 of the alternative Competition and Transparency in City Contracting Initiative.”

The Grand Jury report also confirms the magnitude of cost savings that can be achieved for taxpayers using managed competition reforms — citing nearly $80 million in cost savings achieved through Managed Competitions in the County of San Diego alone.

“The County Grand Jury has now provided independent analysis that taxpayers could save millions each year through competition,” commented Councilmember Carl DeMaio, who is leading the campaign to pass the ballot measure.

DeMaio said the Grand Jury report is confirmation that San Diego voters must intervene and impose fiscal reform on city government from the ballot box.

“The Grand Jury has now gone on record finding that the San Diego Competition Ballot Measure is a vehicle for resolving the deadlock and ensuring fair and open competitive bidding on city services,” noted DeMaio.

For more information on the San Diego Competition Ballot Measure, visit

For a copy of the full Grand Jury report, visist:


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